Orc Tyrant

Chapter 807: Assassination (1)

The morning sun rose on the right, and Klein noticed it sprinkled a cold radiance on the mine.

He adjusted the lighting range of the scope downward by an order of magnitude, looking at the shadows gradually retreating along the rough stone floor tiles.

The morning light at this time had a peculiar crystal texture, which originated from the numerous fine particles suspended in the air, which were engulfed by the desert storm raging in the distance.

With the end of the rain, the humidity in the canyon gradually decreased, and the built-in system of the sniper rifle automatically compensated, slightly increasing the temperature of the barrel, so that the single bullet that had already been filled was kept in the most ideal state before firing.

The sound of the herd from below reached his shooting point high above.

The noise was harsh and noisy, and it reminded him of the squally wind on the sea, the waves of black mud and gray rocks.

He frowned under his eyepieces and pushed this thought into the depths of his mind; now is definitely not the time to let old trivial matters disturb his mind.

He gently adjusted the action selection switch from the safe position to the shooting mode with his thumb, carefully avoiding moving the weapon position, even one millimeter.

The indicator rod that scrolled vertically along the scope screen told him that the weapon was ready to take his life.

Now, all Klein needed was his goal.

He curbed the urge to look up at the sky, because his prey would appear soon.

After conquering the most important node of the inner ring defense line of Mihir Mountain, Ouke's army has compressed humans into the main mountain and the few ridgelines. The fall of this fortress has become a complete question of time.

All Guk will come here, the closest mine to Mount Mihir, and the largest mine. He will meet with the warlords who have been fighting for many days to discuss the next move.

This is the information given above, and Clay trusts it 100%.

Because this is their last chance, they will lay down layers of murder here, just to take the life of a target.


Suddenly, there was a commotion in the herd below.

Several battle flags symbolizing the various legions of Ouke swayed. The elites of each of Ouke’s legions gathered here. Klein occasionally imagined that if there was a heavy artillery regiment making a coverage shot at this time, maybe The battlefield war is over.

It's a pity that this is just a daydream. There are no living people within a radius of more than ten miles.

Regardless of whether the assassination is successful or not, the probability of their survival is very, very low.

Klein's heart trembled as the howling became louder and louder.

he came!

A flickering bluish-white energy appeared out of thin air, and then expanded into a gleaming lightning sphere.

The tortured air molecules screamed, and the teleportation effect distorted the laws of physics to the point of collapse in the blink of an eye.

After a second, the violent glare and noise completely disappeared, leaving only thirteen giant beasts standing proudly.


The ear-splitting cheers suddenly erupted in the silence of tens of thousands of boys. It was Ting Wei who followed the overlord. Their splendid and flawless moon-white armor was decorated with jet black trim, and their heads were ferocious iron gray helmets with long silver trim The corners shone brightly.

They are huge shadows that make everyone who dare to look directly timid.

The heavy battle clothes, solid plate armor, and blazing eyes are all awe-inspiring and frightening. On their shoulders, the heads hanging in chains are clearly visible-those are witnesses of their sins.

The tallest beast stepped forward. His armor was more luxurious than any Ouke. His body was covered with various chains and totem ornaments. A leather cloak hung over his shoulder, and on the trophy bracket behind him, a twisted The head is opening his mouth and closing his eyes, as if roaring silently——

Rumor has it that the tyrant once beheaded a demon.

He held a huge silver-encrusted pistol, held it high above his head, and fired a shot into the sky.


The bullet blasted out of the chamber with ear-shaking thunder.

Before the bullet shell fell on the marble underfoot, the herd had already screamed for allegiance.

"Long live the overlord! waaagh!!!"

The giant Ouke with pale marble skin put away his weapon, took off his helmet, and let the whole world see his face.

There is no room for hesitation, no room for mistakes, such an opportunity cannot be repeated.

Klein placed the crosshair on the mouth of the tyrant's helmet, and the dim disturbance from the distant distance seemed to vanish in an instant-now there are only weapons and targets.

He is part of the weapon, its trigger, and the final component of the gun.

Time slowed down.

Through the scope, Klein saw that the armored hands held the sides of the helmet and lifted it from the neck.

In a moment, the body will be exposed, and the neck will be fragile and helpless.

A clear goal.

Countless thoughts flashed past, if he did, what would happen afterwards?

What kind of turbulence will the assassination of Guk cause? Does the direction of the future part ways here? How many lives will be saved? How many lives will be annihilated?

Klein could almost hear the gears of history rumble in his ears.

At the next breath, he opened fire.

The final word.

This sniper rifle was actually given to him by the Shadow Prince. The bone-white shell is as light as nothing, and the technology contained in it is unheard of by Klein, but he will not ask about it, because anyone trying to explore the Prince’s secret , The final outcome will be terrible.

The bullet in the barrel was said to be specially made by the shadow palace, and it came from some mysterious technology. Klein only knew that once it was hit, its internal fuel would immediately detonate.

The combustion gas is directed towards the pressure center of the cone-shaped bullet, projecting it out of the barrel cooled by liquid nitrogen at supersonic speed.

The silencer system can absorb almost all the sound of firing, reducing the auditory traces of the weapon to the level of a light cough.

As the bullet popped out of the chamber, Klein would send a signal to the magic bullet shooter below. After long-term cooperation, the two weapons had reached perfect synchronization.

All magic bullet shooters have the ability to release all their energy into the magic bullet in the last fire, achieving an extremely powerful blow, but then the magic bullet shooter will be terribly cursed and become a corpse. .

This is the perfect plan.

At the moment of firing, the bullet crossed a long distance within a few seconds and fell to the target along the expected arc without any difference.

The wind is negligible and has not changed its trajectory.

Then, the bullet hit the energy position, bursting out a flash of light.

They had known that Guk's armor had some kind of invisible barrier similar to witchcraft, so they planned this plan.

Any conventional ammunition would be completely dissociated as a result, but Klein's sniper rifle fired a shield-breaking round.

The high-energy fragments containing counter-rotating particles dissipated the structure of the force field shield, causing it to collapse suddenly, but the barrier was in cyclic mode and would be reactivated within two seconds.

So this is far from enough.

As the shield-breaking bullet pierced the force field, red energy beams followed one after another, and the last sigh of the magic bullet shooter reached everyone's hearts. He completed his duties, and then fell into silence.

Klein's eyes widened and saw that the turbulent energy converged unstoppably at the same point, accurately hitting the target's throat, dissociating the muscles, allowing the blood to evaporate, the skin boiled, and the bones vaporized.

The only sound was the roar of the headless corpse slumping to the ground, and the spewing blood was spilled on the white floor tiles and shiny pistol.

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