Orc Tyrant

Chapter 790: Invisible Predator (Part 1)

On the fifth day of the siege of Mihir, a team of boys belonging to the Black Fire Corps was sent to search for a wine cellar, which originally belonged to a certain mine owner-until Oak came.

It is said that a mechanic disappeared in this place, and they were sent to find that guy, because that mechanic was in charge of repairing several dirty cars and tanks.

Ga Scarduo is the leader of the pair of boys, he is not very happy about this task, because he knows that there is a whole group of **** who disappeared with the mechanic.

It’s easy to dispose of a kid silently, but it’s almost impossible to dispose of a bunch of **** guys silently. The bunch of **** guys are absolutely foolish when it comes to fleeing, so they can get back all of them. Not coming?

Gabodu couldn't imagine what it would be.

Walking into the dormitory of the mining area that had been turned upside down, the boys immediately found the wine cellar. The side of the only mine entrance in this place was also deeply buried.

Let the two boys guard the entrance, and Ga Scarduo walked in with a few boys.

The light in the wine cellar was dim, but Oak's eyes solved the problem.

The shadow of a pool turned into a bright and different gray-green scene, and Gabodu stood on the top of the warehouse, looking at the giant wine barrels surrounding it. The thick curved wooden boards formed the huge containers.

The strong and mellow aroma of wine is everywhere, thoroughly infiltrating the warm and dull air.

Although I really want to take a swig, the atmosphere here is weird.

He proceeded cautiously, the iron boots ran over the hard stones stuck in the cracks in the floor, and the wooden boards groaned softly.

Suddenly, he found an instrument in the corner. He knew it was a scanning device used by mechanics to look for defects in the tank of a dirty car.

The working induction mechanism slowly pulsates light, and the unchanging rhythm shows that it is still working.

"This guy?"

Kaboduo picked it up, he couldn't understand this instrument, not only why the technicians threw down this life-seeking thing.

The next step he took made a rippling wet sound, and something stuck to the edge of the boots, as if a thick layer of glue was smeared on the floor.

Gabriel smelled it carefully, and wondered if a giant wine barrel had leaked.

Then the stale smell spread up, covering the dull sweet fragrance lingering around.

He threw the scanner back into his pocket, greeted the surrounding boys, and carefully drew out the pistol.

Not far away, a relief made of flesh and bones appeared in the sea-green icy field of vision.

"Fuck...what the **** is this!!"

A deboned corpse was spread on the curved surface of a huge wooden barrel. The shadow of a wide column made the light never shine here and blocked their initial sight.

The dark green skin of the corpse's torso was completely opened, allowing the internal organs, bones and muscles to be removed at will.

From the perspective of Oke present, the victim's remains were nailed to a wooden board, just like an exhibition of Oke's body. The internal organs and bones were rearranged, some of which merged into various new forms of horror.

For example, the ribs are pierced like a dagger on the bloodless liver, the pelvis is wrapped by the small intestine, and a spongy lung is surrounded by several nerves.

Next to him is a pool of dry blood, and the sticky traces are mixed with spilled wine, which undoubtedly has penetrated more than one floor of the floor.

Thousands of gallons of carefully brewed wine were contaminated and tainted by this evil deed.

On the edge of this sea of ​​blood that is slowly dripping, many strange patterns are dotted with plain wooden boards.

"Get up all your energy! Don't worry about what you see, just shoot as long as you move!"


The boss is considering whether to withdraw first and bring more boys down. Now there are seven boys around him, which does not give him much sense of security. If there are thirty-four, he is confident no matter what. Open a few holes in it!

Suddenly, Ga Scarduo's eyes caught another thing in it, and his attention was immediately drawn to it.

That is a face. He approached cautiously, and the feeling of his boots sticking to the floor made him very nauseous.

It was the narrow face of a certain asshole, stripped from its head, and abandoned here like a worn-out mask.

"My turtle, boss, what happened to this?"

The boys were also shocked by this scene. Although Ouke has the habit of using the body of the loser as a trophy, this more "artistic" form surprised them.

"Shut up! You all search for me! See if there is any alive!"


"Also! Don't drink anything, maybe there is a problem with the wine here."


"Don't! Just listen to me if you don't want to die."

He hurriedly dispelled the boys, and Scarduo wanted to take a step forward to see if the dead boy was a mechanic.

Di di di di~!

The scream of the scanner of Kaboduo pulled his gaze away from this horrible thing.

Although he had never received training and did not know how to interpret the detection results, he lowered his head to examine the rows of symbols scrolling on the screen.

The instrument told him that there was something nearby, and he didn't know what the mechanic used to detect, but the abnormality above told him very clearly-there was something he couldn't see.

Scardo swallowed his disgust, released the detector to hang it on the leather belt, then raised the pistol and squeezed the trigger.

Suddenly, he realized that his hands were shaking, seemingly unable to restrain it.

This is extremely unusual, he knows he is not afraid, then this situation means that some kind of instinct is awakening, telling him that danger is approaching.

The sound of footsteps suddenly came.


Squaduo yelled and raised his pistol.

On the opposite side of this dry blood lake, a figure pulled out from the darkness and gradually approached.

Gabdo recognized the missing mechanic, but his expression was strange, a little stiff, and he stepped past the center of the blood stain without hesitation, allowing the sticky gelatinous substance to be adsorbed on the boots.


Ga Scarduo said loudly, his tone full of disgust.

"What are you doing, buddy? Look around, don't you see? We went to this ghost place to find you! Your **** is dead!"

"I saw."

He replied. These words are hoarse and dry.

The other party's tone was also very strange, and Kabodu noticed something and took a step back a little later.

"Bart, don't move! You are a little weird."

"Bart is not here,"

The voice gradually transformed and became slippery and smooth.

"Bart left."

The mechanic stepped out of the dim shadow and immediately looked different from the past.

On a face that was flowing and changing like oil on the surface of water, two dark pits stared closely at Cockatoo.

"Take me to find...Guk."

After the monster finished speaking, its face no longer even had eyes, and it didn't look like a human anymore.

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