Orc Tyrant

Chapter 764: Fighting (in)

These monsters know this very well. Whether it is based on intuition or experience gained from fighting for many years, their behavior of directly rushing into the firing gun is not a brainless act, but a manifestation of innate terrible brute force.

On the blocked sharp terrain, their unparalleled vitality turned into a heavy wave, slowing the pace of the war with the weight of the familiar war of attrition.

Silas witnessed this scene, roaring in frustration, and beheading a large alien warrior with one blow.

Even before its foul-smelling head rolled to the ground, three more filled the vacancies.

"We can't accomplish our goal, my lord."

The pristine voice of a Blurring Blade came from a distance through the audio channel.

This is not an accusation, but a statement of facts.

They have fought Greenskins for too long without achieving any victory, and their attempts to break through the protruding part of the trench have not been questioned.

But Silas didn't say a word, just continued to fight gloomily, moving forward with sheer perseverance.

His soldiers were with him, but the front line was uneven, and the speed of the right-wing armored units had slowed down, and they were involved in the counterattack of the heavy armored alien infantry. Even the orderly firing of the group of heavy artillery could only be in the vacancy. Get a few seconds before being filled.

"We will not lose the assembly ground."

Silas roared through the channel, rotating his ankles when the tip of the inverted knife pierced a rushing green chest, and before the other charged at him, he drew a sharp blade, the heavy blade swiftly swirling in the flying sparks.

"We can't hold it here."

The voice in the communication channel grumbled, and his voice showed signs of exhaustion.

The huge front is gradually dissolving into thousands of static confrontations. Green Skin seems to be rushing out of the ground, joining the battle with the iconic roar of tearing crystals everywhere.

"We can hold on!!"

Silas roared back, pouring out resentment in his chest.

He chopped wildly, cut off the tendons, cut through the armor, and advanced a few precious meters before the formation closed.

The second defensive area is looming to his right-a highland marked by a translucent geodesic on the map. It is easier to reach than Saddle Mountain, easy to defend and hard to attack, but it is located to the south of the original assembly point. A few kilometers away.

The hard fight in the trench network has consumed too much military power, and now they are paying the price for it.

The red sun dropped a little, glided across the chaotic sky, and sank into the jagged eastern horizon.


Suddenly, Grandet was chopped to the ground by a heavy blow from an Ok, and the ground under him was cracked.

Silas also heard a scream after the hatch of a tank was breached, and the car group was slaughtered by all the monsters that entered it.

He continued to fight with his head down, chopped over the orc who had knocked him down, and squeezed into the next front line.

Grandet got up and stood, ignoring the smooth blood stains on the breastplate, killing with a little shame.

But the war can no longer continue. If Ouke works harder, this raid will collapse into a massacre.


Just as Silas was hesitating whether to retreat, a terrifying voice rose into the sky from the back of the battlefield, which made his soul tremble unconsciously.

The defeat in the C3 area began here.

"It's Guk!"

Silas spoke to his guards, then the field commander of the imperial army, and finally the many soldiers under his command.

With his voice, a storm swept across from the west side of the battle line, and the resistance there was quickly defeated, shattered by the violent power of General Mao.

"Repeat! It is Guk who is here! All units will immediately retreat, and this place will fall before the sun sets!"

They reacted immediately, every soldier was waiting for the order, just guessing when it would come, and responded without hesitation.

The squads of the Blurring Blade advanced to the right, fighting and retreating from their previous positions under the cover of short-range mortars.

The light tank cluster turned to the east and retreated to the original starting position.

The imperial infantry maintained a resisting posture, retreating along the **** road. Although this would lengthen their own front, they no longer have so many ambitions. Soon their wings will be defeated and they will lose the Titans. Cover, they don't have too many opportunities in front of General Mao.

"The overlord is coming!!!"

The greenskins also noticed the change in the center of the war, and their roar went further.

The daylight that the world is about to lose has turned pale green, mixed with deeper and deeper oranges. The greenskins know that they have the opportunity to smash this defense, and the attack power increases accordingly.

Somewhere in the hinterland of the herd, unnatural screams pierced the commotion, and then clusters of shining emeralds tried to travel through the storm.

"Retreat! Retreat now!"

Silas headed into the battle, brandishing his saber in both hands.

His gaze swayed along the battle line, his muscles twitched, and only his contempt for monsters gave him strength. It was an almost as blind rage as the green skins rushing towards him around his body. Continue to run away from the barriers.

"For the Queen!!"

He roared, slightly bitter, and the loudspeaker temporarily strengthened the battle cry to a level comparable to the surrounding sonic walls.

"For the queen!"

The echo of the soldiers came, dominating the battlefield temporarily, before being overwhelmed by the fighting frenzy that swallowed everything.

Silas barely raised his head. Sweat dripped on the inner wall of the helmet, which became salty due to dehydration.

They must reach the ridge before night falls, and they will strengthen and hold it-as far as they can.

But he promised Yushijin that the target position he held would be impossible to complete.


The strong mental shock spread on the battlefield, he spit out a mouthful of blood, and tasted it as it ran down the communication grille.

The sound of his breathing hammered his ears, and his heart was pounding.

Good enemy-if there is no such **** violent energy.

Silas still remembered what he said in Cusconar five years ago. It was like a dream, or a half-forgotten joke, some kind of nonsense in broad daylight, and everything is possible.

He continued to fight, gritting his teeth to resist the pain, wading through the quagmire of Ok's roar, until it got stronger and stronger, and in the end even the madness became a relief.


Suddenly, several fighters of the Blurred Blade in front of Silas flew up, and threw them into the sky like toys bored by urchins, and then fell back into the crowd.

Fear spread, and a pale behemoth wrapped in metal, taking the heavy steps of war, wielding a powerful warhammer, rushed straight towards Silas.

The opponent's speed was so fast that Silas had only time to block with double swords.

Bang! !

In the blink of an eye, the weapons of both sides collided in a burst of burning energy, and the battlefield within hundreds of meters was illuminated by their violent energy.

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