Orc Tyrant

Chapter 638: King vs. King (middle)

Just as the terrible firepower was poured out on the loyalists, the rebellious army that was retreating also turned back and aimed their weapons at the enemy fighters who were still among them.

Because of the sudden chaos of the Black Fire Legion, Gough and the Blood Axe Legion were brought to a standstill. Suddenly, Guk and his guards became a lone army, deeply trapped in the complex fortification network of the rebels.

"Kill Guk!"

Tens of thousands of rebels rushed to the guards who had experienced many battles. Although the soldiers continued to fight bravely, their numbers were at an absolute disadvantage.

Guk turned to face Gulsute, but the pseudo-king did not see any despair in the other's expression. His eyes were like a cloud of thunderclouds, and his anger was growing in a form visible to the naked eye.

Watching a great victory vanish in a flash, the feeling must be the most extreme.

Gulsuth almost hoped to change positions with the other party, just to taste his feelings, but Guk was so calm as if he hadn't seen anything, which made him regret.

"Your doglegs are no longer good. All that awaits you now is miserable failure and death, Guke."

Guk looked away from the attacked loyal army, and he bared his fangs with a volcanic rage.

"This is your trick?"

The King of Oak tweeted:

"You disappointed me too much, so you can never be the boss, not now, never, let me teach you what you really should do on this occasion!"

After Guk finished speaking, he waved his powerful warhammer and rushed towards Gulsuth.

The weapons of the two bosses, cast in the same blood, wielded for revenge, collided in a burst of burning energy, and the battlefield within hundreds of meters was illuminated by their fierce energy.

The powerful weapon hits from a distance and releases the power to break the army and move the mountain, as if forced to resolve disputes between the gods in the realm of mortals.

Gulsuth used his burning axe to make a slash, but every one of his blows was easily defeated by the long-handled warhammer.

Guk danced the warhammer in a circle, and its heavy hammer head was enough to smash the armor of the tank. As long as it was rubbed a little bit, it could knock down the strongest kid.

The two warriors fought with the same intense hatred, and the fierce confrontation caused their armor to continue to dent, break, and scorch.

It is a privilege to fight a powerful opponent. Guk tastes every impact of his warhammer and battle axe, every burning blade that cuts his flesh and blood, and the grunt of the opponent when the heavy hammer grazes the armor.

They were surrounded by painful shouts and savage cheers. Guk’s guards did not forget to cheer for their lord during the **** fight. Instead, the dominant rebels were unable to cope with the rush of the guards.

Woo woo woo~~~~~~

The long trumpet sounded from afar, and the Twin Snake Legion commanded by Mogdrogen suddenly changed. The most nimble Skug Cavalry came out in groups, cutting in from the rear of the rebellious Black Fire Legion, and cutting their weight. Weapons destroyed and suppressed their formation.

At the same time, the loyal boys in the Black Fire Legion worked hard to evacuate the battlefield under the guidance of the Harpy, which reduced further confusion.

Gulsuth's plan failed to turn the tide of the battle. If there is no greater change, failure still awaits the rebellious boys.

"Guk, you just have this skill!?"

Gulsuth slashed the opponent's shoulder armor, and spiraled into his defense, preparing to stab the opponent's lower abdomen with a fatal blow.

"Abandoning you is as easy as breathing!"

Guk greeted him, slapped the burning axe blade aside with the handle of the warhammer, and then slammed the hammer toward Gulsuth's head.

The rebellious pseudo-king took the blow, and blood shed from the terrible wound near his temple. He landed on one knee and still swung the sharp blade away.

The sharp point of the sword ran across Guk's abdomen, cutting his armor to pieces.

Unspeakable pain hit, Guk stepped back, and when he tried to stop the blood from gushing out of his body with his hands, the hammer fell on the ground.

The two bosses both knelt on the ground, looking at each other in the dizziness of pain and blood loss.

Guk once again felt a sense of sadness in his body, the pain of the wound, and the scene of blood flowing in a river, opened a window of his consciousness.

It felt like an evil wind from the abyss of howling, entwining his consciousness with a suffocating hug, and the mist filled his mind. He hadn't noticed this existence before.

The weapon used by Gulsuth really has a Guge, he should have noticed this long ago.

"Dia Brother..."

Guk murmured:

"You're the one who's making a ghost."

"You have long lost your right to be the king of Ouke! From now on it should be me!!"

Seeing the other party behaved so weak for the first time, Gulsuth yelled, struggling to get up, and staggering towards Guk, the tomahawk entwined with black flames held high, trying to slash.

"Just you idiot!"

Guk yelled, trying to prop up his knees, and when the blade of the flame made a burning trajectory towards his neck, he reached out his mechanical claws.

There was a flash of silver light, and the huge claw blade blocked the weapon that was cut down, but Gulsute was unwilling to give up. The battle axe bit the mechanical claw and made a hissing and crackling sound. The power of the pseudo-king envoy drove it. The burning metal approached Guk's face centimeter after centimeter.

"Do not!"

At the juncture of life and death, Guk worked hard to extract every bit of strength in his body, his forehead was blue veins violently, and his eyes were as red as blood.

"I! Only! Yes! Oh! Ke! Zhi! King!!!!!!"

In an instant, his mechanical claws began to flash with supernatural light, bathing Gulsute's face in a strange green glare.

Energy gushes from the blood vessels, and an electric arc with a burning smell churns around them, obstructing the sound and sight.

Guk felt a powerful presence taking shape around him, its power and indescribable pressure. It was more fearful and revered than anything he could imagine.


God-like power flowed through his limbs, and he fought back against Gulsuth's power, feeling that this rebellion was surprised by his resistance.

With a beast-like roar, he abruptly got up, pushed the opponent back, and turned the mechanical claws to chop it out.

The silver blade bit into Gulsuth’s breastplate deeply, as easily as a nail pierced through cold grease. Its luminous energy cut through the golden armor. The pseudo-king yelled and fell on his knees again. Ground.

Blood spurted from the wound, he was panting in pain, and the black battle axe slipped from Gulsuth's hand.

Guk was surrounded by a green fire, and the crackling electric arc caressed him affectionately like a lover, found the open wound and licked it with flames, as if looking for the entrance of his body.

The King of Oak stood high in front of the defeated pseudo-king, his chest undulating convulsively, and while the fierce force dispelled the evil poison in his body, it also made his body tremble.

"Why... fucking..."

Gulsuth knelt on the ground, muttering to himself, panting, his shoulders trembling, as if he still didn't want to believe in his failure.

"Why... abandon me."


Guk's warhammer seemed to be alive and moved by himself, but it was unnecessary to add to the flames, because he had already cut it down according to his own will.

The warhammer split the air and slammed it towards Gulsuth. Guk felt the ancient triumphant joy of existence, and now he understood that it had been lurking in his body all the time.

Accompanied by a deep howl that echoed in the realm beyond the mortal's perception, its heavy hammer smashed the skin, muscles and bones.

"You are too weak."

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