Orc Tyrant

Chapter 822: Unfamiliar Legion

These vanguard soldiers were carefully scanning around along the ridge, their guns in their hands, and they were alert due to the previous attack by the white pigeon team.

Moroz moved, then bent down and looked back at the top of the mountain.

All of Oak's infantry columns seemed to be in front of them, about less than a thousand, and unless he stayed here and waited for them, they would never know that anyone was staring at them.

After squatting for more than ten meters, the rumble of the engine began to echo on the southern ridge.

This came from a lower-sounding and larger motor, and when Moroz slid back from the observation position, he glanced to the right.

A larger vehicle is rumbled over the hills. It has a rotatable machine gun platform installed on its front. Half a dozen green leather stands on it, wearing a brightly colored jacket, and a heavy-duty protective deck over its shoulders.


When Moroz was about to put down his binoculars and walk away, he suddenly noticed that one of the armored green skins was obviously much larger than the others.

It was a huge beast. The black and white armor was decorated with a blue moon pattern. A long flag with the symbol of Oak was hung on the flagpole behind him. At the same time, there was a sharp blade badge with waves as the background at the top. .

All the scouts have learned some knowledge of Ouke, and Ouke will use the most conspicuous way to show their identity, and this is the guy he has seen, the most boastful.

If he is not wrong, he should be another warlord!

With his other eye, Moroz saw that the nearest green skin was only two hundred meters away.

It's time to leave.

Through the rough bushes, Moroz was still shocked by what he had just seen.

There is no doubt that the other warlord only means one thing-there are actually two Ouk forces marching towards Tyre.

Although it is still uncertain how powerful this second force is, or what connection they have with Ork of the Blood Axe Legion, the Tyre Garrison Command must be informed of this news.

These orcs are clearly marching towards Desaixsburg, and what they encountered a few days ago must have been pioneers, not lagging behind.

Fort Dessex is located in the southwest of Tyre. The defense force is mainly composed of militia armed forces. Only a few regular army companies are in the team to support it. It is very important to strengthen the defense.

Wearing a cloak of camouflage, Moroz ran low and quickly went down the slope.

The location of Oktober in the south was almost level with him, and the truck and battle fortress were not far behind.

In front of a small piece of wood, Moroz found a hiding place between the two big trees, then turned to face Ouke, and found that they were attacking him at a certain speed, even though he was sure that he was not being attacked. see.

It's time for them to slow down.

He lay on the ground, put his rifle on a rock, and aimed at the middle one of the closest three pinches of oak.

Subsequently, the rifle fired in his hands, a total of two shots.

One of them fell immediately, the bullet shot from the eye socket into the brain, and the second knelt on one knee, blood gushing from the neck wound.

The sudden attack caused the Oukes to fall into chaos. Many of them lay down and started shooting randomly at the surrounding bunkers. Others swooped behind the rocks. An angry warning sounded far away to Moroz's side. There was a wry smile.

"I didn't kill the second one..."

A few bosses began to yell at orders, and in one way or another, forced their men to run around behind bushes and rocks, without order and discipline.

"Stupid beast..."

Moroz murmured to himself, and hung the gun on his shoulder at the same time.

Satisfactorily, the Oukes will be delayed enough time. Moroz retreated from his shelter and continued to run down the **** briskly, then looked for his team and brought the news back. Tyre.

When he found his team, it was already the afternoon, and more and more Ouke was moving eastward.

But the greenskins didn't seem to show any special cohesion. This was obviously not the style of the blood axe. They clearly knew that the legion had a discipline that was rare in the Ork troops.

After two hours, Moroz and Yad led their team carefully to retreat south along a river.

When the sun sank into the dusk, Moroz knew very well that his scouts could not run past the Occan vehicle that followed them. He asked another team for a meeting and told Yad to leave the scouts behind.

"The information we have is too important to take risks, buddy."

When the two met, Moroz spoke first.

"You must first reach Desaixsburg and warn them of Oak's offense."

"Leaving will make you lose your protection. It's against my honor."

Yad argued:

"We are only ten kilometers away from the communication coverage area. Until then, you have been able to stay ahead of the greens."

It's not that Moroz has not considered this, but he has other concerns.

"That will only reduce the time it takes Desaixsburg to prepare for the defense."

Moroz said, pacing impatiently.

The leading Ork troops are only one to two kilometers behind them and will soon catch up.

"Yad, our responsibilities are very clear. If you really want to help, attack Oak’s vanguards and lead them north, we are currently forced to go too far south. If we continue to develop in this direction, we will Will be forced to a blind spot that cannot be roundabout."

"I think your suggestion has merit."

Yad nodded slowly, he was carefully considering the idea.

"We will conduct a diversionary attack and evacuate to the communication area. Once I pass our information to the defenders in Dessex, we will come back to cover your retreat."

"No, brother, your power is best used for the attack against Oak in Dessex. If the defense line is lost, the southwestern side of Tyre will open."

Yad shook his head left and right, a little bit resistant to this potential action plan.

"And you must warn the garrison headquarters that there is another unfamiliar Ork regiment joining the offensive, and the defenders in Desaix are far from enough.

"Are you really sure that it is a new legion? We don't have any evidence, and the garrison command may not be—"

Moroz didn't say anything, and strode back to his team, motioning the team to move west.

"Then I can only look forward to the blessing of the Holy Father, I hope they still have enough mind."

With the departure of the white pigeon team, Moroz began to analyze the situation.

The Oaks will not reach Fort Dessex before dawn, and the coming night will be the best cover his team can seek, and the Oaks are likely to choose to camp in the dark.

He has seen motorcycles and off-road chariots in the distance twice, wandering the plains.

They didn't seem to be looking for the Deseksburg team, but they must be well aware of the existence of human reconnaissance forces in this area.

Dozens of vehicles were followed by the vanguard, and the Greenskin Patrol did not issue an alarm. This was the key.

If they do, it will only be a matter of time before the greenskins catch up with the scouts.

Moroz wanted to move directly to the northeast, heading straight to Silver Stream Town, which was an excellent hidden spot, and from the route, if Oke in this direction was really a large force, it would inevitably pass through that place.

If possible, he wants to get more and more accurate information about this unfamiliar army, and wait for an opportunity to block their actions.

But the terrain along the way is too open. The plains in western Tyre are like a bare patch. There is not much vegetation or anything else that can be used as a cover. The land here is basically farmland divided by the river.

The scouts had to bypass the plain and turn to the south, at least until night fell before Moroz could reconsider this plan.

Then they began to quicken their pace, hoping to keep as far as possible from Ouke while the sun was still hanging in the sky.

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