Orc Tyrant

Chapter 800: Warm-up (2)

As the super heavy tank was advancing, the artillery kept firing at the enemy, trying hard to suppress the enemy for a longer period of time.

The ground shook as the chariot advanced and shelled.

In fact, the speed of the Green Fortress is very slow, probably only faster than the average walking speed, but Guk is not a speed fan, he thinks this is enough.

The guards followed the tanks in columns and tried to use tanks as bunkers. The moving tanks were not hit by much fire at first until they overcame a small slope.

Da Da Da~!

The enemy's firepower suddenly appeared, and the air was full of flying metal fragments.

The mud in the ground was blasted into the air by the incoming fire from the wet ground, shrapnel spread on the armrests of the tank, and the mud and water fell on the Okers like rain.

A court guard fired a burst with the big click machine gun beside him, and then stopped until he realized that he hadn't seen the enemy at all.


Suddenly, the Okers on the green fortress felt a rush of hot air. The cannon that had been silent for the defenders suddenly fired from the side, melting a piece of metal on the track skirt on the left side of the green fortress and knocking it away.


The next second, a Tingwei trembles, and put his hand on his face at the same time, because a piece of molten metal hit his cheek.

But this was not a fatal injury, so Kundera just slapped him and calmed the opponent down.

Guk stood in the center of the firestorm and didn't mean to dodge in the slightest, occasionally bullets hit his armor, but only a trace of sparks came out.

Through the open roof hatch, he could hear the command of the Green Fortress commander.

"Kill me! Get ready, listen to the password, three, two..."

When the tank turned ten degrees to the right, there was a tremor, and then Ting Wei above firmly grasped the side armrest.

A deep roar joined the roar of the engine, and suddenly shook the heavy body of the tank. The super heavy gun was activated, and the rumble became a whistle as the barrel gradually turned red.



The sound of the fire was like a thunderstorm, forming a trembling wall of sound.

The sound was so loud that even Guk's ears began to ring in pain.

In an instant, a cannonball the size of Ok's head flew out of the barrel, and then under the action of its own propellant, it created an effect like a firework show in front of the tank.

The cannonball screamed and flew towards the enemy.

Guk tried to take a look at what was happening, and then he saw that the enemy’s fortifications were directly broken into a pile of chalky debris, and bombed by shells that had penetrated the line of defense, even though he didn’t know those. What is the fate of the gun crew that is hiding behind the defense line and firing at the green fortress, but

How should I put it, there is no annoying heavy weapon group to annoy them anymore.

After solving the enemy's anti-armor firepower, the tanks speeded up, and they drove down a small **** in front of the line of fire, facing an anti-tank trench outside the outer line of defense.

These trenches were all V-shaped with a wide top and a narrow bottom, and there was a big fire inside. Obviously, human beings have gradually begun to learn how to respond to Ouke's armored raid in a short period of time.

But Guk knew that if those humans thought that this would prevent the Green Fortress, they were really wrong.

Because the green fortress roared towards the human line of defense, it didn't mean to slow down at all.

Upon reaching those anti-tank trenches, a scene that surprised everyone appeared.

The expected collapse did not occur. The behemoth of nearly a hundred tons, as if suddenly freed from gravity, drove directly over the trench, and the big mouth full of sharp teeth in the front of the car made a painful crunch.

If humans knew that there was a demon's soul wreck bound inside this engine, perhaps they would not be so surprised.

After the Green Fortress broke through, more trucks crowded up with firepower, and the boys on board quickly used sandbags to build several pathways in the trenches.

With the rapid completion of this work, other tanks continued to roll forward, advancing in the mud like sea boats.

Then came the roar of super heavy guns.

The enemy's firepower first weakened, and then strengthened.

A heavy rain formed by a warhead clinked and struck the front armor of the Green Fortress, and a puddle of muddy water flew onto the battle deck due to the explosion of the artillery shell, bringing a sound of complaint and dissatisfaction.

"Artillery, this is me! The overlord is on it! Stop shooting, stop shooting!"

At first, the captain thought it was the firepower of his side. When he realized that the explosion of the shells had become less but closer, he realized that it was the firepower of the enemy, not his own.

With the armored assault, the terrain gradually became steeper and the road became shallower, and then they reached the periphery of the enemy's line of defense, the source of crossfire.

The heavy machine guns and mortars formed a cross fire that hit the sides of the green fortress, while the rapid-fire machine guns on the side turrets of the tanks turned their barrels outwards and responded with a penetrating bullet.

The flames of the battle made Guk's eyes dizzy, and he blinked hard to remove the effect on him.

"Boys! It's time to fire!"

Compared with the powerful firepower of super-heavy armor, the weapons that the guards hold are nothing more than children's toys.

But even so, those large-caliber automatic weapons are enough to suppress the enemy, making the enemy bow his head behind the trenches, and the rapidly deployed small rocket launchers also play this role.

J Guk hung the warhammer behind his waist, took out his pistol, and looked back.

The first wave of assault war trucks have already moved into the forefront, and the guards on board have begun to get off.


Suddenly, a truck was hit by fire directly and exploded. Its metal shell could not resist the explosion inside. The machine gun on the front of the truck flew into the sky, while the burning car body slowly decomposed, and no kid could escape.

It is for this reason that not all guards are willing to come to the front line by car, and more infantrymen are joining the battle by running.

"Attention, attention, attention!"

The captain below suddenly shouted:

"Overlord, it may be a bit trembling for a while!"

Hearing his words, Guk retracted his weapon and grabbed the guardrail.


The green fortress hit a section of the defensive wall, and the tracks were deeply pressed into the gravel.

The huge self-weight of the chariot and the rotating tracks tore off the parapet directly, and then it was thrown back and squeezed between the tracks.

The chariot leaned to the left, and the court guard above was swayed, and the weapon in his hand fell on the battle deck.

Then it didn't take long for the chariot to regain its balance, and the rear of the chariot lifted up.

Guk saw the back of the enemy's defense line in a panic. When the green fortress ran into their fortifications, the shrimps peeed their pants in shock and ran around.

Then it didn't take long for the tank to climb a steep **** and then lean forward abruptly.

"It's time! Come with me!"

Guk roared as the side of the tank was exposed to enemy fire.

The guards swayed out of the car and ran to the combat position. Now their light weapons can come in handy.

The hiss of the heavy flamethrower ignited from a height, and as the tank continued to advance, the enemy line of defense was burned into a burning hell.

One soldier fell down, gasping for the dead from his torn throat, and another soldier was crying on the ground with a broken calf bent.

The battlefield situation is now in chaos, with the sound of weapons firing from all directions, and the enemy flees in the opposite direction of the green fortress.

At the same time, with every roar of the cannons, those enemies who came from the flanks to try to reinforce them were instantly beaten into a pile of black smoky debris by the immense power of this powerful weapon.

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