Orc Tyrant

Chapter 720: Fear of the Walking Dead (Part 2)

"It seems that some guys have already gotten up."

Gogu's fart maintenance worker commented like this, as if it was just an episode in the journey.

"That guy doesn't seem to be buried here."

He ignored the nasty pile of trash behind him in order to find other monsters.

But since this is the case, what does it do here?

Soon he got the answer to this question, because a whole group of monsters appeared in the front, and they were like those guys encountered in the ghetto, forcibly blocking the way.

However, Gogu's motorcycle is not a good thing, not to mention that there are weapons on it. In short, he will let these things know that Oak is not a good bully.

"Do you want to burn it, boss?"

The fart Jing asked in a low voice. When Gogu was about to approve the proposal, the main part of a tomb that was larger in scale and gorgeousness than most of the same kind of tomb emerged from the darkness and stopped in front of the motorcycle.

"Take it, the wall in front may blow fire to our faces."

"Da Ka is it."

Assassin confirmed Gogu's command, and then squeezed the trigger of this sturdy car's secondary weapon, tearing the advancing diseased corpse to pieces, while Gogu turned the coaxial weapon to destroy some of the corpses in the center. Guys.

A few survivors continued to stagger towards the motorcycle, like advancing puppets, indifferent to the fate of their companions, but even if they tried their best to get closer, they could only fall under the firepower of the farts. .

"This is really boring."

As Gogu said, he turned a ninety-degree bend so that the motorcycle was parallel to the tomb, and the gravel-paved roadway was in front.

"Let's go, let the boys come and deal with it later."

Gogu stepped on the gas pedal, but as soon as the voice fell, he felt something grabbed his ankle. He looked down and found that a walking corpse had escaped the bad luck of being crushed. When the wheels ran over it, it Grabbed the motorcycle's chassis, and now it is trying to drag itself into the car.

"Smelly stuff!"

The drag racing boss pulled out the knife and slammed down instinctively, wailing when the sawtooth hit the dull black armor of the car body.

But those rotten fingers refused to give up the spoils he got, and he immediately kicked the rotten head, but it was also useless—usually this kick was enough to make a living opponent lose his fighting power, but Judging from the monster’s performance, even if it’s half

The head seems to have no effect.

Then it raised its head, and the necrotic muscles on his face caught Gogu's eyes. In the opened skull was a pool of rippling viscous green liquid. Gogu vaguely remembered that Xiami's brain should be white. It seemed that ——

But he quickly abandoned this meaningless thinking, not to mention the stench caused by decay around her. Gogu raised his arm, slashed it on its neck, and cut off the remaining head with just one blow. .

In the next second, the bad hand also loosened Gogu's ankle, and the drag racing boss cleanly kicked the suddenly lost vitality more than ten meters away. The head that lost support was like a The only abandoned hops rolled around on the lawn.


But there was almost no time to breathe, and a loud thumping sound from behind once again attracted Gogu's attention.

Two more walking corpses emerged from unknown place and grabbed the rear of the car.

Gogu, who was almost suffocated by the stench from those guys, turned around and swung the chain saw blade, and attacked the walking corpse that was approaching. The rotating blade pierced its chest and swept it all over. Splitting into two halves, the monster's wound sprayed a corrupt spray.

But the upper half of the remnant still dragged his body toward Ge Gu with the determination that he would rather die than surrender. He swung the chain saw blade downwards, trying to treat this guy like he did with Skug.

The motorcycle suddenly leaned to one side, and he staggered and wailed the blade on the back seat of the car, splashing a lot of sparks.

"What happened?"

The motorcycle banged into a tomb from the side with a bang, a cloud of dust was raised, and an unbearable metal scream was heard.

"Sorry, boss, I'm a bit busy now."

The farts are also trying to resist the attack of another walking corpse, which is quite reasonable, but at this time more walking corpses are coming up.

In order to offset the influence of the irregular travel route, Gogu aimed more accurately on his second attempt than before, and immediately added another collection to his temporary skull collection.

"Boss! Here!"

Another rotten guy wrapped around the front of the car, and Gogu hesitated and stayed where he was.

Because he didn't dare to hack the monster directly, fearing that it would damage the motorcycle's operating equipment, and he didn't even have the opportunity to shoot at it. But if this continues, the consequences will be equally disastrous. He is sure that there are still Many of these things lurked around the tomb,

If the car really stopped, it would definitely be overwhelmed by them.

"Speeded up!!"

Gogu kicked a guy who was half of his body away, struggling to maintain his balance, then sat firmly and stepped on the accelerator.


The engine made a roar, and the entire motorcycle galloped out. When it approached the wheels that were connected by metal sheets and were rotating at high speed, the walking corpses would be rolled under the wheels, and their deaths were terrible.

"More, boss!"

But there was another unresolved one at the rear of the car. A certain **** pierced the guy's throat with a single knife. If there was still blood flowing in its veins, this would undoubtedly be a fatal attack.

The viable corpse is not a living thing, the wound made by the **** did not play any role, it just made the injured monster even more unattractive.


The motorcycle bumped when driving over a hidden obstacle and almost threw Gogu off its back. When he swayed his arms wildly to keep his balance, he instinctively wanted to grab the handle to stabilize himself. When he was in shape, he threw away the chain saw blade he held tightly.

This buzzing weapon fell aside and almost cut off Gogu's thigh during the fall. It fell on the ground and turned on its own, wiping out sparks with the marble, and it will happen The body of the flying corpse that hit it was cut into mud.


Unfortunately, a walking corpse closest to him seized this opportunity, and he could completely guess the reaction of that guy. It gave up its originally slow appearance and suddenly became extremely fast.

When it twisted and tried to turn around and bite Gogu's neck with its teeth, a sewer-like stench rushed into his nostrils.

Gogu did not hesitate, stretched out his two arms, tightly grasped his own wrist under the armpit of this extremely energetic corpse, and firmly hugged its chest.

Driven by instinct, it tried to break away from Gogu's upper arm.

After detecting its movement, even on this bumpy motorcycle, Gogu firmly twisted it, did not turn this guy around, ignoring its muscle tissue in his grip. The disturbing condition that has fallen from the body one after another, throw it

To the side.

The monster's leg tripped on a fart, and pulled him up, and fell firmly on the car body with a bang. The place where it fell was only a slap as far away as the spinning wheel.

This plagued walking corpse is not so lucky.

It persisted for a while, and the pliers-like hands tightly grasped the motorcycle's exhaust pipe. At this time, the rotating metal wheels were grinding away its flesh, spraying a rotten and smelly spray from the wound.

"Smelly stuff!"

The **** who was almost thrown out got up, cursing, and cut the fingers of the walking corpse with a sharp knife. The filthy thing suddenly disappeared from sight and threw it under the car with the help of the speed of the wheels.

Gogu didn't know if he had killed that guy, but he didn't care about the answer to this question at all, because the boys had already arrived.


Along with the silent roar of motorcycles, a large group of drag racing boys swept in, and they crushed the walking corpses into pieces like harvesting rice.

"Blast this! Blast it flat!"

"Understand the boss!"

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