Orc Tyrant

Chapter 798: Team 007 (Part 2)

At first glance, the canyon composed of scattered gray stones and shiny black pools stretched northward from below, and was finally blocked by a cliff full of cracks, like a high wall.

Not far away, the child’s building-block-like Mihir Hill was getting bigger and bigger, and they saw thin spring water flying down everywhere, hitting the stone slab.

The mist gathered at the foot of the cliff like white smoke.

"When you said that it was pouring rain before, I thought you were joking."

"I also thought I was joking."

Varus answered dullly, put down his backpack, and checked the map.

Mu is doing the same thing.

"It says it's called Tristan Ridge."

"How long will it take us to go up?"

Mu put down the map and came to him.

"For a long time, if we can find a passable rift, or find that underground river mouth."

"Well, since they want us to go to the back soon, then we'd better leave."

Varus glanced behind him, and many people were exhausted after several hours of trekking. He knew that in such an environment, people were more tired than normal.

"Ten minutes to rest on the spot, and then we will set off to cross the canyon. Everyone has a drink. If you want to be happy, you can smoke some mushroom powder."


Then he walked away from the crowd on the slate, took the green communication device out of his pocket, and looked at it again.

It has a string of passwords on it, a standard Ouke style graffiti.

He followed the sequence of the character table given by Kundera, and quickly replaced each symbol with a corresponding number, and then combined those numbers according to the method they (the mechanic) taught him, and finally got a seven-digit channel number.

Varus climbed up a string of stones, came to the nearest Mu, and borrowed a set of field communicators from him, who was acting as a communicator.

He put on the headset, entered one of the numbers, and waited.

"Hey Hey hey?"

A rude voice quickly remembered.

"No. 007...Shrimp."

Varus really hates this nickname, but Ok’s simple brain circuit doesn’t remember his name very well.

"Wait, I call the boss...head! The shrimp is looking for you!"

Soon, Kundera's crappy human language reached his ears.

"It seems you are going well."

"I found an underground river in the gorge, which may be connected to the underground fortifications of the Mihir Mountain Defense Line."

"Very good, find the entrance of the river, keep in touch at any time during the action, if you need any help, tell me, I will send the kid over soon."


The signal is terminated.

Varus returned the instrument to its owner, then took out a cigarette and sat on the rock, smoking it without a mouthful.

"What did it say?"

Mu came to him and handed a water bottle.

Varus took a sip, then shook his head.

"I didn't say anything, they are playing happily, and they don't care about us for the time being."

"By the way... have you ever thought about that."

Hearing these words, Varus' body stiffened, and then slowly softened.

"If you want to run, I won't stop you, then I will say you are dead, and it won't ask in detail."

Mu sat next to him and looked at the end of the deep canyon in the distance.

"Aren't you afraid that I will report to the empire?"

"You really want to do this, I'm afraid it's useless, and even if I die, they won't feel a pity, there are more people waiting to do this."

Varus bit the word ‘wait’ very hard.

"Stop talking, it's time to get on the road."

Throwing the cigarette **** to the ground, Varus greeted everyone and began to continue deep into the canyon.

After stepping through the knee-length cold water, they climbed over a steep **** of turbulent rocks, with rotting residue scattered among the rocks.

Varus saw some ribs and greasy globules full of rot. The stench was unbearable.

"I heard the sound of water, and one more point was here."

Varus urged, he was as energetic as a fart.

Mu and Zazares followed him, the latter, an apprentice wizard, who had to join Oak’s spy team in order to get his sick mother with medicine.

"Here, down!"

Suddenly, a person shouted.

The crowd followed him to a depression between the huge rocks, a cave appeared in front of them, and black liquid flowed across the stone slabs.

The cave is very cold, and there is a strange echo.

Varus jumped between the stone slabs, avoiding the sewage below, jumping from one higher rock to another, as if they were stepping stones in a gorgeous water garden.

The depths of the cave suddenly opened up, revealing a huge stone hall.

Drops of water dripped from the vault, and there was a broad slab in the middle of this space. Like a stage, the wet rock was shining like glass.

"Is it here?"

Varus whispered, looking suspiciously at the ominous shadows around him.

"But there is no entrance here."

"Wait, I feel... there are traces of spell casting here."

Zazares suddenly spoke. At the age of nineteen, he was still a little immature, but he had a certain talent in witchcraft. His teacher was a wizard of the deer family, and the perception ability of this faction had always been very good.

He slowly turned his body and looked up at the stone wall. He seemed to be listening.

"But I can't feel it."

He muttered, sniffed, and took off the obviously larger helmet from his head.

"Where will it be?"

Varus also searched around for a while, but couldn't find any strange place. The cave seemed to be a dead end, but it couldn't explain where the water came from.

"I think it may be some kind of concealed witchcraft, I have to hide it."

After a while, Zazares decided.

"What might you get?"

"Blanking! Blanking!"

Zazares repeated it twice, as if everyone understood the meaning of this weird word.

He jumped from the stone platform, squatted by a pool, took out a small kit from his pocket, then put his index finger in it, and smeared it with some silver powder.

Afterwards, he swept the surface of the water with his fingers soaked in powder, sketching out a series of complicated symbols.

"Please, please—"

He murmured, but nothing happened.

"Come out!"

Suddenly, he made a shrill noise, and at the same time, quickly ran his fingers across the sewage.

Those symbols suddenly lit up, and at the same time the surroundings began to become cold.


A faint sound attracted Varus' attention. He turned his head and looked to the right, and found that a place that was originally a smooth rock wall was becoming nothingness, and the silent water also had waves.

"over there!"

Zazalles raised his head and smiled after seeing his success.

"This is a very hasty concealment spell."

Arriving at the entrance of the two-person high cave, the apprentice wizard saw some materials for casting spells and fresh spells on the rock wall. The spellcaster was in a hurry at the time, otherwise he would not be cracked by one of his apprentices.

"Good job, Zazares."

Varus put his head in, and after confirming that the air inside was fresh and carrying a weak wind, he waved to everyone.

"Let's go."

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