Orc Tyrant

Chapter 692: Savior (Part 2)

"This mining area—"

Yushikin put the wine glass back on the table and asked in a very formal tone:

"Are you in charge?"

"Yes it is."

Serkov nodded and put down the wine glass, Malbey also put down half of the wine when he saw it.

"This is about to become a battlefield, haven't you received any news or announcements?"

As soon as he spoke this sentence, Melbai's body couldn't help but tremble, but Yushkin's eyes were not on him, and there was no need to look.

"of course."

The businessman raised his eyebrows and said calmly:

"This is not news after all."

"But I see the mining area is still operating, can you explain it a little bit?"

"Aren't you here?"

Serkov shrugged, trying to calm the atmosphere.

"With you, we all believe that the road to Green Leather will end here."

"Yes, that's right! General Yushikin will definitely give them a head-on blow!"

Melbai wiped a cold sweat on his forehead, and quickly agreed, the false smile white making the fascinating fat face almost squeezed into a ball.

But Yuhijin didn't buy it, he still stared at the man, and said in a calm tone:

"Sir, I'm serious."


Serkov sighed and replied very helplessly:

"General, you don't know that our company in this mining area has just completed the merger and acquisition, but in the end there was such a thing. Investors have lost their money. We are all poor people, and we can only hope to minimize losses. "

"As far as I know, this mining area should have belonged to several small mining companies."

Yuhijin turned around and waved to one of his adjutants, who immediately trot over.

"How did this mining area get to Mr. Serkov?"

The young adjutant had an indifferent face. After he saluted him, he poured out all the secret things in the horrified eyes of the two.

"After the Ouke invasion, the Tyre Garrison Command announced that this place was under military control. The original mine owners could only transfer the mining rights at a very low price. Jinniu Mining Group had less than one-twentieth of the assessed price. The price of the mine will be acquired as a whole. This was already two weeks ago."


Serkov looked at the face without a trace of expression, and recalled in his mind whether he knew this person.

As a result, he didn't know the other party at all. This person was not an officer of the Tyre Garrison Command. He shouldn't know so much.

"Your mission is over."

"Yes, sir."

When the adjutant left, Yushkin turned his gaze to Melbai, who was sweating coldly.

"Lieutenant Colonel, I hope you can explain why an area declared to be under military control will continue to buy and sell mining rights and continue to operate?"

"This, this, this..."

"General Yushikin."

Serkov left and stepped forward, narrowing the distance between the two of them to within half a meter, and whispered:

"There may be any misunderstandings. I have a manor on the outskirts of the city. You have just returned from the front line. You must be very tired. Can you appreciate it—"

"Thank you very much for your kindness, but now is not the time for a party."

After Yushikin glanced at the command post, he fixed his gaze in the conference room on the side.

"All combat personnel gather, non-combatants leave here immediately, and I need to see all the officers appear in front of me in a minute."

Under such orders, Serkov could only leave in anguish, and the main officers of the two garrison regiments left and went to the conference room.

Yushkin is not in the mood to deal with anyone right now. The most urgent thing now is to finalize the deployment plan. Melbeth, who was very weak before, is now passionately maintaining the order of the meeting.

"Thank you to everyone who participated in this meeting."

He said cleanly:

"Friendly Admiral Yushikin will be for us—"

Before he could finish speaking, a loud voice interrupted him.

"You may not have noticed the fact that we are here to fight, not to speak with you."

Jackson's tone clearly showed that she had reached the brink of anger, and she was about to vent her emotions in an overwhelming manner. The officers who followed him all learned to handle this situation carefully.

"We still have to follow the procedure..."

"Then I will let you people understand."

Jackson said sharply:

"Now this defense zone is taken over by the Black Legion!"

Suddenly, Melbai's face turned from red to white, and then returned to red again. The expression on the side of Dvor Sok was also the same.

The two guys stood up immediately and yelled at the colonel emotionally.

"You can't do that!"

De Vosok roared, his voice was loud, but it was just a trick to scare children, and for someone like Jackson who had yelled at Oak, it wasn't terrible at all.

"Of course he can."

Yushijin calmly stated this fact and did not improve his tune like others did, but it turned out to be very effective.

"According to the regulations, the field commander has the right to declare military control at any time. I think I am the highest-ranking commander here, and I agree with him to do so."

The Empire Admiral stood up and pointed to the factory and canyon outside the window.

"Wait a few days later, you will see Ok is crawling outside, and we are your only hope to save you from death or a worse end, so shut up and don’t stop us. Tao, let us do our job quietly."

At this time he noticed that Jackson was generously enjoying the embarrassed appearance of these colleagues.

"This is unacceptable."

Melbai said, his voice full of resentment.

"Then you have to bear it with me!"

Jackson slapped the table and frightened the opponent a step back.

"Unless you want to be shot on the spot."

"You can't do this! I belong to the Garrison Command, not the Black Legion!"

Melbai stared at the person in front of him, as if the soldier's vitality had returned to him at this moment. The only pity was that it was useless.


Yushikin drew the pistol, threw it on the table from a suitable height, and made a beautiful bang.

"With the power granted to me by the sacred and inviolable Queen, I formally declare that any soldiers and civilians who hinder the army's defensive deployment will be severely sanctioned by Article 17 of the Military Law Regulations."

He raised his eyebrows and cast a questioning look at Melbeth and Dvorthok.

"Do you have anything else to say?"

"I retract my objections."

Melbet responded with fear, and Dvor Sok also nodded to show that he understood the meaning of the sentence.


Yushikin smiled slightly and retracted the gun to where it should be-without further stimulating their nervous nerves.

"Then, let's start by closing the mining area and demobilizing workers, and then vacating the workers' dormitory. In these two days, we need to place a lot of troops—"


Suddenly, the former adjutant walked over again, and Yushkin could only interrupt the deployment. This person was not as simple as an adjutant. He was still the person who arranged for himself to "do things", and his identity was quite special.

"Tyre is already urging."

Yushkin sighed. Is it that hard to save a little time? Is there really no concept called "tension" in those people's minds?

"Okay, I get it."

He turned to Jackson and said:

"Here you come to arrange, I have to go to Tyre first, but I can't let those noble lords wait too long."

"Sir, don't worry, go!"

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