Orc Tyrant

Chapter 738: Quelsana's account Ⅰ (two)

I expected strong resistance.

Of course, even if Oak was full of confidence, well prepared, and crowded, he would never expect that the other party would be able to catch it.

The Black Legion is a group of great warriors, and no one can doubt it.

In several confrontations, they have also won and won. The warlord Shabal is still brooding about his failure and eager for revenge. Even without considering the power of witchcraft, they still need to take it seriously.

Furthermore, they have been operating this area for a long time, and any force is the strongest when it is in their own base. The natural terrain of the Grand Canyon is enough to make it one of the strongest undefeated fortresses in the surface world.

As several Ork legions quickly approached the human defense line like horsehead migratory clusters, I gradually realized that they seemed to be unresponsive to this.

The entire line of defense was extremely silent, and some escaped vehicles were intercepted. The Oukes interrogated the captured passengers to collect any valuable information.

I really hope to meet them and talk to them.

I desperately want to know their stories and listen to the voice of the other party in the conflict, but I missed this great opportunity. After hearing about their situation, it was too late, and I have no way of knowing their ultimate fate.

Humans seem to have succumbed, as if actively exposing their necks to the executioner's knife.

Some kids suggested that the entire raid would be over within a few hours.

But Glak clearly opposed.

The wise leader reminded them that humans are extremely cunning-although they are not as cunning as Ok, they are likely to set up a deadly line of defense, which is just hard to detect under ordinary detection methods.

I wait patiently.

After an hour, I gradually noticed a slight pull of gravity in the air, and the lighting system of the camp began to dim intermittently for a few seconds.

"How is this going?"

I asked the crazy shaman to split his lips.

"The concussion cannon is pumping energy,"

He answered like this.

"It's about to start soon."

I know what he is talking about. It is an unprecedented cannon. It is said that its destructive power can directly annihilate a mountain. I don’t know how Oak moved it here, but its appearance made me feel right. The fate of mankind is even more pessimistic.

But it takes a long time to prepare.

During the waiting time, I was probably taking a nap or daydreaming.

I am recalling the parish in my childhood, the countless tents on the plateau, the slender rooms, the teaching desks in the library, and the bedtime stories that prevented us from running around.

Suddenly, the split lip pushed me.

"Ready to dispatch."

The drums rumbling, roaring loudly.

I chose to board Grak’s car, a mobile fortress composed of tracked wheels and countless guns. As a narrator, I can go wherever I want, and I have the right to choose any seat, but I sit In a spare seat in the rear, those numbered positions are not occupied.

I don't want to disrupt the formation order of Glak's bodyguards, it would be an offense.

I checked my equipment, and the busy arrogant put the relatively large and heavy guns on the weapon racks or hooks above my head, and then hurriedly retreated, and the hatch also raised.

The entire war fortress was trembling in the ready-to-fire engine anger, and the ear-piercing roar of the jet engine almost drowned the hoarse roar of the mechanic.

Then the lights in the cabin became dark red like blood, the stern alarm screamed like a bronze horn, the explosion of the hydraulic bolt falling off was just like a thunderstone, and the rapid acceleration came like a heavy hammer.

It was an incomparable loud noise, and I felt that my heart was about to peel from my chest, and the air was filled with electromagnetic noise.

I mistakenly thought that my eardrum was punctured, but the roar that followed proved that my hearing was still intact.

The concussion gun was finally recharged and sent a strong blow to humans. This was the ultimate signal for war.

The fortress began to move at high speed, like a series of bullets fired from a magazine. It is hard to imagine that such a large object can move at such a fast speed.

I glanced at Grak. He was standing at the highest point of the war fortress, sending out his roars and commands through several loudspeakers, and the whole army moved with it.

"Now I seem to have become an aggressor."

This thought suddenly flashed in my mind, which made me laugh dumbfounded.

Soon, we passed through the flames and entered the canyon, and the war fortresses passed by the fortifications constructed by humans. Those large-scale fortresses and bunker groups were completely plunged into the sea of ​​flames without firing a single shot.

The track of the war fortress rolled slowly along a gradually enlarged trajectory, and flame tongues and wreckage were dragged behind him, and the spout of the engine burst into fiery energy from time to time.

The entire canyon is burning.

Overlord Guk concentrated tens of thousands of artillery and rockets, bombing and igniting the Triwell Grand Canyon, turning the sky into incineration clouds.

Spiral dust and ashes gathered into a tornado several kilometers wide. The terrible energy scorched vegetation and animals, turning the river into hot thick fog and gas.

The bombardment of heavy rockets almost evaporated this section of the Terryville River. Large-caliber bullets and bombs were scattered all over the sky like winter hail, and new blazing dense forests were cultivated on the ground, and the sky was made up of liquid fire. The crown of the tree took root and sprouted in an instant, grew vigorously, and then withered and died. All this happened within a few minutes.

The bombardment of the celestial hammer almost completely changed the landscape.

The mountains collapsed, the pass split, and strange hills made of gravel and dirt emerged in the canyon.

I witnessed a series of fatal wounds pulsating with light gradually emerging, and those brand-new molten rift valleys split the entire valley into two.

This is the alchemy room of war.

Light and heat, energy and impact turn rivers into steam, turn rocks into dust, and melt sand into glass, allowing bones to sublimate without a trace.

Clouds of swirling mushrooms pierced the sky, as tall as the spire of the Phoenix Palace.

In contrast, this journey is not smooth.

It is impossible to drive smoothly through a war zone. From the moment of stepping into the flames, the entire fortress is shaking constantly, like a sea snake struggling on an iron hook. Thinking of the terrible weight of this giant machine, I cannot estimate the outside What a **** it is.

Gradually, the bulkhead trembles violently, as if torn apart, but the pilot has no intention of slowing down.

The war fortress was still trembling, and I bumped up and down with the ups and downs. Every scream that hits the shell made me tremble. Considering that Glak was still roaring outside the uncovered cabin, I once again told him Madness and bravery have a new understanding.

There are many vehicles attached, and I can see them through the narrow windows.

Not all vehicles can reach the predetermined location safely, and I saw two accidentally collided and turned into wreckage.

Until this time, the silent defense line of mankind finally recovered, and the soldiers of the Benedict Empire also launched a counterattack.

The ambush fire above the canyon began to spew ammunition, and the motorcycles were destroyed during the assault. They either exploded directly or rolled and fell like fire moths.


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