Orc Tyrant

Chapter 784: Fighting aid (below)

His name is Santo, he belongs to the Black Fire Corps, and he is also a Black Fire Guard.

But the task at hand made him feel uncomfortable, and he was still powerless.

Because these orders come directly from the warlord, if there is something embedded in his flesh and blood from the first days, it is no matter what happens-to obey the order.

The intermittent fire light illuminates the rolling hills, emitting a pale light.

The bright flame streamers are like teardrops of fluorescent powder, leaving burning traces in the night sky.

The attack on Mihir Hill was a long and difficult process, and the defender's rock-like will was even worse.

But the Black Fire Legion, eager for revenge, is like the **** piranhas in the water, never giving up, never letting go, and never stop attacking at the beginning of the battle.

He didn't know how the war progressed in the rest of the region. All he knew was that the army's strategic goals seemed to have changed. Their focus did not seem to be on conquering those solid defenses.

Santo's current location is northwest of Mihir's defense line, which was once a human defensive stronghold.

A company persisted until the last man in this place called Uth Fort, long enough for the rest of the soldiers to escape and retreat into the complex underground tunnels and mines.

But those people are not what Santo needs to care about.

He jumped up from the darkness, picked up his gun from the rock beside him, then locked the weapon to his waist, looking at the surrounding scenery.

The extension of Mt. Mihir is like a curved vertebra winding through the middle of the canyon. Each vertebra has a curved peak, and each fissure has a series of corrugated valleys, and each fissure goes deep into the rock to form Hidden valleys, dead ends, and narrow valleys where the sun has never been seen.

This is a terrain that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and every idea of ​​invasion depends on mountainous barriers and their connected fortresses.

But those ideas never considered an enemy as ruthless as the Black Fire Corps.

A sloping wall made of compacted gravel and rapidly solidified rock concrete sealed the valley with a series of strong forts and fortresses.

The valley became wider and deeper, and its two wings were blasted, dug, drilled, and dug out, forming a series of criss-crossing earthworks.

Everything is gone; the once verdant plateau valley is now like a quarry that has been mined for decades.

To completely conquer this place requires a lot of troops and firepower. The Black Fire Legion does not lack these, but they have new tasks.

Although the line of defense built by humans is strong, it also has its shortcomings. As a result, their range of activities has become narrow. The Black Fire Corps only needs a small amount of troops and heavy firepower to block the canyons and rifts.

They did the same, and then, under the order of the warlord Shabar, Santo led a kid under his command to capture an insignificant stronghold on the periphery of a few defense lines.

They kept guarding those strongholds until the arrival of human reinforcements.

"They will come!"

This is the original words of the warlord, and it is also confirmed by reality.

Then came the difficult retreats again and again.

The human forces who came to support were pressing on them every step of the way, as if it was a great temptation to eat this little Ouke.

Santo never wanted the enemy to remain active, but the new theory required them to give in.

A thousand soldiers of the Black Fire Guards waited and rested behind the high wall of the stronghold, and Santo passed through them.

He saw his boss, the black fire fighter Nguni standing on the high steps leading to the stronghold, listening to the special warfare kid's reconnaissance report on the side of the cliff.

Among all fighters, these eccentric guys are the most adaptable, and their understanding of new combat methods is so strong that even the grumpy Nguni finds it almost impossible to fault them.

"Anything new, boss?"

Santo walked over and beat his chest with his fist. This was a way of paying tribute to the black fire or the pre-tribal era.

"Xia Mi has a lot of activities around this place, but there is no sign that they plan to leave."

Nguni shook his head, his hands folded across his chest, as if standing on the parade instead of on the battlefield.

"Why don't we just go straight up?"

Nguni said as he wiped the rough dust from the mountain from the surface of his armor.

"I have already said it."

The leader replied, staring at a spot on his right shoulder.

"This is the plan of the warlord, or even the plan of the overlord. I just do it."

"I still don't quite understand."

"Understanding is a troublesome thing. If it weren't for the warlord to have me do this, I would like to know nothing like you."

"I'm serious, boss."

"Me too."

Nguni answered as he climbed the steps guarding the wall and stared at the bottom of the mountain.

Santo followed him faithfully, standing beside him, ready to carry out any orders he gave.

Although they can't be seen, Nguni knows that human forces are exploring the lower valleys, looking for their weaknesses.

There are a lot of shrimps in this stock, several times theirs. According to the direction they came from, they should have started from the base camp of shrimps, and they are currently joining the besieged Mihir Mountain defensive line.

"I'm not a smart kid, but I know I can't hold this wall,"

"Why do you say that?"

"Xia Mi built the wall too far. The narrowest part of the valley is behind us."

"anything else?"

"This wall is too long,"

Nguni shook his head, seemingly unable to understand why his subordinates couldn't see such obvious things.

"We don't have enough fighters or heavy firepower to repel all the shrimps."

Nguni made a gesture behind him.

"The canyon is in the south, but it is too narrow to move fast. This fortress blocks the mountain road to the north. This is the only feasible route through the defense line. Xiami will easily see it."

Nguni paused.

"Understand why?"

"Of course. It's like you want them to fight here. What I don't understand is why don't we do it first."

"If we run into them head-on, we can wash them down, but we retreat and continue to lure them until they reach a position where they can't escape."

"This is the plan?"


Santo's eyes widened, and his brain could no longer keep up with the thinking of his boss.

"This is the strategy prescribed by the warlord."

"Uh... can I say something, boss?"

"It's like if I say no, you won't say it."

"Why didn't I write that the shrimps in this mountain should be cleaned up, and then get the shrimps on the outside? It would be a waste of time to put the shrimps inside and play with the shrimps outside?"

"This is what the overlord means."

Nguni reminded him.

"I know, you said it."

"To put it simply, I can only say that I understand that the overlord hopes to use this mountain as a bait, hoping that the shrimps will come to death in a steady stream, so that I don't have to waste more time to catch them everywhere in the future... so I We just surrounded the mountain and waited outside for the shrimps to come one by one."

As soon as Nguni finished speaking, he heard the sound of conversation from the communicator.

The human forces are advancing down the valley.

"Get the boys ready, Santo."

He decisively gave the order.

"Yes, boss."

After Santo finished speaking, he turned to make the Black Fire Guards move.

Nguni stared into the distance and saw a sparkle of fire below the mountain in the distance.

The shrimps regained the fortress. This is good. This will give them confidence and move on, but they will never know what is waiting for them in front...

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