Orc Tyrant

Chapter 618: Heavenly Warrior


Three big guys were rushing towards them, leaping over stationary cars, as vicious as they were jumping when they smelled raw meat.

Miviman yelled to Udo.

"Leave those **** alone!"

Although the kid with a gun is dangerous, it is nothing compared to the real threat.

He had seen these violent big men tearing iron plates in countless fights in the abandoned city, and he also knew that if they were close to one arm's distance from him, he would be dead.

The crew turned to focus their firepower on these big guys who rushed over, but they were terrifying and fast, and most of the crew's shots did not hit.

For a while, Udo brought down the first one in front of him, but he immediately stood up again, while the others rushed past him without hesitation.

To make matters worse, those **** with guns also started firing at them, so that the crews had to be forced to lower their heads and could not aim normally, although they were not very accurate.

Looking at the drooling jaws, Miviman felt that he would be dead in a while, as often happens in this situation.


Perhaps it was the slight trembling of his feet at the beginning that warned him, as if something huge and fast was passing underground.

In any case, Miviman felt a slight shock, but before he could tell his companions, he noticed something was happening on the road ahead.

A bright yellow flatbed truck parked on the advance route of the rebels began to move up, and after a short while, Miviman even felt like he was watching some kind of neuroboy trick.

Then the car rose higher, and he saw something as if standing under the car.

"Fuck up!"

After blinking, the deputy gunner suddenly said loudly with infinite envy:

"The overlord's guard!"

And Miviman also admitted that his astonishment was equivalent to the appearance of the overlord himself.

The truck was being pushed aside by a huge figure, it was completely surrounded by carefully forged metal, and it was undoubtedly shining with silver light under the sun.

Although smaller than the real warlord, he is undoubtedly a terrifying boss, and even if you look at it from such a distance, you can find that his armor with a motor is spitting out heavy smoke. This simple power armor can only be equipped by the most elite guards.

They just watched, almost couldn't believe everything in front of them.

And the silver soldier overturned the heavy truck on the rebels, squashed two of them in the sound of metal distortion.

After a while, disgusting pus began to flow from the pile of ruins, and it was obvious that they could never get up again.

"Where did he come from?"

Udo asked, his confused expression almost comforting in this situation.

"I guess it's from there."

Miviman raised his hand and pointed to a moving black object in the sky.

"The airship of great skill."

But he didn't have time to continue the explanation, because the last surviving big man rushed towards the silver warrior, and all the cars held their breath for an instant.

"Fuck up! Kill the white ghost!!"

He roared mad words, the battle axe in his hand was raised high, and he went straight to the guard's horn helmet.

But the armored figure easily hid, and the posture was so relaxed that he was in a bar rather than a battlefield, and then grabbed the opponent's arm and tore it off his body.


The rebel kid screamed and tried to regroup, but the enemy it faced looked as strong as it was. When the rebel who had lost his arm rushed towards its enemy again, the mysterious guard raised its right arm-fact It proves that there is a bulging gun built in there.

A shot smashed the head of this tenacious guy into meat sauce.

"Okay, really lucky."

Miviman let out a sigh of relief, trying to make the kid around him sound relaxed, but it wasn't necessary.

"But who is he?"

Udo asked again, but the mechanic just shrugged.

"I think we will know soon."

He answered like this because the mysterious guard was walking towards them unhurriedly, and only briefly stopped a few times on the way, randomly sending out the surrounding **** with a few shots.

They tried hard to resist, but it was in vain. Their bullets just bounced off the shining silver armor like summer rain.

The situation is reversing, the traitors hiding in the convoy are being picked out one by one, and then killed-Guk gave the order, any traitor will only end up with death, and he will not accept any surrender.

But at the moment, Miviman must admit that he was stung in awe when this brilliant image approached.

When he was able to see the whole set of armor completely, he immediately guessed that this was not the work of a general skill tyrant, and it was undoubtedly the work of the great skill tyrant Okimid.

The complexity of its work is obvious, at least for anyone who has heard of it and seen it, it is worthy of envy and admiration.

The bullets of those hybrid traitors couldn't even scratch it, and the decorations symbolizing the guards on it were intact and bright.

When approached, Miviman found that the suit did not look like it seemed at the beginning. It was not entirely made of silver. The silver was just polished and smooth engraved on another, darker metal. On the surface, those complicated decorations are formed, showing many elements such as flames, battles, and furry.

But all this did not conceal its lethality. The muzzle of the bulging gun on the right forearm and the whistling sound around the battle axe in the left hand silently declared the destructive power that its wearer could release.

The figure stopped a few meters away from him, and then, to Miviman's surprise, the guard said his name.

"Hello, Mechanic Miviman."

His voice came out through the loudspeaker on the helmet, and it was clearly audible from hundreds of meters away.

The voice sounded familiar, but the mechanic was not sure, until a silver glove pushed up the mask on his face.

"Boss Mangul!?"

Obviously, the guard leader enjoyed his stunned mouth, and looking at the expression on Udo's face, Mangul was even happier.

"I heard that your mechanics have very bad memories."

"Ah, no! Of course not!"

Miviman looked around, the chaos seemed to have been curbed, at least the gunfire had decreased, but he still had doubts, that was something that bothered him.

"Boss Mangul, why are you here, the overlord is not..."

According to the plan, they are the vanguard team, and Guk should follow with the main army and the tank dirty car brigade, but now the leader of the guards has appeared here. In fact, he has been vaguely aware of it before, but...

Mangul looked at him, came to his armored car, patted the car cover hard, and exclaimed:

"The boss is right, you are a guy who can build a car... I also want to get it fast, so I'll take this order for you."


The so-called surprise seems to be the case, but Miviman was stunned for a while before realizing that he did not get the answer.

The chief guard looked at him and shook his head.

"I know what you want to ask, I can only tell you that the overlord should have arrived at Blackstone. He anticipated that the traitors would do something, and he needed a goal to distract them..."


"Don't ask about the others. Start your car quickly. If the speed is fast enough, you may be able to catch up with the last bit of fun."

Having said that, Mangguer climbed onto the roof of the car by himself, and then found a comfortable seat to sit down.

"It just so happened that I also took a ride. I haven't been racing here for a long time. I really miss my previous days in Blackstone."

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