Orc Tyrant

Chapter 705: Living to Death (Part 2)

Glak pounced again, laughing wildly and jumping up high.

Time seemed to slow down, and the vague figure slowly approached her, and then she heard a dull gunshot in the dimness, and the trajectory of the Red Devil's whereabouts suddenly deflected.

He slammed to the side, as if being pulled by an invisible pull wire.

Io saw the violent killer staggering to his feet, shaking his head, and there was a hot wound on his chest.

The sage Shion glanced around in a daze, and finally found the source of the attack.

A gleaming figure stood on the nearby roof with a sniper rifle in his hand. The magic bullet Kemal archer then tore off the cloak of hiding, so she could see him clearly.

He raised the sniper rifle to his shoulder, and the violent killer let out a roar, apparently leaving Io behind for the time being.

The Ouke warlord charged again, and the sniper rifle roared in response.

The first shot fired just now was a kinetic energy bomb, which was enough to shatter a vehicle engine or turn an unarmored person into fragments, which successfully attracted Glak's attention.

The second bullet screamed and turned into an afterimage, cutting through the cold wind and hitting Ouke's chest.

This is a heavy dart made of high-density tempered glass. The glue stored in it will automatically be injected into the target body after a hit-but this is not a medicine.

Every Ouke’s body is a chemical purgatory, no poison or hypnotic can work.

The injected colloid stored in this bullet has a very special effect. When exposed to oxygen, it will trigger a strong bio-electricity, enough to stun a whale.

This was a non-lethal attack, and Grak seemed only angry about it, as if it was an insult to use this weak weapon on him.

The furious warlord tore off the darts and continued to charge.

Kemal fired again, hitting the same spot perfectly, followed by the second serve, then the third—

But the Ouke warlord did not slow down, even though the **** wound on his chest was pulsating with blue arcs.

In an instant, Io felt a rare fear.

How many bullets are in his magazine? Is it enough? She ignored the planner who was shouting in her ears, but watched as the bullets hit the target, making a muffled noise in the air.


Suddenly, the Ouke warlord abandoned his original goal and jumped directly to the roof where Kemal was located, and waved a hand holding a metal pipe, but the dozen or so electric darts nailed to him made it difficult for him to maintain his balance. .

With one blow, he smashed the bullet shooter's gun in two, and the fragments flew out horizontally.

Io stood up and aimed with Shion, although if she fired now, her companions would also be affected by the psionic shock.

But at the moment, it seems that there is not much choice.

However, at this moment, everything they had prepared before finally came into play. Glak staggered back and finally slammed a blow at Kemal, but it missed. The force of the attack made him fall from the roof and fell on In the courtyard.


A group of Oukes rushed out and surrounded the dizzy warlords on the ground. The originally quiet courtyard suddenly became messy. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Io was finally able to escape the enemy’s pursuit, although there are more Oukes chasing them. , But the task seems to be done.

"Did you get rid of him?"

As she ran, she asked the magic bullet shooter who was holding her **** arm.

"Do you think that's possible."

The Wendigo Cultist who hid his face under the animal skin mask murmured and responded:

"Although I **** hope so, but we still can't kill him now."

"He fell down."


Suddenly, another voice came in, and it rang in the ears of the two of them without passing through any equipment.

"Two, there is good news—"

"Just finish talking, I don't have so much time to listen to your mysterious slang."

If the sage Shion violently interrupted the planner, she would instinctively hate these wizards. If it were not for the mission, she would never go with these freaks, let alone fight.


The other party's tone seemed a bit regretful.

"The good news is that this mission was a success. We have collected the necessary data. The bad news is that this is also our last exercise."


At this time, a manic roar broke out over the industrial area again, and the two assassins were too familiar with this roar.

Corresponding to the roar, there were overwhelming gunshots and footsteps. Obviously the violent warlord had to find the few bugs that ambush him at all costs. At this time, the whole city had fallen and wanted to escape. Going is no more difficult than killing a warlord.

Fortunately, they were prepared for this.


With a cry of an eagle, a huge shadow fell from the sky.

This is a gray-backed giant eagle with two heads, one black and one white. Its wings are open and it is ten meters long. Two huge claws are as sharp as iron hooks. Behind it is a girl with double braids. Was constantly waving at the two assassins.


The sound of gunfire sounded and a nearby stone was shattered. A team of Oak had planned to jump out of the window of the factory workshop and did not stop using the guns in their hands to shoot randomly.


The bullet chased the two running assassins. On the back of the two-headed giant eagle, the girl immediately blew a whistle, and then a large group of black insects flew out of the jar around her waist.

They quickly gathered, and then covered the Ouke's head like a dark cloud.

"Oh! What the **** got in my nose!"

"Quickly, get my spicy ball Skug!"

Although the Oukes had thick skin and were not afraid of the bites of these insects, they were also dizzy and lost the desire to continue attacking for a while.

After getting rid of the chase, the two assassins quickly ran under the wings of the giant eagle, then clung to the saddle with both hands, and turned over and came to the back of the eagle.


The girl laughed happily, and the giant eagle immediately waved its wings, and while blowing up a strong wind, it carried the three of them directly into the sky.

Below, the entire city has been plunged into a sea of ​​flames, and Grak, who was dazzled by anger, once again smashed everything in front of him, including the industrial facilities he had carefully protected before.

As punishment, Guk beat him violently, but he also noticed the special shrimps described by Glak.

Obviously, humans are going to play some insidious moves, but from another perspective, the more humans are like this, the more they prove that they no longer dare to confront themselves directly, then what he has to do is very simple. .

He walked over so generously and took down the jewel of Tyro like fruit picking. He believed that in the face of absolute power, these little tricks would have no effect.

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