Orc Tyrant

Chapter 759: Giants War (5)

Facing the imperial admiral’s question, the technician did not evade, but shrugged and replied:

"Titans are almost perfect things, but human flesh and blood are really small and weak bodies. If a captain makes a small mistake, or hesitates for a moment, or misses a small detail, it will cause The body is damaged, and the victory or defeat is only a moment. Life and death cannot be determined in the blink of an eye... A wrong code, a false alarm, and everything will end. This is why only the real dragon of humans can be selected to start the engine. This is Why do we respect our captain so much."

"Because not everyone can do it?"

Yushikin's question is very careful, because this may have touched the other's high-level secrets.

"Pick one in a million is not a lie."

Yushkin turned to look at Alfred, he was still watching the battle through the imager with relish, with a half smile on his lips, a mixture of reluctant respect, professional focus and considerable awe.

"Is it impressed, sir?"

The wizard nodded in response.


"You should feel that way."

It was the technician who interjected.

"An engine war of this magnitude is now a very rare event."


Alfred laughed.

"Actually, I'm watching Oak, those guys can really fight."

This was not a cold joke, and the scene fell silent for a while.

"Did you just say that this kind of thing rarely happens, even in the past?"

The empire admiral turned his attention to the technician.

"It's very rare. An entire Titan Legion is fighting on an open field with an enemy of similar strength? Military operations of this scale have become legends. Most of the calls to the engine can be solved by only one or two units. , This is the military advantage brought by Titan, one

A little bit is usually enough, and anything that will happen next today is enough to go down in history. "

"But that used to be more common?"

"A Titan-to-titan battle of this magnitude? Yes, it mostly happened in the old days recorded in ancient books, when there were more engines in the world."

"For example, when?"

The technician smiled.

"Old Long Night."

"It's really an uncomfortable association."

Alfred shook his head.

"indeed so."

Yushikin looked at the tactical display on the center console.

"Sorry, but I really can't comment any more—"

Suddenly, the technician looked straight at the display screen, and Yushkin noticed the abnormality.

"what happened?"

"This is impossible……"


"The ghost spider... is seriously injured, Transmi is in big trouble!"

With that said, the technician took the command helmet from the tactical console and activated the communication device on it.

"Alexey, Alexey! Emergency!"

"What happened? I'm exchanging fire with the enemy!"

"Captain Transmi is in trouble! The ghost spider is currently seriously injured, and you need to come and support it quickly!"


"and many more."

Suddenly Yuhijin snatched the helmet.

"Continue with your mission, I will send other troops to support."

"No! Alexei, you go to support Transmi, his situation is very dangerous!"

The imperial admiral turned to look at the representative of the Citizen Temple, suppressing his inner anger, and said in a deep voice:

"Now here I am the highest commander, C3 must not be lost, there must be a Titan there."

"No matter what the price is, it can't be worth a Titan!"

The other side also rushed back with words, and it was clear that Alexei was more willing to obey his own orders.

"I am transferring and need the specific coordinates of the ghost spider."

But in the command post, as soon as the atmosphere dropped to a freezing point, Yushikin considered repeatedly and gave up the idea of ​​detaining the opponent.

He looked at the man in black engineering clothes and whispered softly:

"Even if... lose this war?"

"The temporary victory can be reversed. If we lose a Titan, then there will never be any hope of victory."

The two looked at each other and remained silent for a long time.

In the end, Yuhijin took the initiative and nodded.

"I understand. I will send troops to support it."

"thank you very much."

Looking at the six-legged machine that had entered the ambush zone from a distance, Guke narrowed his eyes slightly. The price paid for this hunt was a bit huge, but it was definitely worth it.

Because according to the information returned on the battlefield, human beings have only three machines in total, and destroying one, then it means that their resistance will drop by a third or even more.

"Prepare for the concussion gun."

He issued the order, which was transmitted from the communication device to the artillery position outside the canyon. This was a curved shot, and the coverage area needed to be quite accurate.

Soon, Okimid answered him obediently.

Dozens of energy devices are charged, and energy is drunk from the battery. Dozens of crosshairs and target markings accurately nest the position of the enemy's engine into the ring. The images transmitted by the kid in front are intertwined with crosshairs A scorching mass was formed in the vision of Da Jiba, just like the remains of a white-hot spider web.


Guk shouted without hesitation.

The fusion energy burst out in a round of perfectly synchronized actions. The shining beam pierced the storm and the curtain of fire, swarming into this area in the canyon, the air rumbling and singing in unison—this sum of anger is enough An entire city was razed to the ground.

Within a few seconds, the sphere with majestic energy smashed into the partition where the ghost spider moved at the same instant.


The supernova explosion made the area twisted like wet glass ravaged by the wind, and then burst suddenly.

After a nanosecond, Guk felt that his armor had suffered a system-wide shield failure. After the crash, the armor hurriedly planned to compensate and fix the remaining void shield.

In the horizon, the halo of the shield that wrapped this monster disappeared like an extinguished candle.

"Kill it!"

Guk’s roar was almost slurred,

The previously assembled engines fired again, and he was convinced that the gamble had worked.

When many dirty car tanks began to shoot separately, and the shell of ghost spider oil began to be shot visible to the naked eye, Guke was excited to let go of his spiritual link with Aghem.

But this was not enough to kill the target. The ghost spider was still struggling. The continuous shelling broke its two legs, shattered the sensor above its head, and blasted the jagged shoulder weapon cover into ruins, but It is still alive.

This terrifying behemoth staggered with white-hot flames and toxic black smoke. It did not stop firing, and after struggling to hit it, it took away two more dirty tanks.

"It's time for you!"

Guk turned to face the guards who were already waiting. Each of them wrote their desire for war on their faces, and their facial muscles were twitching with pride and excitement.

Unlike usual, there are two more rockets behind all the guards, even Guk—he has three.

"Go on!"


After speaking, Guk turned and sprinted, jumped up from the edge of the cliff, and ignited the rocket on his back at the same time.

His target is the ghost spider below!

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