Orc Tyrant

Chapter 688: Recorder Avril (Part 2)

Suddenly, Mogdrogen put down the wine bowl in his hand and pointed to this room that looked like some kind of altar.

"This place confirms those secret manipulations."

"Who are those hiding in the dark, sir?"

Avril recalled the way to the hall. In the darkness on both sides of the garden, there were huge shadows lurking. Their eyes were shining turquoise green, which made her soul tremble, thinking of the dark forest. The wolves lurking in.

Mogdrogen grinned and pointed at the armored figures at the entrance of the room. She still couldn't look at them directly.

"My kid."

The psionic boss replied lazily:

"A group of crazy guys with so little ability, some guys like to call them blizzard guys-brainy guys."

"Why do they make me... upset?"

Mogdrogen smiled, it was a strange expression. His body was very long, his lower lip was thick, and his high cheekbones dotted with many metal rings and nails made his mouth look like a beast kiss. His smile turned into a threatening expression with full fangs.

"That's their function, the nemesis of evil spirits... But the fight is unambiguous. As long as you stay with them, no matter it's the void or anyone on the earth, you can't spy on us."

"Demon? Refers to the predators in Hanan? Those—"

"Probably, I don't know what you call them, but it doesn't matter much."


"I want to see those things."


Avril swallowed laboriously. What she really wanted to ask was, who did those things refer to?

"In the past, when I drove a big boat around in the sky, I encountered a lot of those things, but they are different from now, they don’t do so many stupid things, they become cunning, and they can do some small movements. Ensure that their impact is suppressed to a minimum."

"Are you talking about Hanan... Cthulhu?"

"Yes, that's right."

"Are you talking about meeting them in battle?"

"Yes, if necessary... Interesting, it seems that this is not the first time I have fought with them."

The psionic boss stood up and stretched.

"Just as you walked in the door, bird."

Mogdrogen mocked the name Ouke used.

"The guys who make your internal organs uneasy have blocked the connection on your head. I really want to know who is manipulating you."


"Bird, wake up and take a look at your own situation. You are a liar, a pawn."

"Liar? I assure you, sir, I never meant it! I--"

"Oh, be quiet, little guy!"

Mogdrogen let out a low growl, and the low shock itself pushed Avril back to the stone chair.

"I know you are not. You and your kind are not like you. We want to know what kind of liar you are: is it simply spying on us, or is there a more insidious task? I want to know who is controlling you. Who sent you to get to me."

"That was my own choice. I chose here for academic goals and—"

"Do not."

Mogdrogen shook his head and said with a mocking smile on his face.

"That's not your choice, you think so, you feel so, but it's not."


"Not so, I will understand later."

The psionic boss sat down again, facing Avril, he leaned forward and stared into the opponent's eyes.

The harpy shuddered, she couldn't help it.

"You think that we are all barbarians, but you have been with us for a long time, and you have understood that this is not the case? We make good use of planning, not just screaming and burying our heads in charge, although it looks like this, we use We are not stupid with all the enemy’s flaws, all weaknesses."

"I've heard this, I've seen it with my own eyes."

"Does this surprise you?"

"No, sir."

"You may be interposed between us by an enemy or potential enemy, but instead of treating you as a threat, I am more willing to take advantage of you. Are you willing to assist?"

"I...I do my best."

Avril blinked and said, she knew that as long as a negative word jumped out of her mouth, the food on the grill might become herself in the next moment.

"It might kill you."

The psionic boss smiled and whispered:

"But I want you to test the situation and see if you can show the guy hiding behind."

Mogdrogen stood up again.

"Let's go!"

He shouted, and then waved his hand to signal that Avril could leave.

At the same time, the six tall warriors covered with totems guarding the door lifted their long sabers hanging down to their shoulders. The uniform movements were perfect. The harpy heard six nearly overlapping sounds of metal and rock. The friction rang softly.

This made a certain corner of her soul shudder unconsciously, and she found that there were so many things she was afraid of today.

Mogdrogen took another sip of the wine, then put down the bowl, and walked with heavy steps to the other passage across the room. Avril, who was about to turn away, finally had the opportunity to carefully observe the handle behind the other party, which was closed in the leather sheath. Giant metal scepter inside.

Her unabashed violence dared to make her dumbfounded.

It has a breathtaking power, like a storm of dark clouds, or a huge mouth that a top predator is about to bite.

The metal rod is longer than her, and the head is a metal totem with a fist clenching lightning. It is said that it represents the root of an Ouke's power, but when they believe in something, this thing will work.

This sounds incredible and extremely superstitious, but in these days, Avril has seen too many such cases.

"What do you think?"

As soon as Mogdrogen, who had left the front hall, stepped into the faintly lit back porch, a pale plaster face emerged from the shadows.

The towering behemoth came to him with heavy steps, and the mechanical claws throbbed a faint electric arc in the darkness, like a thundercloud that was accumulating.

"As you think, something has already gotten into their minds."

Mogdrogen nodded, and walked side by side with Guke to the backyard of the mansion that had been cleaned up.

"I wondered what was wrong early in the morning, and those birds suddenly whipped up and sent these things over."

"Just don't know what they want to do."

Although the former Shuixie Songtai had escaped the ravages of artillery fire, it did not escape the raid behind it. Now the backyard is in a mess. The boys just dealt with the corpses, but the collapsed rockery and the dirty pool were not taken care of.

The two bosses didn't care, and directly found a stone to sit down, and a group of fart spirits left Pidian Pidian and brought wine and food.

"Lao Mo, when you were flying in the sky before, what were those things like?"

Mogdrogen thought for a while, and then pointed to the dark pool.

"Similar to this, they don't have a shape, and they don't seem to have a brain."

"How can it become what it is now?"

"I don't know, for so long, I don't know what that ghost place has become. Anyway, I can't think about it."

"Can you take me to have a look?"

Guk put down the wine bowl and stared at him with scorching eyes.

"Now... I guess it won't work. It's easy to get in there, but it's troublesome to get out."

"Just fix the Green Prophet?"

"it should be OK."

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