Orc Tyrant

Chapter 663: City Breaker (4)

Avon is a rare mountain city. In the whole province of Gramatia, only this city is built on rolling hills and mountains, but now it is covered by dense smoke, as if wearing a crown of flames. , The peaceful Tieluo Bay is ten kilometers away from the east.

The whole city is distributed in steps from the side of the casey mountain. The magnificent spires and flying bridges made of glass look as fragile as silk. The hills are covered with elegant pavilions and gardens, and white houses are spreading out. Shine like a cone of ice in the bright sunlight.

The wide avenue sandwiched between the pillars stretches from the shadowed gorges below to the mountains. They are enveloped by explosions and black smoke. As the third largest city in the province of Gramatia, Ivan is more than just a city. The city of culture and art is also an industrial city.

Its industries are mainly textiles and small-scale manufacturing. 60% of the matches and candles in the province are produced in this city.

But at this time, the attack from the sky is putting a tightening noose on it, and the Storm Boy and the rocket are simultaneously engaged in battle, while the infantry of the Blood Axe Legion and the artillery and heavy armor of the Fury Beasts are besieging the lower level of the city.

The dazzling mountain city was hit by double-sided attacks from below and from the air.

"Both up and down..."

Camille whispered, his fingers lightly tracing the tips of the hair near his ears.

More than three thousand storm boys roared through the rain-like defensive artillery fire, shattering the remaining hope of the enemy, and rushing to the last barrier of mankind.

The impulsive motorcycle team approached the top of the city at maximum speed, while the relatively bulky war truck and the Skug beast moved towards the bottom. In her records, she compared such a raid to a living creature with the perfect coordination and coordination of creatures. Cooperate, and the awesome power of the warlord Beruf is its powerful thinking beyond imagination.

The warlord guides the offensive, the nerve boy is his perception, the long-range artillery is his shield, the armor and infantry are his fists, and the Harpy Scouts are his eyes and ears.

Before coming to Blood Axe, she had always believed that Oak was just a group of barbarians fighting on messy numbers, but Beruf subverted her consciousness. He was a real warrior and a real general, compared with his peers. , He is simply a philosopher.

Perhaps most Ouke despise these things, discipline, training, and even appearance, but in the eyes of people outside Ouke, this is also a kind of power, a power beyond the flesh.

Since Camille came to her destination from the Flame Plateau, she has been deeply attracted by the mysterious temperament of this group of Oaks. She is very eager to know what makes such a prominent and weird group.

But until now, she has no clue. It is obviously difficult to explain this problem simply by nature or acquired training.

Maybe she needs more observation.

Fortunately, working around a very "sensible" warlord, at least she thinks she is the safest, compared to the one who was sent to the Red Butcher...


The giant locomotive under her feet shook violently, and at the same time an explosion hit the tracks in a deafening metal roar. Camille felt nauseous, but she enjoyed the experience.

"Bird, it's different from what you used to see, right?"

The driver shouted from the other end of the car, showing his dirty fangs.


Camille shouted with a strong smile.

"It's great."

She didn't lie, although she got goose bumps in panic and her heart was beating wildly in her chest, but she had never felt so energetic.

It is a unique opportunity to witness Oak's large-scale organized offensive.

She was in a combat zone. Nothing is absolute in such a place. A coincidence stray bullet, a missed cannon, and many things can wipe out her life in an instant.

But on the other hand, if she is unwilling to leave her safe zone and see with her own eyes what is happening on the **** blade of history, then what is the meaning of life?

She is the daughter of the sky, not the delicate two-legged females on the ground, and her adventurous blood makes her unscrupulous.

"How long will we arrive?"

She asked loudly, and was overshadowed by another explosion.


The driver gave a short answer, letting another Ouke shopkeeper steer the wheel, and then he and his assistant, a mechanic named Benby, walked to the rear of the car side by side to confirm that the cargo carried by the armored car was ready for deployment.

"Are you sure you want to see?"

"I'm ready."

Camille assured him.

"I want to see. I'm a narrator. If I want my work to have any value, I have to see it with my own eyes."


The driver nodded.

"Remember to hide behind and don't block my way, because if you get into trouble, I have no responsibility to protect you."

"do not worry--"

Camille raised her gloved hands.

"I have the ability to protect myself."

The driver nodded and turned to face the chattering mechanic. He was waving a wrench and a welding machine to make final adjustments to the silent passengers.

A weird and even ugly two-legged machine was standing in the rear compartment, twice as tall as Camille.

These combat robots, called assassin killing tanks by drivers, emit the smell of lubricating oil and hybrid electric fuel. Their barrel-shaped bodies are covered with armor, and heavy steel plates protect their limbs driven by pistons and gears.

They are painted in bright blue and red colors, the head and body are fused together, the crimson eyepieces are hanging down in the center of the chest, the chimney behind them is like a sudden mountain peak, and their carved faces are like the masks of clowns, or Is it the most common fart in the Ouke group?

Each of the arms of the machine has a long-barreled cannon and an exaggerated scissors, and a rocket is hung behind it. Camille guessed that this weapon would slide from the track on the back to the shoulder when it needed to fire. .

But what can she feel from such a still metal giant? What kind of purely objective memory will its body of steel possess?

Camille took off a glove and carefully reached out to touch its cold arm.

"Go away! Stinky bird!"

Suddenly, a little green beast wielding a wrench jumped out from the back of the machine. This **** screamed strangely while making insulting gestures.

"Leave them alone."

The mechanic murmured, and slammed the **** on the bulkhead with a wrench, and the guy stuck to it like a mound of mud.

As the machine started, new life was injected into its blood vessel-like cables, and Camille traced the surging energy back to the source.

She is not only a scholar, but also a priest. She has a noble identity and blood. The beautiful indigo feathers are the best proof.


The journey suddenly stopped. She realized that there was a chaotic consciousness in this machine. She did not expect to find such a spark between countless circuits and valves. She felt a terrible and strong desire for destruction. The cowardly and despicable desire to escape together occupy this semi-mechanical and semi-biological thinking.

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