Orc Tyrant

Chapter 729: Looking for (3)

"Perhaps it is some kind of Hanan evil being summoned out, is it possible?"

"I do not think so."

The planner's voice sounded in everyone's mind.

"Not to mention that this weight distribution is completely different from what you said, and you don't feel any...energy here."

In view of the fact that certain cult wizards can invent new and unpleasant creatures out of thin air like magic, Ye Blade is not very sure, but a handful of cultists seem to have no such ability to reach so deeply without being discovered. The front line defense zone under close surveillance, so this possibility is basically negligible.

Klein confided the fact, pretending not to see the fleeting relief that appeared on the face of the planner.

He doesn't like wizards. Personally, he has seen too many witchcraft and evil things, and he really doesn't want to get involved with those monsters, ghosts and snakes.

"We better move forward right away."

Ye Jian made a decision after a moment of contemplation.

Judging from the situation at this time, no matter how strong the instinctive warning in the heart is, it is indeed easier to find out what is lurking underneath than to go home.

According to his personal experience, the psychological pressure caused by unknown opponents is far greater than the threat posed by known enemies, but in fact, their own combat effectiveness has not changed much.

In any case, this squad is still the best squad composed of experienced fighters and scholars, and only they can build a strong line of defense between the empire and the evil guys who don’t know what it is.

Io nodded, and immediately gave the order to move on.

If Klein's mood was different from before, it was that he became more worried after discovering those claw marks.

The team members occasionally joked and teased each other during the march, but these only made him feel more and more dull and uncomfortable, but soon everyone fell silent in unison, just From time to time, some short monosyllable words are used to report or respond.

Dany was still the leader of the group. She began to communicate with us using gestures as much as possible, using the communicator only when absolutely necessary.

When everyone saw this, they immediately understood that they had entered the enemy's territory.

This made Ye Jian very pleased.

Due to the nature of his work, he always maintains a moderate paranoia, but this time he is very happy to learn that the mental state of other people is as nervous as himself. Perhaps only the planner is a special case, except for the smelly mandarin fish. He seemed fearless.

Ye Jian immediately stretched his hand to his self-defense weapon, and drew the sword and pistol from the sheath and holster around his waist. He thought it was necessary to prepare for the battle in advance.

"If there is anything under this, we must be on top of its head."

Dani whispered, and everyone nodded.

So far, they are only tens of meters away from the end of the tunnel, and this is the dead end previously seen on the map.

Klein believes that no matter what the thing left behind those depressing footprints, they are likely to hide in front. With a strong premonition of the upcoming battle, he feels dry mouth, qi and blood, and his mind. Involuntarily, a picture of violent Ok appeared in the middle.

"There is no way ahead."

Dani was obviously relieved, this emotion was like a breeze blowing summer grass, and it soon infected the other members of the team.

Ye Jian took a sigh of relief and felt the muscles in his body relax. Only then did he realize how nervous he was just now.

This is simply abnormal.

"Let's take a closer look at the situation inside."

Klein walked to the front and moved forward with her, Io followed him as usual, and Klin, who was behind her, was behind and covering everyone with his usual calm and calm actions.

Very well, this means that they will not encounter those unpleasant surprises unsuspectingly when they go into the investigation.

"No matter what we find, we are going to kill the dog."

Klein moved forward cautiously, scanning the tunnel in front of him with his flashlight.

The beam of light illuminates a bare wall, where is the end of the tunnel, and the dense mineral layers on the wall disappear without a trace.

Then, under the beam of light, they found a large pile of mixed gravel in the tunnel. Yeblade felt a tingling pain in his forehead, and it always subconsciously reminded himself that something was going to happen soon.

At the same time, Dany walked straight to the pile of rubble.

"Be careful."

As soon as Ye Blade said these words, a glimmer of light flashed in his mind.

The style of the collapse of this pile of rubble looks familiar, and it seems like the wreckage produced by the collapse of the top of an underground cave.

He illuminated the ceiling with a flashlight, where a crack appeared, which was thinner than a hair at first, but when it reached the wall it had become as wide as a fist.

From there the cracks began to grow rapidly, and eventually stopped on the gravel pile.

Klein still felt something was wrong, because if the rubble fell in that form, the wall itself would definitely become fragmented.

At this time, a faint but extremely ominous sound came from the tunnel ahead.


Klein suddenly yelled like crazy.

"Come back soon!"

But it was too late to say this. Because of the sudden incident, her body had not completely turned around. Everyone only saw a puzzled expression on her face. However, the ground under her feet suddenly collapsed, and then the girl After uttering a frightened scream, he completely disappeared from everyone's field of vision.


Io rushed forward, but Klein raised his arm across her chest to block the way. At this time, it was still unclear how large this dangerous trap was, and it was really not suitable to take the risk rashly.

"Dani, report your situation!"

The radio wave made a hissing sound in the communicator.

"Sorry, sir, I didn't see the steps under my feet clearly."

She said breathlessly, but if she was still in the mood to make a joke, it would prove that her injury was not serious.

"This is steeper than it looks."

"It's better to be careful in your actions."

Ye Jian hurriedly advised this innocent young witch that the danger in this place was far greater than what was in front of him.

"I don't know how unstable other places are."

Klein cautiously walked forward a few small steps, Io followed me, and the light beams from their flashlights illuminated the ground in front of him.

The mine tunnel looks very stable. At least from Klein, you can see a gap in a thin layer of rock. The collapse here damaged the ceiling of the cave under their feet.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that the cave was not marked on the map he had seen before.

"This gap was only recently sealed."

Io expounded her point of view with a certain tone, and Ye Jian slowly approached the entrance of the cave, and Dani's figure could be seen from there.

She landed five or six meters away. Thankfully, she just slid down the steep **** instead of falling down vertically.

A trace produced by friction clearly showed her sliding route. When Ye Jian's face appeared in the gap, she immediately waved to the opponent.

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