Orc Tyrant

Chapter 762: Giants War (8)

Receiving the instructions from the rear, Alexei used great patience and attention to steer the drifter through the southern passage of the C3 area and head towards the refinery area in the gust of flames.

Although the liquid in the cockpit was as cold as ice water at the moment, his thoughts were as firm as an ingot.

He understands better than anyone, the meaning of a Titan to the temple, and everyone will not accept the fact that the Titan has fallen, because it is not only a serious blow to the combat power of the entire temple, but also represents the faith of all the remnants of the Long Night. collapse.

Although discussions about the preservation and abolition of the church have begun within the temple, it does not mean that the survivors of the Long Night have no faith.

They believe in ancestors, the glorious past of mankind. They always believe that they are only temporarily isolated from the heart of civilization-Terra. One day, Terra’s compatriots will find their lost relatives again and put them away. Re-incorporated into the embrace of civilization.

And Titan is the concretization of such a belief.

As long as the Titans are still invincible, then human civilization is still invincible, and all aliens and monsters are after all just jumping clowns.

So when he received the news of the death of the ghost spider, Alexei immediately left the line he had maintained and turned and ran towards the target.

Perhaps this is a bit unfair to the soldiers who are still fighting on the front lines, but Alexei believes that this unfairness is acceptable, because the value of a Titan has exceeded the war itself.

"Maximum scanning power, always pay attention to ambushes."

The engines of the rapid reaction force followed the drifters across the boiling ground. Their splattered suppressing fire blasted the entire pile of fortifications into rubble, the concrete walls were easily torn like wet paper, and the glass melted into tiny streams. Burn the Ouke hiding inside.

According to the received signals, some of the second-line troops are coming through the rift valley from the lower passage of the canyon to join them.

But he couldn't count on too much, Alexei read the endless engine fire ahead.

The signal showed that the ghost spider was fighting with an enemy's engine, and a large number of Ouke's overweight armors were scattered around. Although those crazy weapons looked crude, their lethality was a bit scary.

On the other hand, the data from the ghost spider was cut into pieces by waste codes and noise interference, and it was full of crazy thoughts.

The Titan's body has been severely damaged, and the means in his hands to protect himself are scarce and sad.

With the high speed of the drifters, the structure of the ghost spider's upper body like a tower and a castle is faintly visible in the flames and heat waves.

[Sense of multiple targets approaching from high altitude]

Hearing the message from the drifter, Alexei was also stunned.

This is crazy!

"What do they want to do!?"

Through the high-resolution imager equipped by the drifter, he can clearly see that dozens of high-speed moving figures are approaching the ghost spider in the sky, headed by a pale-skinned behemoth.

"That's Guk!"

[The conclusion of tactical analysis, the opponent tried to fight close combat with ghost spiders]

The wanderer warned uncharacteristically:

[The results of the full-spectrum shield analysis show that the power threshold of the ghost spider has dropped to a dangerous level]

Alexei quickly executes complex task threads, while the wanderer keeps throwing the results onto the link of the horizon.

The results in the test confirmed the inference that AI had previously suspected.

"These lunatics..."

Although in principle, Alexei is unwilling to believe this, he firmly believes that whether it is Ouke or other things, wanting to rely on the flesh to fight a steel giant is simply a dream.

The only way is to gnaw off the shield with a continuous bombardment. If they project enough firepower on the same shield for long enough, they may be able to force a crack, but the bombardment required for this will take several minutes to organize and implement.

This is the real way the Titans fight.

But on the other hand, this kind of madness seems to be an innate characteristic of the Oukes, knowing that they can't do anything but wanting to do it, Alexei felt a little horrified at this creature again.

"Can they really hurt ghost spiders..."

[Main goal, Guk, sustained high-energy response in the body]

"Wanderer, what do you mean?"

[Tactical analysis, the main target has the ability to destroy ghost spiders]

"Damn it! Then don't wait! Let's go!"

However, when Guk had jumped on the ghost spider's head, the wanderer was still three kilometers away from the violent giant.

[If the long-range artillery is now carried out, there is a 90% probability that the main target can be destroyed]

Suddenly, the drifter put forward an opinion. In its tactical logic, the elimination of the main target is the first choice, and the Citizen Temple also intends to use this war to completely eliminate the big threat of Ok.

"No, permission denied."

Alexei blurted out and was busy analyzing the values ​​and options. His brain was performing tactical calculations at an inhuman speed, all thanks to the strengthening drugs in his bloodstream.

He calculated the minimum energy required to destroy Guk and the shortest time required to project such firepower.

Perhaps all light weapons should be pre-targeted at an area and fired at the same time?

No, the error of the ammunition distribution is too wide, the situation of the ghost spider is very bad, the possibility of accidental injury is very high, and the position of the opponent is where the cockpit is located, which is a very sensitive position.

What to do then? The rear gave him the important task of saving this time out of trust.

What will the old captain do?

"Wanderer, calculate the distance, the maximum power output of the engine."

[Yes, captain]

One by one, the vision projection appeared in the flash around Alexei's cockpit, staring at him coldly.

Transmi's figure also appeared, looking upset.

But his image turned into hissing code noise a second later as the hatch was destroyed by the rampant Guk.

"Wanderer, activate the killing sword!"


"This attack is led by you, with saving the ghost spider as the first goal!"

[Checking the attack plan]

With a movement of the wanderer's body, the engine nozzles on his back and feet suddenly activated, changing from the original running posture to sliding on the ground, like an actor dancing on the ice.

At the same time, with its right arm extended, a long sword composed of sharp metal slid out of the wrist and quickly assembled.

At this time, Guk had lifted the cockpit cover of the ghost spider, and the old captain inside was in danger. Alexei's eyes widened, gritted his teeth.

After that, he couldn't control it anymore and roared:

"Solve it! Drifter!"


With a loud noise, the wanderer's long sword tore through the thick smoke, swept it close to the ghost spider's head with a millimetre difference, and slapped the Guke on it like a ball.

"Well done!!!!"

Alexei jumped from his seat with excitement.

"We killed it! Right!"

[Mainly currently alive]

"What! It's not dead!"

Alexei was stunned for a few seconds, and then he came back to his senses immediately.

"Don't worry about it! Save people first!"

With that, the wanderer lifted the ghost spider that had collapsed on the ground and began to move away from the battlefield.

At the same time, Alexei also connected to the other party's cockpit communication.


Old Transmi opened the conversation, and he seemed to be in good condition.

"Listen to me, Teacher Transmi."

Alexei's voice was unwavering.

"Connect your MIU directly to the drifter, and authorize me to fully control your Titan."

"This is a taboo!"

Transmi immediately replied.

"You can't let one master control two Titans!"

"But now the ghost spider must coordinate its actions, and the wanderer cannot take it too far!"

"I said this is not tolerated—"

Boom~~! !

A roar interrupted the communication between the two sides, and the enraged Guk commanded all the engines and armor to start bombarding the retreating drifters.


There was no response, but Alix saw that the other party authorized the direct connection of Titan's MIU.

"Wanderer, you coordinate and control the ghost spider, we will evacuate immediately!"


Soon, the originally paralyzed ghost spider fell to the ground and began to move on its own. Under the cover of the wanderer, it looked like a warrior who was severely injured, moving step by step to the safe area.

But Alexei didn't notice, the scarlet thread was dripping from the ghost spider's head...

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