Orc Tyrant

Chapter 629: Counter the Rebellion (3)

"It looks like that."

Namath's deputy nodded, but before he had time to explain in detail, the door of the building beside him burst open, and the momentum of the impact was very violent, smashing the wood into pieces.


Then Namath saw the biggest and most difficult traitor he had seen since he came to the treacherous wasteland, rushing out of it, and its roar clearly wanted to take care of the enemies who invaded its headquarters.

It is a whole head taller than the bodyguards standing on either side of it. Even those guys are much bigger and stronger than the other boys that Namath has seen. It moves forward like a ferocious predator. A few steps.

Suddenly a feeling of deja vu flashed deep in his mind, after which everything became clear.

"Oh, fucking."

He remembered this guy, when he was still a member of the Gough Corps.

"Keso who doesn't have a brain."

Perhaps after hearing a familiar voice or smelling a familiar body odor, the huge fangs head suddenly turned around and stared in the direction of the two Oukes. It suddenly uttered a roar that shocked the surrounding people. The bones all over the town were aching, and the traitor named to be killed by Grak rushed towards the warlord of the Iron Fist Legion.


Time seemed to stand still, and as usual, it seemed that his fighting instincts played a role.

If Namath did not hold his chainsaw sword in his hand, it is likely that the opponent would overturn himself to the ground with the brute force he rushed over, but he is now a warlord, besides his status, his size And power has also risen in this short period of time.


The metal hit the ground, and Namath miraculously passed the opponent's first round of attacks.

At the same time, there was just enough time to shoot a few shots at the traitor's torso with a pistol, but the effect was like throwing a few rotten fruits on it.

The bullet hit the armor made of broken metal on its limbs and torso and did not cause any harm. Before it attacked me again, he just proved that the armor it wore on its body undeniably played a great defensive role. It is hard to imagine that without any traces of mechanics repairing, these scrap irons have exerted an amazing defensive power.

Immediately afterwards, he waved a mechanical claw transplanted to his arm and attacked him.

Robotic arms are still a novelty at present. Except for the glove-like claws of Guk, the mechanical claws made by other mechanics need to be removed from the original limbs, and the price is said to be extremely expensive. Namath has considered safety One, but considering that he still needs to operate the armor, he gave up.

"You dirty maggot!"

The warlord avoided this thing, and the subsequent counterattack only drew a series of sparks. It was not all the effects caused by a full blow. The key is that he also needs to worry about other guys' sneak attacks.

With unprecedented tension, Namath noticed that something similar to a machine cannon was fixed on its other arm, and he only saw that the barrel could almost hold the head of a fart.

If Kesuo moved its brain and fired with its Namath, it would not take long for everything to end, but perhaps it was blinded by anger and the desire to kill and forgot about it.

The warlord continued to evade its attacks, counterattacked with war knives, desperately trying to find its weaknesses.


Suddenly the behemoth covered in iron armor rushed past Namath with the speed and accuracy commensurate with its size, and its mechanical claws screamed at the warlord like a hop, and screamed at the warlord. The sound and the sound of intimidation caused Namath to furious three times.

Now he can't control whether those boys will attack him or not.


Namath shouted.

"Look at shooting this **** to death for the sake of getting rid of hair!"

Of course, maybe the bullet of the deputy would not cause too much damage to that guy, but Namath could use its momentary distraction to find a gap to counterattack.

"I can't do that, boss."

His deputy was staring at the battle intently, and Namath was sure to lead Thok to a position where he could shoot easily, but the way he spoke made the warlord no longer repeat orders.

If Namath urged him again, he would shoot. The warlord was sure of this, and if he thought it was a bad idea...

"If I shoot, the other traitors will rush in."

It wasn't until then that Namath realized that all the subordinates of the war boss were holding back, like a group of gamblers watching a **** fighting match held in an underground arena, rather than wanting to join the battle to protect their turf.

Obviously they are not willing to intervene in the duel between the two bosses. Many intelligent beings who don’t understand the Ork race can’t figure out what this is for, but that’s not the issue to be concerned about at this time. The only important thing now is to figure out How to win, and then try to solve everything before the audience is tired of this battle.

Namath did not expect that he made a reckless advance, turning the armored assault into a street duel.

Well, in any case, a boss has to face this. He has also survived and survived these duels before becoming the warlord today—relying not only on strength, but also on his brain.


With a loud shout, Namath suddenly glanced behind Sock's shoulder.

He acted so much that everyone on the scene turned their heads instinctively, even Sock was no exception-not to mention that he was always a guy with instinct stronger than consciousness.

Almost the only thing that Namath could find was that its face was not protected by armor, so he immediately launched a fierce attack on it, slammed into the center of its two bloodshot eyes, and adjusted the target at the last moment, stabbing Its deadly part-just above the bridge of the nose. "Ha! You slipper! A thief!"

Although Namat’s movements were quick, Thok’s reaction was faster than he expected. Its armor seemed to increase its speed and strength, which was different from ordinary people. It easily held the blow. The claw-like thing grabbed the chain saw blade.


When the alloy serrations and the alloy-cast claws bite together, sparks flew between the two of them, and there was a hint of smile in its roar.

"You can be a warlord like this! Guk is really blind!"

Although Namath concentrated all his power on his arms, his claws slowly approached him.

The warlord flinched, as if it was instinctively out of the way, and it concentrated all its strength and rushed over, enjoying this little abuse game like a pesky vulture.

When it approached, both eyes looked at Namath with hostility and every scream full of joy, the series of saliva left from the corner of the mouth was as disgusting as a sewer.

The followers of the war chief applauded, but Namath wasn't sure if it was out of real entertainment or self-preserving flattery.

"Yes, it's a good time to see it! You idiot, Grak is sharpening his knife to remove the stuff from your shoulder!"

Namath kept stimulating it with words, and when everything was calculated, he suddenly released the hand holding the knife, and ingeniously threw off the chain saw blade. With his other hand, he tried his best to insert the pistol deeply into Sock's eye socket.

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