Orc Tyrant

Chapter 813: Assassination (7)

"Humble artifact."

Zaraxia let out a cold laugh and pulled out the long knife on his waist, his left hand has become a sharp claw like a dry branch.

As the sharp blade unsheathed, a turbulent wave swept across the soul drinker's body, making it impossible to avoid it, and the skin fluctuated like a steel needle in the body, allowing it to taste the cold and cold pain of the evil god's caress.

It refuses to maintain Ouke's appearance, but trembles and howls driven by pain, seeking relief.

The soul drinker's almost perfect disguise suddenly fell apart, and when the anger in his heart finally rose to the sky, he decided to let it all happen.


The skin material disguised as flesh and blood suddenly blistered and cracked, transforming into a scarlet infrared surface covered with viscous liquid and trembling trembling muscles.

The simple protective gear on his body could not bear the huge pressure caused by it, and it collapsed on his shoulders and back.

A series of arc-shaped spines emerged from his shoulders, and two scimitar-like slender bone blades stretched out along the forearms. The claws pierced the soles of his boots, grabbed into the rock, and at the same time, his head The slippery mouth opened slowly.

"Go back to your world!"

Everyone present can hear the screams and wailings of countless souls, and the sound of blades being unsheathed.

The disguised identity is completely dissociated, and it becomes one with all the living weapons under the skin.

"Your master never told you, what are you?"

Zaraxia tilted her head and stared at him with a playful expression, as if looking at an idiot.


The sound of the gun sounded, and a bullet grazed the cheek of the soul drinker, slashing like a razor, a crack gushing with jet black liquid.

Stained blood splashed on the ground, and it staggered back.

If he flicked up slowly for a moment, the bullet would hit between his dark and bottomless eyes.

"Soul drinker! Why does this kind of thing appear here!"

The fourth person appeared. Klein held up his gun and stared at everything in the cave with wide eyes.

Then he saw Zaraxia and Glacas, and the planners trying to avoid his sight.

"So it was you! Traitor!"

In an instant, the anger rushed to the top of Ye Jian's head. Although he was skeptical, the planner was always in the last column, because most of the information on their actions was provided by this wizard, including this time Guk's itinerary.

"I am not."

The planner took a step back, and then answered bluntly.

"Then you better explain who those two people are and this...monster."

The soul drinker turned around, tensed the muscles of his arms, flicked his wrists and raised his palms, and many holes were immediately formed in his skin.

In the next second, slender and sharp bone spurs burst out of the splashing pink droplets.

"Damn it!"

Klein suddenly lost his balance and slipped to the side, clutching his gun with both hands.

Bone spurs hit the ground and rock walls like raindrops, and their power is strong enough to penetrate the rock.

A few of them hit Ye Jian's chest and nailed to the armor, making him tremble in consternation.

This armor was bestowed on him by the Shadow Prince. It was engraved with many charms he had never seen before, and it was made of a bone-like material, which did not seem to be strong.

But in front of him, this breastplate saved Klein's life.

He rolled up from the ground, wiped his chest with his palm, and swept away the bone spurs.

After they fell on the ground, they quickly withered and became soft and uncertain. At this time, Klein found in disgust that the bone spurs began to twist like worms.

He lifted his foot and crushed them into a puddle of white pus, and then pressed the sniper rifle to his shoulder.

"Klein! Get away!"

Pegudor’s voice came, but Ye Jian had no idea what to do. He watched the monster assassin turn into an afterimage, and the surrounding air became blurred, like the heat emitted by the hot yellow sand, making it difficult for him to aim. .

He tensed his trigger finger.

There is a split bomb in the barrel of the gun-after hitting the target, it will automatically shatter into hundreds of fortified liquid metal filaments. They will spread out in a spherical shape, tearing apart bones and flesh and blood like a storm of blades.

This was originally a gift for Gu Ke.

But his first shot has been missed, and a sniper rarely has the opportunity to fire a second shot, which he knows well.

Ye Blade made a decisive decision, pulled the bolt, and pushed the unattended split bullet out of the barrel, and then fetched a red bullet from the side pocket of his arm and reloaded it.

This is an explosive bomb. It is said that it is filled with a substance that does not belong to this world. It is specially used to sniper the target hiding in the vehicle. It is also the masterpiece of the Shadow King, the only one in the world.

With a click, the breech of the sniper rifle tightly locked the deflagration bomb.

But the shadow was too fast, the distance between the two was a hundred meters, but it arrived in a flash.


The moment Klein fired his gun, the soul drinker pressed his muzzle and twisted to the right.

The second bullet hit the rock wall and immediately detonated.

The orange-red flame giant fist grabbed all nearby objects and threw it out.


Klein was lifted off the entrance of the cave, and when he got up, a large number of rock fragments continued to fall from the sky.

In an instant, his vision was full of twisted and pulsating firelight, and then a faintly smoky scarlet object emerged from the pile of debris and rushed towards the cave.

He cursed in a low voice and smashed a new magazine into the gun body, knowing that it was too late at the same time.

"Klein, we must go—"

Io's voice made him freeze in place.

A giant eagle was falling from the sky, and Io above stretched out his arm towards him.

"Ok is coming here!"

After hesitating for a moment, Klein let out a low growl of annoyance, jumped up and grabbed the opponent's hand, and then, with the help of the great power of Ziyuan Saint Cloth, turned over to the giant eagle's back.

"Where is the planner?"

On the back of the giant eagle, Pegged looked at Klein who was panting, Yeblade was silent for a while, and whispered:

"He... is the traitor."


The people around immediately opened their eyes, this is the least expected result.

"Go back first. I need to report everything I see to Prince Shadow. I must hurry, Danny."

"alright, I understand."

The giant eagle made a clear cry and flapped its wings to accelerate to the north.

On the other hand, the soul drinker is also running away, his back feels like a thousand needles.

The black monster ran wildly around the ring of stalagmites in the cave, and these former mine areas had long been abandoned.

He could feel his skin trying to fight the countless fragments buried in his body, which was the result of the explosion.

Soon, pieces of debris appeared on the surface of his torso, wrapped in splashes of black blood and vomited out by that layer of living skin.

The burning of the explosion made him tortured, and every step of the soul drinker would cause a heart-piercing pain to rush up his legs, tightly around his chest.

The ammunition detonated behind him, and the cunning human thus avoided all damage and allowed himself to bear everything.

The shock wave that swept through threw him away, and the flesh and blood body had withstood most of the power of the explosion. If he were a human, he would have been torn apart.

He needs to find another way to leave here, another way to send a letter to the owner.

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