Orc Tyrant

Chapter 690: Savior (Part 1)

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

Jackson said, his gray eyes were firmly attracted by the scenery outside the window.

He was in the slightly trembling cabin, surrounded by officers, clerks, and servants who were doing all sorts of puzzling things.

At least a dozen clerks were wandering around in the cabin, or were passing data to each other, or manipulating various control switches. They seemed to be very busy, but in fact they didn't do anything.

This huge iron bird is a gift from the other side of the continent. The Citizen Temple still hopes to bridge the relationship with the East Benedict Empire, but until the problems of the other empire are resolved, there seems to be nothing more to discuss between the two. .

But at least in the fight against Ouke, the two sides still have certain opportunities for cooperation.

Therefore, the Citizen Temple gave a precious gyroplane, the Freedom, as a gift to the young queen, but at this time it was not the queen’s luangjia who appeared in the sky, but another more well-known figure.

"The scenery of Biloxi is a bit worse."

On the side, Corning, a military observer from the Citizen’s Temple, said that some of the mechanical prostheses and artificial organs transplanted on his body made it impossible for people around him to determine his age. If it weren’t for his uniform and the respect shown by other technicians, Some people even mistake him for a machine.

However, because he was very polite before inviting everyone to drink a new drink from afar, Jackson decided to ignore his lack of social etiquette, perhaps this may be his only way of hospitality.

From this height, the world under your feet is like a strange pearl shining with mysterious light of gray, blue and white.

The clouds floating in the air cover the earth with a thin veil, through which you can vaguely see the mountains and the sheltered valleys, which are large enough to accommodate a medium-sized city, and from there The green skin that came out tarnished the beauty in front of me.

"We will let you go to war as soon as possible."

Corning said it was hard to conceal his enthusiasm for driving the soldiers off the rotorcraft.

"Can we see the position from here?"

A voice made everyone shut their mouths, and Jackson temporarily gave up his porthole and turned around in a hurry.

In the center of the cabin, a man sat up straight from the chair and lifted the coat covering his body.

"Sir, you haven't slept for two days. You should rest again."

"We take a break, Ouke won't take a break, it's enough."

Yushkin Clark took the hot towel from the servant on the side, put a compress on his face, and then stood up.

Compared to a few years ago, he looked much older. Although his waist was still straight, his ears and temples were gray, his face was full of weather, and his face added more ravines, just like the mountainous area of ​​Bill Tevere.

When he spoke, everyone fell silent, not only because of authority, but also because of the kind of reverence from the heart.

If there is any hope for the darkest moment of this empire, then the name Yushikin must be the most inspiring.

Under the operation of the imperial propaganda machine, although he was only a company commander in the two battles of Aswan, his personal deeds were infinitely magnified, and the victory that shocked the world in the mountains of Biel Tevere made him a The true savior and hero in the hearts of the people of the empire.

Especially after several catastrophic battles in the New California Republic, Yushikin’s several victories in the chat became even more dazzling. Even the other human kingdoms on the old roads also commented that he “knows Oak the most and also the most A commander who is good at fighting Ouke".

The flower of the empire, the green-skin slayer, the thousand-year-old general...

Many praises drowned him like a flood, including the entire imperial military, and also used him and his Black Legion as benchmarks.

But no one knew that in the first battle with Ok, he was just a company commander shivering in the cold wind, a captain, a low-level officer who did not defend his position, and a mortal who would be afraid.

People are afraid of Oak, so they are eager to find someone who is not afraid of them. Yushikin must play this role, and he must be fearless.

This is what the man told him, although deep down Yushikin knew that he was never the image people desire, he had to play that image, because there is nothing more terrifying than the collapse of hope.

Perceiving the serious atmosphere around him, Yushkin waved his hand tiredly and said:

"Everyone is busy with their own affairs."

The crowd dispersed again, but this time many people were really busy with things at hand. Just at this time, the rotorcraft began to lower its height, and Yushkin walked to the window.

"That valley looks good for defense."

When the Grand Canyon appeared in his eyes, the military observer of the Citizen Temple said thoughtfully.

A piece of buildings and mines are located at the end of a narrow valley, which is a natural throat place for the enemy, easy to defend and hard to attack.

Jackson apparently agreed with him.

"Arrange a few trenches along the ridgeline, and we will be able to keep them in the wasteland by arranging appropriate forces in them."

Although Yushikin is not as optimistic as the two of them, he also feels that the terrain here is indeed very beneficial to the defensive side.

"Then how should the defense on this mountain be arranged?"

On the surface, he pretended to agree with their opinions, nodded, and casually said his doubts. The two people around him seemed to be a little bit unable to believe his ears after listening to him.

"The terrain there is too bad."

Jackson pointed out the window and said:

"The enemy must climb the mountain if he wants to attack from there."

"Perhaps they will just attack from there without fear of danger."

Yushkin points out this point mercilessly. Among the many enemies he has encountered, Greenskins may not be the best at using subtle tactics, but surprisingly, their simple and direct solutions to problems are often accepted. To the miraculous effect.

Conning nodded instead.

"It really hit the nail on the head."

He said, with a tone of admiration.

"As expected, the general who is best at fighting Ouke, so just in case, you will definitely arrange some surprises for them, right?"

"One or two minefields should make them give up."

Jackson didn't give up so much, he was always so stubborn.

"Put mines on the main roads, and place mines on the hardest place to walk. If they hit a wall there, then we will think that we have taken defensive measures in all places."

Obviously he didn't pay attention to the point Yushikin said.

Ouke is like that. Casualties do not matter to them at all. They will charge forward desperately, especially if there are enough of the same kind to survive, then it will strengthen each other's confidence and increase their combat effectiveness. .

But on the other hand, Jackson’s countermeasures are also a good idea, and it’s worth trying. Yushkin didn’t want to overwhelm this subordinate’s confidence.

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