Orc Tyrant

Chapter 716: Salt Lake Storm (ten)

After hesitating in the mayor's mansion for a while, Varus was considering whether it was time to withdraw, but he hadn't received the signal yet, and it was not known if the guys had sneaked in.

He may have to wait, but it's not safe here, and it's within the explosion range.

Suddenly, a slight tremor under his feet made him alert, but at the moment he was about to step out of his leg, a loud sound broke his eardrums.



Varus was thrown to the other side of the alcove aisle by the shock wave that broke through the door. The shock wave broke the hinge of the door and threw the guard into the air like a rag doll. Varus was thrown to within ten meters. The outer corridor then fell heavily to the ground, plunged into the chaos of tumbling flames and flesh and blood.

Vaguely, he heard the harsh alarm ringing, and then he heard nothing.

In his dream, he saw many people and many corpses, including his relatives. They were all looking at him and questioning silently.

He was speechless and could only struggle in the sea of ​​blood.

Until the cough caused a burning, sharp pain in his flanks, he was awakened.


Smoke surrounds him, there are corpses, no, not just corpses, there are corpses.

He forced himself to move, panting because of the sharp pain coming from his whole body, and feeling dizzy and dizzy.

The hand felt dripping blood on the front of his forehead, but the most severe pain came from his side abdomen. When he unfastened the buckle that fixed the breastplate, his face couldn't help but pumped up. He gritted his teeth and pulled out the metal length of the slide open armor into his side abdomen. Fragments.

Varus threw the fragments to the ground. At least, he was still alive, which was much better than the other people lying on the floor.

That wave of explosions hit the mayor's mansion severely, and smoke and dust were released from the rubble.

Part of the walls became scorched, and even the flowerbeds were burning. Many corpses scattered around him also caught fire. The stench of burning human flesh and fat made Varus do evil.

He coughed painfully and felt the ground shaking under his feet, indicating that a place was collapsing.

"Damn green skin—"

Varus didn't know what explosives those monsters used, but the power was obviously that even he had to kill them together. Maybe he shouldn't trust those things from the beginning.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!"

There was a shout in the distance, and Varus staggered towards the source of the sound, away from the fiery purgatory behind him.

The three guards ran to the adjacent corridor, and Varus hurriedly followed, and felt another wave of explosions from under his feet, so he quickened his pace and gritted his teeth against the pain of his body.

He must leave this area quickly.

Staggering through the thick smoke that seemed to surround him, Varus moved in the direction of the guard he had remembered.

Walking through the half-open door, walking through the half-open door, entering the aisle that is not open to the regular guests of the mayor's mansion, and walking past the corpses of several guards lying on the ground, all of them with gunshot wounds on their heads.

After thinking about it, he stooped to pick up a guard's gun, which was heavy and inconvenient in his hands, but it was considered a weapon anyway.

Passing through the corner, I saw two guards standing next to a fallen man.

As soon as he saw Varus, the guard immediately raised the weapon in his hand, and Varus raised his hands.

"I am a nobleman's guard, what the **** is going on here?"

He reluctantly spoke, with a strong coughing sound.

"Riots and all kinds of bad things."

A guard said:

"Our commander is calling us to the wall above. You'd better come with us."

Varus nodded, and kept up with the guards as much as possible.

Soon, they opened a door, climbed up the iron stairs, and finally passed through the heavy gate before reaching the high wall of the main city bastion.

The sky is very dark, it should be night now, no, it should be said that it is close to the early morning.

Varus suddenly thought, how long has it passed since he lost consciousness?

He saw a large number of soldiers garrisoning along the wall, and a small group of noble guards in blue armor. The voices of people on the bastion were boiling, and soldiers were crowded on all sides.

Many people jumped over the wall and fired at the invisible enemy on the lower terrace. The opponent also responded with clusters of bullets.

Varus could see clearly that the people who shot were humans, those pale faces with unknown symbols engraved on their foreheads, they were more alarmed than the soldiers, and many people didn't even know how to use their weapons.

Perhaps the organizers of these mobs are also finished.

Varus suddenly came up with such an idea that at the moment when the entire city's command system was completely collapsed, even the rioters who took advantage of the fire could cause enough trouble.


There was a loud noise, and there was a flash of fire in the Xiacheng District. People quickly bent over to hide behind the battlements to seek cover. The thugs seemed to have breached an armory and dragged the artillery out. The howling of soldiers was mixed with dissonance. The sound of gunfire and blasting made the scene very chaotic. For Varus, he managed to escape from the burning mayor's mansion, but he entered another level of hell.


The severe pain pierced his side abdomen again, Varus's expression was distorted, his hand pressed against the bleeding wound.

"are you fine?"

"I'm fine."

Varus gasped and said, the guard beside him hesitated, hesitating to help him or join the firefight.

"go there."

He helped them make a decision.

At this time, the searchlight that had been silent for a long time finally came back to life, illuminating the wall of the stacks as if day, Leaning on the gun he picked up, Varus staggered through the open area, seeking cover under the heavy battlements, and then ventured a glance to spread underneath, Ugly city.

Under the wall where Varus was standing was a series of lower terraces. After that, he saw the raging flames sweeping through Salt Lake City, and there were loud explosions from all over the city.

On the other side of the horizon he seemed to see a dim flash.

"Holy Father Bless..."

Varus whispered after hiding behind the battlements.

Suddenly, one of the huge turrets on the side of the wall awakened, and Varus was taken aback.

The mechanical turning hummed, and the thick barrel turned towards the air.

what's next?

Just as Varus thought this way, more turrets turned their barrels towards the sky.

The searchlight illuminating the entire area flickered a few times and then went out.

The power station was shut down, and the mayor’s mansion and the radius of ten blocks were instantly invisible. The rest of the city also fell one after another, leaving only the flames and tracers to pierce the darkness.

But the turrets are still working.

Varus saw the target that the artillery group had aimed at.

At first, it looked like a group of stars, but it lit up with an orange light, and it got bigger and bigger.

What the **** is that? Meteorite?


But no matter what it was, it was approaching here at a sickly speed, and it made a weird shrill noise.

Varus could almost feel the heat on the surface of the object when it fell from the sky.

In the next moment, destruction fell on Salt Lake City.

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