Orc Tyrant

Chapter 781: Surrounding point (below)

The Okers hesitated at first, surprised by the attack from the side.

But it didn't take long for them to immediately turn around and begin to fight the humans who had struck under the cover of the smoke from the burning vehicle.

"Come on!!"

When Oak turned to deal with the outflankers, the company commander, who had been suppressed for a long time, immediately ordered his men to stand up and rush towards them.

At the same time, after being convinced that Ok, who took the opportunity to surround and gather in front of the fire, was their best chance to win a quick victory at this time, Yazen also began to move forward.

Time cannot be delayed, and every moment of delay, the pace of their support slows down by a moment.

However, the soldiers soon discovered that the assumption that the loss of the leader would paralyze the remaining enemies was quite wrong. Although these green skins seemed a bit stunned, they were not chaotic and even fought back in a very organized manner.

The battle situation was urgent and fierce. At such a close distance, Green Skin didn't need to aim with their oversized long and short guns. Soldiers trying to attack were knocked back and their chests were burst open by the impact of oversized ammunition.


The 66 regiment's attempt to encircle the Greenskins immediately turned into a melee after they charged up head-on. The Oukes threw their empty guns aside and rushed towards the humans with swords, axes and sticks in their hands.

The soldiers quickly fought back. They dodged to avoid the whistling blade, and stabbed them with bayonets.

The officers use their sabers to kill the bleeding path in the green skin. Every soldier in the Black Legion is proficient in hand-to-hand combat under good training, especially for the characteristics of Ouke operations, and strengthened the training of dodge and attack.

But the sheer brute force of Greenskins is unstoppable, they require skill, and they can pose a threat as long as they swipe hard.

The rough blade was glued to the vague flesh and blood, and the torn corpse was lying on the ground, and the ground was stained with red blood.

The voice of the chaplain with the army resounded through the battlefield, sending prayers into each ear while he was fighting to encourage them to overcome fear and panic.

But even in the face of the extraordinarily brave bayonet and long saber, Greenskin is still incredibly tough, and the casualties of the 66th regiment are rising at an unacceptable rate.


It was Yegosher, who was roaring like a berserker, who turned the tide of the battle. He led his subordinates to join the sword after Bather gave the general attack order.

This night blade wielded a huge two-handed halberd above his head. It is hard to imagine a spy would use such a weapon, but before long the soldiers had to avoid him, leaving him with his arms rounded to deal with the charge. Of green leather.

Yegosher laughed as he faced the group of enemies, and when he touched the first Ok, he began to attack with brutal brutality no less than greenskin.

The halberd was red and hot by the tip of the witchcraft, and then easily pierced into Ouke's chest. As the night blade waved his arm vigorously, a large amount of shattered armor and pieces of meat were left on the clearing.

Because the blade was stuck on the armor of the orc, he had to work hard to free it, but the powerful muscles were able to cope with it, and he forced a wide passage covered with green skin stumps forward. .

However, Oak also fought back with all the objects on his hand, but with the addition and killing of the Night Blade Company, the balance tilted to the other side, and the number of green skins quickly decreased. The soldiers who witnessed these soldiers quickly regrouped and used their The bayonet slammed and slashed with a long knife.

"Well done!!"

Colonel Bather exclaimed excitedly:

"We are going to defeat them!!"

Just as he turned his head from this scene, and was about to let the convoy meet everyone inside, the ground began to shake.

Large stones slid down from nearby mounds and cliffs. There are also fallen tree trunks in the forest.

"What happened?"

Bather asked with round eyes:

"An earthquake?"

Earthquakes often occur in the Grand Canyon area. But this time is different from the earthquake.

It was a regular vibration like the footsteps of giants.

"Sir, I sensed a huge object approaching! There are a lot of Ouke!"

The words of the entourage awakened Bather, but when the trees in the distance began to break with loud noises, others couldn't help but stop.

The remaining Ouke turned his head towards the sound, some were killed on the spot because of distraction, and the rest didn't care about the death or injury, but shouted and cheered.

"Scrap iron! Scrap iron!"

As the cloud of rubble and dust slowly spread in the wind, a monster-like silhouette appeared from it: a huge orc fearless mecha.

Thick black smoke coughed from the twin exhaust pipes as it rolled forward, and the low roar of the engine shook Bather's bulletproof armor.

It is definitely a monster, even taller than a heavy tank, and much bloated.

A few minutes ago, Oak's strong body that could tear someone with his bare hands seemed difficult enough for Bather to deal with, but now it's indistinguishable by comparison.

As soon as Fearless stomped into the battlefield, more green skins gushed out from around it, and the firepower of the heavy machine gun continued to shoot from the intersection to the new threat, but the bullets hit the Fearless armor without any effect.

Like all its peers, this killing machine seems to be forged in the most chaotic manner.

The barrel-shaped torso is covered with thick iron plates like safety doors and tank hatches, and riveted together from arbitrary angles. The large machine gun is fixed on top of its thick piston iron legs. Two long pieces of metal The arms stretched out to both sides, and the serpentine cables and powerful hydraulic transmission devices were exposed.

At the end of one of the arms is a flashing long-range weapon, and the other is a huge pair of claws, as if eager to tear the weak flesh into **** pieces.

On the top of the machine, a flag made of a piece of tattered black cloth was flying, on which a familiar pattern was painted in bright silver-the Skeleton King flag belonging to Guk.

"Damn it!"

Bather gasped and said:

"We need some big guys to get rid of it!"

"We currently have no way to destroy it. This is a trap."

As the army wizard said, he glanced at the thin figure holding the metal rod high behind the mecha.

"We have to retreat, this road will not work.""

As he spoke, the scrap metal mecha turned to the assembled soldiers.

For a moment, Bather felt his stomach twitch.


He shouted:

"You guys just let me run away!!"

A burst of deafening incoherent beats flashed across the air, and the tongue of fire licked out of the thick barrel and flickered in the morning glow.

Large-caliber bullets pouring out like a storm enveloped the road, smashing the heavy stones into dirt and smaller rubble, stirring up clouds of dust.

Bather could hear the howls on the walkie-talkie, it was his officers who were ordering his men to open fire for cover.

"damn it!"

Bather called to them,

"Forgot to cover the fire, I want you to retreat at full speed, now! Give me all to evacuate there, immediately go to the vehicle assembly area, this is an order!"

For some people, the order was too late, and the soldiers were being slaughtered by fearless hail of devastating fire.

If the remaining people stay for a while, Greenskins will have a chance to rush forward before they fled to the back, throwing them into hand-to-hand combat.

"Colonel, Oak clearly premeditated to ambush here. They know we are going from here."

Ye Blade dragged his injured arm and walked over.

"Although I violated the previous order, I have to admit that I should retreat now."

"Yes it is."

Bather closed his eyes in pain.

"I'm doing this!"

Ye Jian immediately ordered his men to form a defensive formation, enclosing the members of the command team.

With an order, they began to run wildly along the road.

Until the end, they also failed to reach the predetermined target location, and the defenders of Mount Mihir desperately waited for the next wave of reinforcements.

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