Orc Tyrant

Chapter 735: Looking for (9)

"The number of them will not exceed half a dozen."

Peggedo followed Ye Blade panting, and he hadn't forgotten to finish what he had just said.

Since he is the only unarmed member of the team (it seems to be), the meaning that Yabane understands is that his desire to seek protection is stronger than himself, of course, is there enough in him to make the snake lizard right? The fresh meat he was interested in was still an issue that needed further discussion, but Klein didn't want to bother about it.

When the shooting calmed down, he added again:

"So far, they may be fewer in number."

This made Ye Blade breathe a sigh of relief. Compared with some other things he encountered before, they were not too difficult to deal with, and based on the current situation, they were unlikely to encounter too many burrowing snake lizards. It is undeniable that this is indeed That is good news.

The corpse of the beast that had just been killed was lying in a wider tunnel on the stretch of the road. It was surrounded by chattering squad members, and its body was covered with bullets and burn marks.

Casco gasped heavily, obviously a little bit weak from his reaction, and then he struggled a few times to get rid of Dany who was about to treat his wounds.

"Can't die! I'm not that vulnerable."

The bulletproof armor on his chest was carved with several deep scratches, and the corset he was wearing could be seen through these cracks.

Ye Jian learned from the surrounding conversation that the snake lizard had penetrated within reach of him and attacked him, but in the end he managed to put the animal on the ground.

"Good job."

Ye Jian stepped forward and patted him on the back. Even though he didn't really care about their life or death in his heart, it didn't hurt to show his care for the members.

The slightly tired Misty Blade did not appreciate it, and slapped the opponent's hand away.

"The vitality of this puppy day is really tenacious, right?"

Klein nodded.

"It takes a little effort to knock it down."

The people around agreed, of course, Ye Blade's words were an indirect reminder to everyone that he had dealt with the beast in a hand-to-hand battle just now.

He looked up and down the corpse of the monster, trying to figure out whether it was the one that was previously injured, but because many people participated in the shooting, the intensive bullet rain made a mess of its surroundings, and no monster’s corpse was left. There is enough evidence to allow Ye Jian to confirm his judgment.

"It's also very agile."

After Casco took a few breaths, he returned to normal. It seems that this guy attacked him as soon as he stepped into this tunnel. Before the beast killed him, the Blurring Blade was even more savage. The way ended its life.

"It's really interesting."

Peguedor suddenly let out a light sigh. At this time, he was looking at the wall of the tunnel, and he took out his weird divination instrument and dangled there.

After a while, he turned around and said to Klein:

"I think we have found a main road."

It seemed to be the case, it was much wider than the tunnel they had walked through before.

"What does this mean?"

Facing Klein's question, the wizard shrugged, and Ye Jian noticed that his black robe looked very messy at this time.

This type of clothing is the least suitable for tunnel combat. He didn't think that he should change it before he set off. Otherwise, he didn't have any other clothing to replace.

"The main room should be at the end of this passage."

He looked up and down the passage unsurely.

Ye Jian considered his words carefully.

"The main room means...?"

Peguedo immediately answered the other party's question with a wild animal enthusiast.

"The central nesting area can also be said to be a nest. The burrowing snake lizards are social animals. They have a strong family instinct and usually gather together unless they go out to hunt or..."


Klein suddenly turned around.

"Which direction does this guy come from?"

After being interrupted abruptly, Peguto looked quite shocked, and there was no doubt that he was talking about happiness.

Blurring Blade was cutting a piece of fresh meat from the monster’s corpse, which was covered with a layer of dark red plasma that had already condensed. Obviously he was going to take this as lunch. After eating many military rations, everyone thought Change your taste.


He pointed out the direction in which the monster appeared, and Klein's sense of direction came into play immediately, and he suddenly noticed that the passage led directly to the line of the Greenskin siege troops if they had reached the canyon and unfolded.

A chill suddenly appeared behind everyone.

"If this guy wants to return to the lair, then he will bring some prey to share with other companions."

Peguedo interrupted again, but his words were very enlightening to Klein.

Under the light beam of the flashlight, they found nothing except this dismembered creature. This is the answer to the question.

If they don't go through this cave full of monsters, they won't be able to complete this mission. It's amazing.

But thinking of the scene when a large number of green skins passed through these tunnels slaughtering the unprepared people to death, Klein's intestines trembled.

"Close the formation."

Ye Blade gave the order.

"Ready to set fire at any time."

Io nodded, and then stopped Casco, who still wanted to chop off the snake-lizard's head with a combat knife.

It wasn't until then that Klein understood that his claim that he wanted to bring the spoils back was not a joke.

"Go out, form a dense formation to cover Dany and Beast Scholar."

Peggedo clearly understood the disrespect in this, but he pretended not to hear Yabane's words.

They continued to proceed cautiously towards the center of the maze, maintaining a high degree of vigilance against any disturbance in the dark. After discussion, we extinguished some of the flashlights, hoping to better hide our whereabouts, but according to Peguedo, This will not have any effect on those creatures, no matter what you do, they can still find them.

He immediately began to explain the reasons, but it didn't make much sense to Klein, and it didn't take long for him to turn a deaf ear to his words.

Casco and Io are still in front of the team. Io’s arrangement shows the common sense that a senior commander should have. She condenses the formation very tightly, and can grasp the entire team with just a glance. Case.

The planner, Peguedor, and Klein walked quickly in the middle of the team, keeping a small guard distance from the two groups before and after, because he wanted to have enough room for maneuver when the battle started.

Of course, he still has lingering fears about the snake lizard's ability to directly attack through the rock. He raised his ears at any time to maximize his subconscious paranoid tendency, but so far he has not found any abnormal vibration that heralds the appearance of the beast.

"How do they taste?"

Suddenly, Dany at the back of the team raised a question. She is also a biological expert-of course on another level.

Klein has just stopped paying attention to Pegged’s talk about the life cycle of the boring snake lizard, the social structure of the ethnic group, the place of production, and many other topics. Now he finally waited until he could say something useful. .

According to Pegudor, this kind of creature only appears in the Howling Mountains, but that is a forbidden area for humans, not to say that there is no life, but because it has always been the site of the Wendigo Church.

"and many more!"

Ye Jian clapped his hands violently, and he kept ignoring someone.

Valev the Magic Catapult!

"Aren't you supposed to be very familiar with this creature?"

He looked at the figure at the end of the team. This guy has always been taciturn and has a very thin sense of presence. This may be related to his identity and duties, but it is undeniable that he is still a former Wendigo cultist.

"Not very familiar... They are dangerous."

Valev's voice was hoarse as matte.

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