Orc Tyrant

Chapter 768: Dark line (middle)

He walked along a secret drainage channel, which was actually dug by the farts, and they would occasionally sneak into human camps, either for trading or for stealing.

Even Ok in the camp did not know such a road.

When he came to the end of the canal, he walked quickly into a square. Since most of the Oaks had gathered to go to the front line, there were basically no living creatures in sight. He hoped that the looser space would help him sort out his mind. It might also allow him to find out the psionic activity he just detected.

But his thinking stubbornly refused to become clear.

Glacas stopped and slowly raised his eyes.

He was standing in front of a place similar to a temple. Under the upper arch, was a sculpture made of black iron, showing a brutal smiling face-it is said that this is Ouke's abstract understanding of their gods.

But Glakas had other thoughts, what kind of awful mistake, what stupid astray led him here?

This was the area he didn't want to actively visit in the entire camp.

The smiling face seemed to be pulsating, stretching, and pressing his eyes into his head.

The sun was anxious and dazzling, and he retched, pressing down the hot reflux from his stomach.

His infiltration this time was completely different from before, as if the camp had noticed him as an intruder and turned into a big net to catch him.

Some things are playing with him.

He still couldn't help vomiting, so he hurriedly walked into a side alley, stood in the shadow of the tent and bent down, releasing the sour liquid.

Gastric juice squirted out of his throat quickly. He almost had no time to tear off the sand mask.

He knelt to the ground, trembling and spitting acid water.

Two figures, just dark shadows before, began to walk towards him along the alley.

They are not in a hurry, but there is a gesture full of purpose and urgency in their footsteps.

Grakas stood up and walked in the opposite direction, equally purposeful, and equally unhurried.

Three more figures appeared at the other side of the alley, walking towards him along the long and winding alley.

What are they? Ordinary Oak? Guards? Crazy priest?

There were several branches on the side of the alley. Gracas turned into the first fork and ran away when he disappeared from the approaching body, film, and field.

But he walked to a dead end, behind a tall and beautiful tent.

He heard footsteps coming from behind, so he immediately opened the curtain and plunged into the wonderful coolness and darkness.

Then Glacas waited with bated breath, listening to the dull footsteps and voices outside the tent.

Suddenly, a giant hand covered with iron armor stretched out from the darkness, grabbed his throat, turned him around, slammed it on the ground, and held him in the air.


Grakas couldn't breathe, his feet kicked out of thin air.

The iron hand held him tightly, his back resting on the pillar of the tent.

"I thought about it."

A low voice came from the darkness.

"You have been looking for me, Gracas."

The other party knows his name.

"Yes, it's possible."

Gracas hissed:

"But it should and should depend on who you are."

"Who am I? You know who I am, you treacherous bastard, I am Guk!"

The blood vessels in Glakas' head were about to burst, and his trachea was completely squeezed.

【let me go】

He desperately used his spiritual energy. He was not strictly a wizard, but he was more dangerous than a wizard.

Soon, the giant hand made of steel released him, and Glacas collapsed on the floor. Although he was injured and dizzy, he forced his mind to turn quickly.

Gradually, his eyes gradually adjusted to the darkness in the room.

He could see the huge figure that had just grabbed himself, and the hot red light on his face, but he could not read the other person's mind, something was shielding him.

But in any case, the urgent message he just sent was obviously received by the other party.

[Back, take your hands away from the weapon]

The huge shadow above it took a step back.

"Let him stop doing that again."

The deep voice of the shadow roared.

There are other existences in this obviously insecure haven. Glakas saw another guy wearing a mask, but he couldn't see him clearly with his eyes, but the mask appeared in his mind.

Grakas tried to stand up, but a penetrating scream, like the sound of a wet finger sliding across the glass, pierced his cerebral cortex.

【Lie down】

The severe pain ignited in his autonomic nervous system and spread along the spine. He snorted and fell back.

"He is wild, but not strong enough."

Said the figure wearing the mask.

"Can't subdue him?"

The huge shadow asked.

"That's not it."

"Then let him stay still."

The scream suddenly increased, and Gracas began to twitch.

"We need to talk, Gracas."

The huge shadow bent down and leaned closer to him.

"Either I heard the truth from you, or I just crushed your cunning brain, okay? Did I make it clear?"

Glakas nodded, the pain was incomparable, and he felt blood drip from his nose and onto his lips.

"Very well, Mogdrogen will let you go. That's a good thing, right? After he let go of you, don't play tricks. Did I make this clear?"

"Yes it is--"

Glakas hissed, his throat stinging sore.

"Let go of him."

The giant ordered.

Then the scream disappeared immediately, taking away most of the pain, and Glacas lay down on the ground, breathing heavily.


The giant ordered again.

After a brief fluctuation, dozens of torches around the room were automatically ignited at the same time. Only then did Gracas realize where he had come - or that he had reached his destination just like this.

The yellow flame on the torch released a strong light, allowing Gracas to see the furnishings of the tent.

Like a standard Ouke building, it still looks cluttered, with loot everywhere.

He also saw what he was about to face: a pale behemoth in armor and a masked Occan shaman.

"Your name is Gracas?"

Guk asked curiously.

"You said yes."

"If you want, I can let Lao Mo continue."

Grakas shook his head, drips of his blood dotted the surrounding ground.

"Yes, my name is Gracas, you already know it."

"Look at me."

Glakas raised his head, and the opponent was wearing a huge power armor. The gray-iron armor had silver trim. The red smiley face emblem was printed on the shoulder armor. The helmet was the most gorgeous, like a whale baleen. At the mouth, the dim red light leaked from the seam of the mask.

"Look at me, don't be distracted, that's right."


"be quiet."

Guk lifted a huge index finger and said.

"You have to tell me everything I want to know, not what you want to say."

Glacas nodded.

"You are looking for me. That's why you came to this city. You know I will be here."

Glacas nodded again.

"How did you know?"

"Because he invited you to come here."

"He invited me? Who do you mean by ‘him’?"

"The host I serve, Hannibal."

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