Orc Tyrant

Chapter 793: Persevere (on)

The holographic image was projected on the smooth surface of the plotter, projecting a strong light inside the staff.

It folded sharp shadows around the glittering walls and bleached its tanned face.

The air was thick and dense, full of the smell of oil smoldering in the lampshade, and it smelled like a mixture of fat and compounds.

The officers have endured these smells for two weeks. Some people have adapted, but others have begun to cough, rub their eyes, and keep crying.

Nutans didn't know whether these tears were caused by the chemical irritants in the lights, or because he saw that this beautiful world was being destroyed.

He guessed that there are both.

He looked at the desolation of Mount Mihir and wanted to cry.

In any case, it used to be one of the most beautiful landscapes in the empire, with stunning forests, magical cliffs and sparkling lakes, as well as crown-like snow peaks.

Now, all of this is either burning or shrouded in smoke, choked with pollutants.

Guk was never afraid of taking extreme measures, he released his executioner in the most vicious way imaginable.

Nutans once heard from Prince Shadow that Guk’s Legion can succeed where other human armies have failed, because Greenskin is willing to go further than any human armies and support behaviors that are abhorrent to any civilized war rules. .

Seeing what he had done to Witlier, he fully understood.

This is not a glorious war, it is just a manifestation of massacre and destruction.

After being subjected to a fierce witchcraft bombing and razing most of its snowy peaks, Ouke surrounded the entire mountainous area with an absolute superior force.

However, Mount Mihir is still very valuable.

It is the confluence point of many river valleys in the middle of the canyon. It is the only road that allows heavy machinery to travel, which means that if you control the Mount Whitliar, you control the entrance to Tyre.

Even if this place becomes a dead rock, it is still the pillar of the imperial line of defense. In any case, no one will fall without a fight.

But compared to the feelings of Nutans, Jackson, the top commander on the front line, has to face more realistic problems.

Soon after Mount Mihir was devastated, Lieutenant General Jackson felt that their world was being torn apart piece by piece.

Among the many barbaric attacks that rip apart the front, only the invasion of the Tara Ridge was repelled.

Driven by their apparent success, a force of the Twin Snakes Army extended their strength excessively, and when they finally advanced to the mountain fortress of Fort Tara, they were exposed to danger.

The fourth, ninth, and forty-fifth regiments were stationed in the fort. When the troops of the Twin Snake regiment attacked, the 49th, 34th, and 33rd regiments surrounded from all sides and completed the annihilation.

It was an exciting time, but Jackson knew that this kind of thing would not happen many times.

Around the plotter are the commanders of the eight divisions, their expressions serious, as if they were carved in granite.

The combat logistics personnel input information into the plotter, and real-time strategic data depicts a world torn apart by war. Although the combat troops of the Citizen Temple have withdrawn, they also left behind many equipment and maintenance technicians.

"The Fifth Regiment is being deployed in place,"

Master Onori of the 119th Division took the lead to speak.

"The 17th Regiment is also moving to support it, and will go to the Trudeau Ridge to volunteer, where there are currently only two companies left."

"The enemy is at war with the 25th Regiment."

Commander Ulastov of the Thirty-Ninth Division also spoke afterwards:

"They fought on the eastern ridgeline of Daples,"

The head of the Seventh Division's Cxian Critic coughed twice and said:

"The 312th Regiment just reported that their position will be broken in a few hours. I am ordering parts of the 43rd and 37th Regiment to support them, but... ahem, they can't stay too long. We need some reinforcements."

"Are the thirteenth and twenty-eighth regiments in place for the attack from the north?"

Jackson did not directly answer the opponent, but turned to look at the commander of the 110th Division, Riest.

"Yes it is."

The other nodded to confirm.

"But Ok's Blood Axe Legion 1 and Black Fire Legion 1 are pushing hard at the southern end of the Gosa Ridge. If we do not reinforce, we may lose the entire west side."

Jackson paced around the plotter with his back hands, trying to find some holes in the Ouke front.

As the top commander on the front line appointed by Yushijin, he fully commanded all the imperial forces on the Mihir Mountain Defense Line, a level he had never held before.

Why was he selected?

In fact, there are other more experienced people in the General Staff.

Although he himself has participated in dozens of wars, and although he has won each time, each time is a division-level battle, with only tens of thousands of soldiers commanded.

But right now this is another aspect of war.

The strategic group commanding several divisions was trained in the military academy by Jackson, but never actually practiced it.

Perhaps what Yuhkin liked was his courage, he was stronger and more aggressive than most Imperial officers.

It played a role in Jackson's military career, and he must believe that it will still play a role here.


Chewing the word, he walked to the tactical plotter and grasped the strategic overview in a heartbeat.

The actions of divisions, regiments, and companies-the countless elements of warfare are a spider web consisting of fierce advancement, flank assaults, brutal battles, and siege.

On the Dua Ridge, the Nineteenth Regiment was almost completely wiped out, and an Ork army under the banner of the Black Fire Corps was marching north, through the scorched earth after the war-there used to be a pasture, cattle and sheep here Wander freely.

Even if you don't need to look at it, he knows that the group commander is glaring at him, aggrieved at the order to send their soldiers to death in vain.

The blue arcs and lines wind randomly on the map, each of which is an isolated fortress composed of black legions and conscripted imperial troops.

"What order do you have, sir?"

Master Honorary asked.

But Jackson didn't talk to him right away, but stared at the map, observing the current situation from a certain absolutely rational perspective.

The commands appeared in his mind on their own, but they were meaningless.

He checked his conclusions again, knowing they were correct, but checked again.

"Order the 25th Regiment and the 7th Regiment to reorganize the front line of defense."

Jackson ordered:

"The Seventeenth Regiment stopped and stood by."

"But the fifth company--"

Ulastov protested:

"Without the cover of the Seventeenth Regiment, they would be wiped out!"

"Excuting an order."

There is no trace of emotion in Jackson's language.

"You are sending those warriors to death in vain,"

Honori clung to the side of the plotter tightly.

"I can't stand by and watch you lose the best and bravest of us in such a crazy way."

"Are you questioning my order?"

Jackson looked at him. Both were members of the Black Legion. He and Onori were old acquaintances and knew each other's temperament. In fact, they were a bit similar to himself.

If he moved in different places, Jackson felt that he might be more radical than him.

"You are so **** right, I am!"

Onori shouted sharply before remembering who he was, and Nutans, who had never spoken, took a deep breath.

"I know what you did at Bill Tevere, Jackson! Damn, we all respect you for that. I know the commander will follow your advice. I know he has been paying attention to you, but this is crazy! You are so crazy! Want to see that?"

"If you question my order, you are questioning the commander."

Jackson said softly.

"Onori, do you really want to do this?"

"I don't doubt anything, Jackson!"

The commander of the 119th Division stretched out his hand to cover the catastrophic tactical situation on the holographic projection.

"But how can these tactics stop Ok? The butchers of Guk are digging out Mt. Mihir, and you are helping them to do so."

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