Orc Tyrant

Chapter 694: Knight Incident (middle)

Soon, they came.

A group of flickering blue and white energy appeared out of thin air, and then expanded into a gleaming lightning sphere. The tortured air molecules made ear-piercing screams, and the teleportation effect distorted the laws of physics to the point of collapse in the blink of an eye.

After a second, the violent glare and noise completely disappeared, leaving only five steel bodies standing proudly.

Oak's white helmet guard.

Most people in the square have never witnessed any such existence. They only know a little about it through pictures in books and newspapers.

Compared with the description in the legend, the reality is worse than that.

The ear-splitting cheers suddenly fell silent after thousands of people gasped in astonishment. At this moment, Ouke standing here was dressed in ferocious iron-gray armor from head to toe, and its silver trim was shining.

They are huge shadows that make everyone who dare to look directly timid. Their heavy battle clothes, solid plate armor and fiery eyes are all awe-inspiring and frightening.

Above them, the towering silver double horns are clearly visible.

Later, the tallest warrior stepped forward. His armor was heavier and more delicate than the others. His body was covered with various chains and military badges. A metal cloak made from the Blackstone Mine hangs over his shoulder.

That is the cape of the guard leader, cast by the great master himself, to show his great strength and will.

Mangul held a giant pistol inlaid with silver and held it high above his head.


Afterwards, he fired a shot into the sky, and the bullet burst out with ear-piercing thunder. On the day Knight was raided, the same sound echoed throughout the city.

The Oukes who hadn't waited for the bullet shell to fall on the marble below their feet burst out louder.


Guk has arrived.

The green fortress roared from the avenue with a roar of engines. Guk, who was standing on it, took off his helmet, allowing the whole city to see his face.

Everyone in the square knelt down, whether they wished or not, they had to bow their heads to the new conqueror.

Guk laughed, watching a group of people kneel down in front of him, and the feeling seemed...not bad.

The hatch of the Green Fortress hung down in the scream of the air valve, and Guk walked down the gangway and took a deep breath of the anxious air after the war. Behind him were Mogdrogen and Batka.

"I didn't expect you to make this one."

Guk smiled at Grak, who was more than ten meters away in front of him:

"I thought I could only see the dead body when I got here."

Although these words should have been submerged in the roar of the gradually cooling engine of the war fortress, the other party seemed to have heard him because they laughed with sincere joy.

Guk stepped towards Grak, the master of the Gough's legion opened his arms as if he was welcoming each other, and then he received a punch in the chest.

"Who taught you?"

This moment is not important, it is more similar to a greeting.

Afterwards, Guk grabbed the warlord’s shoulder with his right arm, pulled Grak to his side, and walked towards the square. The guards rushed up from behind and erected a long steel wall on both sides of the road. The center of the square.

"The bird."

"Hey, haven't you eaten her yet?"

"What's so delicious about birds? They're too thin and don't chew their meat."

The two giant Oukes with their shoulders on their backs came to the nobles who had been waiting for a long time. This was the first time they realized that the pressure of standing in front of a giant beast was so great.

Just like a hill of steel piled up standing in front of you in a posture that it will tip over at any time, many people who have never seen such a scene have felt dizzy and trembling in their limbs, and the nobles of higher status are also clenching their teeth.

"Who is the head?"

Guk let go of Grak, with his hands behind his back, staring at the dozen or so trembling humans under him with contempt.

"I, I..."

Count Crandall, wearing a luxurious robe, walked out of the crowd. He crouched like a hunch, facing the Ouke overlord with a totally different attitude that he has always been arrogant and arrogant. The fine is still a bit humble.

"You are the head? Why don't you keep fighting?"

Guk's human language is already very proficient, but the strong accent still made the earl think about it for a while, and then he said in a very flattering tone:

"His Majesty Guk has a prosperous martial arts. Compared with you, we are candlelight and scorching sun. Only people who are overpowered will be your enemy.

"That means you are scared?"

Guk suddenly bends down, his face is only a few centimeters away from the opponent's head. The feeling of heat blowing into his neck makes Crandall frightened, and the opponent gnaws his head off with a mouth in his life.

He raised his head slightly, and when he saw the hurtful face right in front of his eyes, he immediately lowered it again.

"Fear... Fear! Who can not fear your majesty your power! You are simply--"

"To shut up!"

He shuddered, then closed his mouth obediently.

Guk straightened up and scanned the humans who were kneeling on the ground. Many of them were like mushrooms planted in the ground, motionless, but some of them would look up and peek from time to time.

In their eyes, Guk saw fear and hatred, but the former had a greater proportion.


Guk turned around, looked at the warlord who was doing nothing to scratch his scars, and said:

"What do you plan to do with these dried shrimps."

"Boss, you decide, I planned to chop it before, if it wasn't for the bird to say something, it would be gone."

"They are yours."

"It's yours now."

My old subordinate is still as lazy as ever, and Gu Ke probably guessed it would be so.

"What will you build?"

Clandor, who was already standing a little stiff in his neck, heard this sound, and did not react at first, until the shadow completely covered him, he realized that Gu Ke was talking to him.

This time he raised his head. Fortunately, the opponent was not very close to him, and there was not such a huge pressure.

"You mean—"

"Gun! Cannon! What will you build!"

There was deep impatience in Guk's words, and his hands had begun to cruise around the pistol inadvertently. This action was quickly caught by the humanlike earl.

"We don't have an arsenal here—"

The white tyrant's hand was already on the handle of the gun, and the nobleman immediately said loudly:

"But we have raw materials, we have other factories, and we can make changes—"

"Very good! All of you go into the factory, and you can make whatever I want!"


"That's it! You are gone."


Just as Guk waved his hand to signal the opponent to leave, the crisp gunfire suddenly sounded!

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