Orc Tyrant

Chapter 834: Bloody Battle at Wengenhe (5)

Because Ouke doesn't have any concept of positional warfare, battles are basically clustered together. Once faced with pressure from multiple directions, serious chaos will occur.

Lame Luo is currently facing this situation.

Because of the sudden appearance of a large group of cavalry behind, some boys began to turn around and plan to face the enemy backwards, and their movement affected other boys who were going to continue forward, and the whole front suddenly became like mud.

The commander suddenly fell into a situation almost paralyzed.

"Boss! What should I do!?"

Lame Luo also left the front line at this time, standing on the truck overlooking the battlefield.

The situation was not optimistic. The front was not going out. On the side, there are more and more human reinforcements. Moreover, the human artillery that had been silent for a long time suddenly survived, and its firepower doubled, blasting the troops that had reached the edge of the forest to pieces.

In the rear, the empty camp has been swept by the cavalry. At this time, it doesn't matter if you count on the nerve boy.

Lame Luo was a little upset. Would it be better if he checked and pushed all the troops forward?

But the fact is like this. He was blinded by the false victory created by the foot of the song, and turned the kid who should have joined the frontal combat to the side.

"Go back first! Go back!"

In desperation, Lame Luo could only recall the troops on the side, and then the entire force began to move towards the Wengen River.

He tried to reorganize an attack after gathering the boys.

But humans did not give him this opportunity.

The human cavalry was extremely fast. They quickly made contact with Ouke, but they did not rashly crash into the Ouke's army. Instead, they kept cruising on the outside line and attacked the boys who tried to leave the army.

In the process, the troops rushing out of the forest began to stabilize their positions, digging trenches, and trapping Lame Luo on the west bank of the Wengen River.

At first he was curious about why Xiami did this.

When the shells began to fall on his head, he realized that Xiami was also afraid of Oak's desperate fight, so they decided to use artillery to solve these invaders.

And this unobstructed river valley is also the best battlefield for artillery.

This day was the gloomiest day in Lame Luo's life.

Every time the enemy's shells fall, they will carry the lives of several, or even more than a dozen, boys. They are like flies stuck on cardboard, still being slaughtered by the enemy.

The boys ran around, the butts were so scared that they cried, everything was messed up.

In the meantime, he organized several breakouts, but they were all repelled by the humans. Obviously, in order to surround him, the humans had already spent their money and mobilized several times the force to besiege.

"Boss! Boss! What...what should I do?"

The original old truck had been destroyed, and Lame Luo could only hide beside the wreckage, with shells falling beside him from time to time.

Green stumps and broken arms can be seen everywhere, and some kids are ready to jump into the river to escape, but Xiami is really vicious, and even set up a machine gun on the other side of the river.

Facing this situation where there is no way to go to the ground, Lame Luo was really angry. He glared at the chattering adjutant, then directly lifted the knife down, chopped off the opponent's head, and kicked the headless. Corpse.


He rolled over and jumped onto the wreckage of the truck, raising his head and shouting.

"You still have the courage! Just rush to me!!! I'm dead and pulled down!!!"

With his appearance, the scurrying boys immediately gathered, but the original vast army of 100,000, now there are only less than 50,000, and there are less than 10,000 who can gather by his side. .

"Go on!!"

Lame Luo jumped out of the car, picked up his saber, and walked towards the human position step by step, and the boys followed him.

"Go on! Go on!!!!"

The cannonballs kept falling in the queue, and the flag was poured several times, already in tatters, but it would always be erected again, just like the **** flag on the human front.

No matter how much effort Lame Luo spent, he still couldn't pull it off.

Seeing Ok was preparing to break through again, the human side quickly concentrated its firepower, and the machine gun rifle formed a continuous barrage.

Ding~! !

Two bullets hit the damaged helmet, and Lame Luo grinned, took the scrap iron from his head, and threw it to the ground.

Turning around, he faced the boys who followed him and raised his saber.



The boys roared like mountains and tsunamis, but Lame Luo was stunned for a while, because he heard another sound, more distant...


He turned around abruptly, ignoring the impact of the bullet on the armor, widening his eyes as if looking west.

I saw that the **** forest was burning, and it was spreading at an extremely fast rate.

This is absolutely abnormal. In the absence of fuel-supporting materials, it is impossible to form a rapid fire. Even the humans at the edge of the forest were stunned by the fire and began to crawl away from the forest.

Then, the familiar low whistling sound came from the sky.

Thousands of rockets dragging heavy smoke sprang up from the back of the human position, and fell to the ground in an arc.


The voice grew louder.

"Beruf... my good buddy!!!"

Lame Luo jumped up with excitement, turned around and shouted at the boys:

"My best buddies are here! Boys! Kill!"

The sudden appearance of the blood axe legion gave all the besieged Ouke a shot, the morale that had been defeated quickly recovered, and launched an even more violent impact on the human position.

On the human side, the form deteriorated drastically.

When the mighty blood axe army struck from the northwest and lit the forest, all the high-level human commanders were dumbfounded.

The first to appear are the vehicles of the blood axe.

Trucks, motorcycles, temporarily assembled off-road vehicles, and all vehicles are moving at maximum speed.

They were divided into two teams, reaching out to human positions like iron tongs, avoiding thunders and mortars along the way, trying to get closer to the fragile line of defense.

At the same time, the artillery carried by the Blood Axe Corps began to project firepower.

The shells exploded around the trenches, creating craters, and sputtering deadly shrapnel at the fleeing infantry.

The supreme commander of this battle, Lieutenant General Celtelli of the Empire, lay on the edge of the crater and looked towards the chaotic battlefield. The soldiers were still holding their positions, almost frantically against the violent greenskins.

But the trend is over.

The blood axe legion moved very fast. The huge infantry formation quickly unfolded and rushed into the position, slashing around indiscriminately, and trampled the wounded under its feet.

The infantry used bayonets and grenades to make the final resistance, hopeless but with crazy determination to stab the huge opponent.

The veterans formed a line of defense and kept firing at the Okers.

But with the arrival of the war truck, a team of huge and muscled blood axes swarmed out of the truck, carrying heavy machine guns and rushing towards humans, and when they were close enough, they swung their guns as bats.

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