Orc Tyrant

Chapter 697: Rangers (middle)

Casco used a special execution pistol against the crater on the chest of the Ouke guard, and fired repeatedly at zero distance, while the barbed claws of his hand armor madly scratched the enemy's helmet.

Klein could hear the harsh rubbing sound. Considering that this behemoth, more than three meters tall and armored, could weigh close to a ton, Casco's power at that moment was terrifying.

Ouke's guard roared furiously and fought hard to resist, but the assassin like flowing mercury couldn't help slipping off his clumsy armoured fingers.

Then, arterial blood spewed out from the shattered armor, and Casco immediately buried his claws in the flesh and blood under the armor.

Oak dropped the empty bullet and slammed the opponent with an iron fist. However, even if any pain urge really passed into Casco's brain, the fury stimulants and sensory inhibitors filled in his veins had already disappeared. Its passivation is invisible.

In the last hoarse roar, Oak finally collapsed.

Casco grinned wildly, grabbed the combat knife that fell on the ground, and mobilized his entire body to stab it into the gap in the helmet.

That weapon cut through the steel, submerged in flesh and blood, and chopped off bones.

About a minute later, Casco turned over and lay down on the floor, his whole body still trembling in the aftermath of chemical fury.

"Origin—it turns out..."

He struggled to spit out words, and forced himself to relax with a heavy breath.

"This, this is what it feels like to kill them..."

He grinned under the cracked helmet.

"I like."

This is Klein who also stood up.

"We have to go, before the other Europeans arrive."

"Don't you... don't thank me for saving your life, spy?"


Suddenly, the fallen Ouke got up and pounced without warning, stretched out his hands, and exploded with the last brute force driven by wild anger.

Klein's star dart gun was being held in his hand, and the night blade poured all the firepower of the weapon on Ok's head. The violent impact dissociated the organization and instantly destroyed the opponent's brain.

The next second, the guard convulsed and fell to the ground again.

"thank you."

Ye Blade glanced at Casco, then shrugged.


Then the two assassins moved away from any main street, avoiding the large numbers of frightened civilians who flocked to the edge of the city.

It has been ten minutes since the killings in the square began. People have gradually lost their will to flee and are numb by the fear in their hearts.

Now they are staggering, and most of the time they are silent. Some people’s trolleys are filled with various items that they can **** or rescue, while others are unwilling to abandon heavily overloaded ground vehicles.

When people speak occasionally, they just whisper in a low voice, as if they are worried that normal-volume conversations will attract Ouke from the other end of the city.

Yazen hid in a dark alley opposite a monorail station and heard people talking about the tragedy.

Some people say that they have razed the square to the ground, hordes of vehicles are transporting more Ouke, and some people say that they have seen huge beasts on the streets, a war even bigger than a church. Monster.

The only truth Klein can determine from a few words is that Oak intends to resolutely implement the order given by the pale tyrant, and Knight City will become a smoldering pyre before nightfall.

It's cruel to say, but this is their purpose.

A destroyed city is better than a surrendered city. From another perspective, Oak’s atrocities can give those who attempt to surrender a warning and dispel their illusions.

Now it has reached the point where the empire requires everyone to shed the last drop of blood. At this time, there are no innocents, and innocents are innocent.

A few meters deep in the alley, Misty Blade is sitting on a trash can, using a field medical kit to suture the many wounds left in the fierce battle just now, his whole body is still in the residual effect of the stimulant. Shaking slightly.

Klein frowned and heard the chewing sound of the stapler re-splicing the flesh and blood. He heard that these killers who have undergone deep organ modification often need to inject a lot of drugs in battle, which makes many of them. People become hopeless addicts, sadists and deep schizophrenics.

Most of the people in the Night Blade system are also very searching for these freaks, and even some people regard them as a threat. Such a deep fall is enough to make people feel uneasy. Even if they are the most powerful weapon, it also means the possibility of losing control. .

The method sensed the opponent's sight, Casco raised his head, he took off his helmet, and a torn eye was flowing with clear liquid.

He grinned grinningly, showing **** teeth.

"You are shaking."

Klein ignored the other party's insult, took off his dilapidated uniform and replaced it with a brocade coat stolen from the model in the ruins of the store.

"Maybe I can't wait that long."

Ye Blade leaned against the wall, thinking about the follow-up plan. Now, the only thing to consider is the retreat. After something like that happened in the square, you can imagine that the outside of the city is full of Ok.

Those who try to escape the city will definitely find that more green skins are waiting for them, and Knight is destined to stay away.

"Do you remember the last time you killed an Ouke?"

Casco asked suddenly, with strong disgust in his words.

Klein glanced at the opponent, deliberately focusing on the crisscrossing scars and the implanted devices all over the lightweight leather armor.

"Very important?"

The Blurred Blade then chuckles.

"Not at all."

He turned his attention back to his wound.

"Are there more signs of Oak?"

Ye Blade hummed in denial.

"But they will come. I have seen such a situation before, they traverse the city, burn wherever they go, and challenge anyone who dares to stop them."

"Let them come--"

Casco roared and tied the last battlefield bandage to his thick thigh.

"There will be more than one next time."

"No doubt."

The hand of Blurred Blade still twitched from time to time.

"Maybe we will all die here."

This pessimistic remark attracted Ye Jian's reprimanding eyes.

"I'm not going to die in this ghost place."

"It's as if you have a choice."

With a chuckle, the assassin tapped the beat with his fingers.

"The situation is not good."

Suddenly, an animal scream pulled Klein’s attention from the disturbing thoughts. The assassin looked up and saw some kind of raptor flashing by at the end of the alley, and then turned to where they were. Glide over.

Casco raised his pistol at an unsightly speed. The weapon spit out a needle in a stern shout. The bird died in response and fell to the ground like a rock.

Klein walked towards the dead animal. There was something suspicious about it, like the flash of the sun shining on the metal...


Casco also got up abruptly and followed with a slight limp.


Klein picked up the bird's body and split the **** torso into two with a dagger.

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