Orc Tyrant

Chapter 803: Old grudge

"Ha, I give you a chance, if you can slip away with a trick, then it's your skill."

With a loud laugh, Guk waved his arm immediately.

Accompanied by a strong sense of weightlessness, the huge force threw her into the air, and then fell into a crater filled with blood.

The silt mixed with blood stained her white face mottled. She fumbled in her dizziness, but found that the sword in her hand was nowhere to be found.

Immediately, the witch stood up, but could not find any weapons nearby.

Human corpses shredded by bullets and explosions were scattered around the crater, unrecognizable.


The convulsive pain struck again, and she bent down, and found that the power of the vast ocean had entered his body unstoppably.

She is a badger wizard. The application of power is more in the body. The school has always taught her that she must stick to her heart, because the power of the vast ocean is by no means costless. If you are not careful, then it will become Hundreds of people ask you for everything they have provided.

"Guk...you...killed my grandfather and father..."

But now, with the temptation of this power in front of him, the witch finally let go of her body and mind and embraced Hanan's waves.

"……you die!"

The surrounding gravel was suspended in the air, and the blood under her feet gradually boiled.

The power of the vast ocean was surging throughout her body, but at the cellular level, terrible mutations had begun to destroy her.


Guke frowned, realizing that it was not easy, so he raised his right arm and gently hooked his fingers.


The surrounding guards immediately comprehended the order and rushed forward, planning to chop the glowing woman to pieces.

"You thought it would be so easy?"

The young witch hissed, her voice echoing several times.

Then she waved her arms and let out a roar full of hatred, no less inferior to the howling of a giant wolf, and rushed into the frantic battlefield.

A cloud of blue flame erupted from her eyes, pierced into the chest of the enemy in front of her, and ignited it.

The guard let out a painful roar of a beast and fell to the ground, and the blazing fire burst out at the same time.

A cluster of white-hot flames rushed out of the witch's hand, melting the armor like a candle.

The burning guards roared in pain, and the hot explosion swallowed the dying soldiers and sucked air from their lungs.

The pistol roared, but all the bullets exploded within three meters of the witch's surroundings. She seemed to have become an absolute forbidden zone, and any close objects would be burned.

"Why do you show up!"

With her voice almost mad, her arms waved in fiery arcs, causing her armor to shatter like eggshells.

Even if she has the power not inferior to the wolf faction master, she is still using the brutal skills of the Badger faction to carry out the killing.

Perceiving a stream of fire rising in her body, her eyes suddenly filled with light, and her limbs were enveloped in flames.

She could see the white tyrant and his shining dogs in front of her.

Gradually, her vision began to shrink, until only the armor was about to be shattered in her eyes, scorching the enemy's movement trajectory.

The witch slaughtered the Quartet, and every cell in her body could feel those feelings.

The arm swayed like a piston, smashing the armor and breaking the bones with a force that he had never had before.

Her body is already full of boiling energy, but all her mind is focused on the prey, regardless of the potential danger of this power.

Even the jumpers retreated from her in horror, unable to resist his might.

The originally slender woman was able to throw away the warriors who were several times stronger than her like a straw at this moment, and use waves of psychic power to crush the enemy on the ground until they became a pool of flesh and blood on the ground.

"Kill kill kill kill kill!!!"

The energy surging in her is extraordinary, but also extremely violent.

Guk looked at her with no expression on his face. Such contempt completely angered her and ignited her last trace of reason.


Fiery flames circulated throughout her body, and the queen, whose clothes had been completely burned, released a flood of etheric energy to the tyrant.

In an instant, flames enveloped the towering figure, and met his armor in the scorching light like the birth of a star.

"Ha ha……"

But Guk hardly blinked, and then the encounter with the witch was terrifying and shocking.

Huge power bounced back from Guk's armor, like a beam of light shining on a mirror, in front of the waaagh energy lingering around the body, Hanan, who had nowhere to go, could only turn its creator to incinerate.

"Do not!!!!"

Her scream was extremely shocking, the essence of the witch was swallowed by the ether in an instant, and the painful roar was enough to move all the boys.

But she still did not give up. Instead, she turned into a blazing pillar of fire, rushing towards Guk, and the guards stepped away from her, unwilling to approach the cursed soul.

With the gust of wind blowing in front of him, Kundera Kado raised his long-handled sword in front of him.

"What kind of monster are you?"

He roared, this stupid question made the witch laugh.

"I am your doomsday!"

She sounded like a thunder, but her twisted and deformed eel-like mouth made those words blurred.

The witch looked down at the Chief Tingwei, and it was only at this moment that she realized the abnormal changes her body had suffered.

Each of her organs and limbs was plunged into crazy transformation and remodeling, the organic organization was astoundingly integrated, and the muscles surged in unbounded ambition.

How could she not realize such a profound change?

Just when this question came to mind, the answer followed.

At this moment, the flesh and blood no longer belong to her, a certain vicious existence fills the whole body, and its full of hatred and patience unlocked the ferocious potential buried deep in her soul.

That wild and unbound power used to sleep quietly in her body and sleep in the bodies of all wizards, but now it has escaped, releasing all the mutations that have accumulated for more than 20 years in two minutes.


Kundera rushed forward, and the war knife pointed her at her exposed heart. She wanted to resist, but it was not until she approached Guk that she realized the difference in strength between the two.

In fact, he could kill himself with a thought a long time ago, and what he is doing now is just his nasty and fun game.

The waaagh energy tied her in place like a rope.


The leader of Ting Wei roared and pierced her mutated flesh and blood with a long knife.


The witch sighed sadly and closed her eyes.

The face of her father flashed in her mind. She was the daughter of Shahruni, the leader of the Lieyong Regiment. Yusuf, once the highest commander of the Aswan Fortress, was her grandfather. At that time, she was just a naive girl until... …

The blade surrounding the lightning cut through her heart and took away the last bit of consciousness that was gradually drifting away from her.

At this moment, death is indeed a comforting relief.


Kundera made sure that the opponent was wiped out, and turned around to go to Guk's side.

"Human neuroses, it seems that they will eventually be occupied by demons. They are really a bit dangerous."

But Guk stared at the burned guard corpses and muttered to himself, and then he was silent for a moment, as if he had made some decision.

"Kundera Ka."


"Go back and get rid of all the shrimp wizards in the camp."


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