Orc Tyrant

Chapter 749: Stand-in (middle)

"Relax, Bruce."

Diego came up, and the joints of his armor continued to make a soft sound, the method was a piece of music.

A long time ago, even the slightest possibility of igniting confrontation was enough to suppress Bruce from making reckless behavior, and he rarely spoke harshly to anyone other than Shadow Blade.

His words have never been angry because they repeatedly accused him of obvious shortcomings.

Unnecessary conflicts are actually forbidden to him.

At this moment, even Diego Dia had his eyes widened because of these changes.

The black knight stuck out his claw blade again and provokes his lord with his narrowed eyes. His poetic voice is full of hatred at this time.

"You have to answer that question."

He warned again.


Diego lowered the volume, making his own voice as soft as the wind as possible.

"Relax, relax."

"You knew it a long time ago."

The black knight almost laughed.

"I can tell from the look in your eyes, Brother Diego, what did you do?"

The shadow prince showed a cold smile, and the matter must be over now.


The blood waded from Arid's lips, and he groaned and tried to get up from the ground, but Bruce stepped his boots on his breastplate, which was like a huge boulder.

If you look closely, you will find that Bruce's gaiters are engraved with ancient symbols of exorcism.

"do not move."

The black knight whispered, not looking at Yalid.

But the pale, indistinguishable face on the ground was distorted, squeezing a hypocritical smile.

"Do you think you--"

"You talk more."

The black knight's boots still stepped on him and twisted hard.

"I will abolish you."


Diego finally couldn't help but roared:

"You are talking crazy!"

"Just because I saw the madness."

He glared back at each other, then swept his gaze over the crowd one by one.

The kindest of them looked at him pityingly, while most had only a look of disgust.

"Only I know the appearance of the truth."

He continued to step on his boots, squeezing Arid's broken chest, and stepped on the pieces of armor into the injured body.

The man was almost suffocated by the coughed blood, but Bruce didn't care.

In the end, Diego sighed as if performing a drama, and then turned to face the others. His handsome face was full of forgiving expressions, as if he was sharing an old joke between his family.

"I'll take care of this. Let's go first and meet again later."

A few holographic images flashed out immediately. The shadow warlock stationed in the Shadow City’s projection was the last to fade. He nodded to Diego, and then disappeared like a mist in the wind, but he The last words still linger in the air.

"The unruly person must be treated with care."

"Warlock is right."

Someone said suddenly.

"We can't delay, let that bat go crazy, we will stop him until the matter is over."

The Shadow Prince sighed.

"Let's go, Silas, when you are ready, I will summon you again."

Amidst an angry crash and laughter, everyone strode out of the war meeting room, some were still chattering, and some were quietly listening.

When the meeting room door closed again, Bruce pointed the huge claw blade in his hand at Diego.

"That said, you let them leave to keep a secret that should never be kept. Don't you think they will not be suspicious? If you think I will allow you to fabricate rumors of my insanity, then you are very wrong. ."

Diego shook his head.

"I didn't mean that, Bruce, but you have to explain your behavior."

"I can see, Diego."

The black knight glanced at the "thing" in human skin and armor that fell on the ground.

"His soul is empty, something is entrenched in this flesh, like a spider laying eggs in a prey."

Diego sighed deeply. He didn't expect that the spiritual talent of the Black Knight had reached this point. He was clearly a fool who knew nothing more than a year ago.


He admitted.

"this is not."

"I know what it is."

Bruce bent down and placed the spire of the claw blade on Yalid's temple.

"What I can't understand is how this kind of thing happened, and how can you allow this kind of thing to happen?"

"Is this different from the enchanter of the church?"

The Shadow Prince asked rhetorically.

"It is a powerful force that can be controlled."

There was a surprised and sympathetic look on Bruce's face.

"You don't know what you are talking about, Diego, let a creature that should never be born to manipulate a soulless body? Do you really know what you are doing? There are countless people who think that Hanan's evil force can control What ended up in the end, do I need to repeat it for you?"

Diego laughed. He didn't quite understand why Bruce became excited in the scene. It stands to reason that he is also one of Hanan's evil things.

"Just take this as another unpleasant fact. Arid's death was not my arrangement. He died in the sinister wasteland. I was just accepting the result of the matter."

Slowly, Bruce exhaled.

"So, he is dead, and another consciousness occupying his body?"

"Why do you care about this? You and him have never been close."

The Shadow Prince murmured a little impatiently.

"What I care about is the fall of our group, idiots."

Bruce gritted his perfect two rows of teeth and said bitterly.

"A living soul is destroyed, and its body is occupied by a greedy, unborn bastard? I have traveled in the void of the vast ocean, Diego, I have also witnessed the existence of these things with my own eyes. , This is weakness and depravity! What you need are allies and followers, not a soulless body occupied by demons!"

Diego curled his lips, but did not respond to Bruce's insult.

Seeing that the other party didn't speak, the black knight looked down at Yalid who was lying on the ground-no matter what was entrenched in him, the existence was now staring back at Bruce, the pale skin around his eyes was covered with blood spots.

【Get out of the way】

A voice pierced into Bruce's mind like a ghost. It was not a human voice, and even "likeness" could not even be mentioned.

【To shut up】

He returned with a mental shock, strong enough to make Yalid tremble, Bruce never thought he was a wizard, but he must have the means to fight the wizard.

[You are also a body waiting to be stolen, as long as you die--]

The monster's voice weakened, and it was like a gossamer.

The black knight retracted his feet with a sneer on his face and walked aside, but the despair in the monster's silent words made him itchy.

"How did this happen?"

He asked Diego again.

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