Orc Tyrant

Chapter 621: Billowing iron ride

Suddenly, they seemed to have encountered a flame of ice, disappearing without a trace.

Kundera shook for a moment, then fell into the corpse, but he did not pass out, he crawled towards the observation window a little bit, and he heard those sounds too, those sounds...


Long blood stains were smeared on the wall, and the guard stood up a little bit and moved out of the window.

Under the moonlight, a storm was swept up in the desolate desert, and a long steel wall was leading the storm. Numerous huge armored vehicles were racing in the desert, and the banner of the symbolic overlord was hunting in the wind.

But this storm did not strike from the north, but rushed from the most unlikely southeast, which greatly exceeded all Oak's expectations.

And the camp of the rebels below boiled like a frying pan. The original noise and laughter were replaced by horrified roars. The countless dots of flames resembled beehives intruded by foreign enemies, and began to disperse, some of them greeted Toward the long steel wall, but it was swallowed in an instant, leaving no trace.

The real darkness has come, and the fire on the wasteland is accompanied by the advent of the storm, cluster after cluster, one by one extinguished, accompanied by a continuous roar of thunder.


A shock of thunder hit the shell of the fortress, and the huge fire light brightened Kundera's blood-stained face. He slowly smiled, leaning on the wall, and slipped to the ground.

Overlord, finally here...

The sand around the tanks and garbage carts was churned around by enemy artillery fire, like waves caused by strong winds on the shore.

The Spitfire dodged in the rain of bullets, but it was only a matter of time before the huge container full of unstable compounds was hit, and everything would be over when it was hit.

The driver obviously thought of this too. It turned a corner on the spot and ran backwards at the same speed as before.

An original heavy tank tried to approach the tracked train, but was immediately hit back with a flamethrower.

The flame did not cause significant damage to the vehicle itself, but the driver became a sacrifice offering on the spot, with a blazing fire ignited on his body, as pleasing to the eye as a fake doll at a banquet.

Of course, this was not enough to kill the rebel immediately. Before dying, it tried to drive into the Spitfire.

Fortunately, the driver was prepared for this. The two tracks reversed back and forth, and the ground dexterously turned around, avoiding this clumsy machine. The unlucky heavy tank pulled a thick smoke and disappeared on the horizon.

"Crush them!!"

Standing on the super battle fortress [Blood Feast], the warlord Namath used a loudspeaker to give orders to his army, and the sound was quickly conveyed along the front line to the ears of every armor and every driver, and then into the air. Almost immediately full of killing intent.

Boom boom boom~~~!

There was thunder, so low that the earth trembled, and the front rumbling.

The tank, the size of which is comparable to the Skug beast, poured hellish flames on the heads of the rebels, and the light when it fired was more dazzling than the anger contained in the clouds.

Namath has always insisted on fighting side by side with these great machines on the front line.

He still remembered that when the legion was assembled outside Double Snake Fort, he had climbed up to engage in Mao King Kong to inspect the entire legion, and the magnificent scene is still deep in his brain.

It is true that most of the contact between him and the troops depends on the communicator, but it is also very important that all the armor can appear in the visual range.

Although it is already aloof, Namath still understands the importance of image, its weight and many disadvantages.

In order to show that he is different from other warlords, he chose "Blood Feast" as his flag car, even in the well-known dirty car tank room, it is also very outstanding.

It is a perfect weapon, a sharp blade unparalleled in the world, and a masterpiece of war.

In order to match its name, "Blood Feast" does not use any camouflage painting, instead it is a bright red like arterial blood.

The mechanics summoned the concept of power in a material form and placed it in a metal form. There was even an eight-sided huge horn in its top compartment. When Namath stood there, he could feel it. The power of the tank surged in the blood.

When he roared loudly, he could feel the raging fire burning, which boosted his morale very much.


The wild roar once again spread through the horn to the four directions, Naama deliberately jumped up from the hatch, and stood directly on the armored roof, holding his sword high.

More guns sounded like thunder, as if echoing the roar.

Behind the tank cluster are the many war gangs of the Iron Fist Legion. Following those super weapons are first a large number of field motorcycles and then more war trucks. The roar of the kid above is full of restlessness.

Namath has hundreds of armored troops and more than 100,000 soldiers. These carefully selected fighters have clear goals and are full of determination to completely exterminate those stupid traitors.

The sight is enough to knock the stone into a song.

"Boss, they are here."

A fart guy pulled the warlord's leg, but as soon as the voice fell, a crackling sound and a crisp roar from heavy weapons fired.

The first batch of rebel vehicles are driving on the opposite side. Most of them are motorcycles and some old towing tanks. Even at this distance, they are easy targets, and their counterattack firepower is as expected. The same ridiculously weak.

Two cars wanted to rush through the line of fire to start a charge at the Blood Fortress. Assassin used a rocket to turn the front car into a bright fireball. The car behind immediately hit the burning wreckage and jumped into the air.

In the process of falling, the rider clenched the handlebar tightly until it fell on the sand and turned into an ugly stain.

"Three rounds of fire."

The warlord reluctantly moved his gaze away from the good show in the narrow field of view of the telescope, and began to give orders to his troops. The tanks fired neatly and uniformly, emitting fire and smoke from their main gun barrels at the same time. Their secondary weapons also shot deadly beams immediately.

From where he stood, they seemed to be in the center of a small but very intense thunderstorm.

The Iron Fist Legion’s steel front line poured all the anger on the rebels who were crowded on the opposite side, and with the same enthusiasm, they smashed the vehicles and passengers to pieces, and there is no doubt that they chose to fight on the plains instead of holding on. Regret for the behavior of a certain defense facility.

This reminds Namath.

He looked to the right and found that the entire Blackstone Fortress was boiling, and the rebels were everywhere in his sight. They were like maggots crawling on rotting meat.

"Boys! Cut in from the right!"

In order to be able to kill the enemy as much as possible, the warlord issued a new order. In this case, he also tried to stay awake. It was not easy. After getting the order, the racing boys began to change directions and poured firepower to their heart's content.

The shape of the battlefield changed rapidly. The tank spear became a heavy hammer, and the high-speed motorcycle formation became a scimitar. The former hit the rebels’ forehead heavily, and the latter cut directly into the rebel’s forehead from a tricky angle. In the ribs and tear open their chests.

So resistance has become a meaningless act.

If a human army faced such a situation, it would definitely consider a retreat plan, but it seemed that such fierce firepower only angered them.

Accompanied by the "Waaaagh!" with enthusiasm to thwart the enemy's bones and ashes, a large group of rebels wearing yellow horned helmets abandoned the Blackrock Fortress and turned to face the torrent of steel that swept across.


When a rebel tried to knock open the front armor of the "Blood Feast" with an axe in his hand, but was knocked down and ruthlessly crushed into a puddle of rotten flesh, Namat realized that their madness was beyond comprehension.

"Continue shooting! Press over the place where there are many traitors bastards!!"

He yelled, while the farts in the weapon position used their big guns to shoot at the other side of the armor, shooting the surviving traitors into fragments, but the rebels were also shooting, a string of bullets mixed with fragments and live bullets. The rain washed the red paint of the feast of blood.

More tanks crashed into the messy rebel camp, and the war gradually turned into a massacre. Even the most fanatical insurgents could no longer withstand such a fierce offensive, especially when the battle flag symbolizing the Gough Army appeared to the north. Many of the leaders who were once this member scrambled with their heads.

The real butcher has arrived...

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