Orc Tyrant

Chapter 844: Suspicious Clouds at the Dam (3)

"That's really wonderful."

Jackson's mind was spinning fast.

"But it will take us many days to get everyone there on foot, and if Greenskin finds these tunnels before we cross there..."

The witch smiled, undoubtedly having deduced such a scene in her mind.

"The water pipe here is designed and built to supply the entire turbine unit, not to supply water to the several taps in the kitchen. It is at least ten meters wide. Otherwise, why do you need the assistance of an arcanist? This kind of project is almost manpower It's hard to complete."

"But isn't it full of water now?"

Jackson explained the obvious flaws of this plan in one word.

The witch nodded.

"Of course, this is the crux of the problem, but we can drain the water."

She pointed to the dam again.

"Once we open the sluice, the water level of the reservoir will drop rapidly, and the entrance of the aqueduct will be exposed in a few hours. I don't think we can find it with much effort."

Then she shrugged.

"Originally, the entire facility was designed in this way so that maintenance personnel can enter it for routine maintenance."

"sounds good."

Jackson admitted that he felt confident for the first time since this temporary meeting.

"Gentlemen, I think I have an idea."

The plan still looked good the next morning, even though Jackson was paranoidly worried that there would be some flaws in it, and wanted to find out the flaws.

There is only one thing he can think of, and he told Elena of his doubts during breakfast.

"This valley is a dead end."

He pointed out so.

"If Greenskin spotted us before we were about to enter the aqueduct, we would be trapped inside."

"Indeed it is."

She was in deep thought while chewing on the toast, and then took another slice from Jackson's plate with her hand.

Her figure became very plump, and the meat was grown in the right place, but she still did not get rid of the habit of not letting go of any meal opportunities. The wizard was able to get priority food rations, and this woman who could not see her age seemed to also There is no humble character.

"But we only need to resist them for a while, and the terrain there is very beneficial to us."

Like everyone else in the army, she also has a deep understanding of combat common sense in actual infantry combat.

Jackson nodded in agreement.

"This is not my main concern. Assuming they are following us, or just pour water into the aqueduct when we enter it, what should we do?"

"Then blow up the tunnel behind us."

She said, holding up the teacup.

"By the time they dug up all the rubble, we would have gone far, and if we broke the sluice before we left, they would not be able to raise the water level to drown us."

"That's a good idea."

They had enough explosives to complete the job cleanly, so Jackson thought it was not difficult.

Now that the last problem has been solved, he even looks forward to this adventure.

"Unfortunately, we can't hide from the side and appreciate the angry expression on Guk's face when he realized that we had escaped."

Jackson, in high spirits, began to organize the evacuation of the troops. He left a small number of troops behind the palace, pretending to be still holding on.

These soldiers are willing to fight to the last minute. They have a **** feud with Ouke, and would rather die than retreat.

After organizing two offensives, Oak clearly intended to use hunger to force the defenders out, so it seemed that there was no movement.

Indeed, the defenders of Mount Mihir had to consolidate the scattered forces, but Jackson was happy to hand the matter over to his subordinates.

When he came out of the underground bunker that had been staying for a long time, he took the time to enjoy the fresh dawn air.

It's still dark right now, but it's not the kind that you can't see your fingers. On the contrary, this is a bright day and night alternate point.

Elena's plan allows everyone to just bypass the throat, but they are still vulnerable to ambushes when they are traveling in the mountains, so everyone moves silently most of the time.

The 80,000 army quietly passed through the gap left by Ouke, and withdrew from the bunker on Mount Mihir in an orderly manner.

In the process, things went smoothly, unless the scouts and a few companions looking for food had an exchange of fire with the outlying Greenskins. When Jackson arrived on the scene, the battle was over and none of the Greenskins was alive. Run away.

In the process, he found himself passing through the narrow valley leading to the dam.

The scenery in the mountains is even more desolate than what you see on the screen, but it is still very spectacular.

The towering mountain peaks kept approaching them, the snow covered on the top made the witch fascinated, but this trip would soon disappoint her-the destination was located below the snow line, and the other end of the aqueduct was a kilometer below. It almost fell below the water level.

On the side of the road, the trickle flowing from the front dam sluice rushed onto the wide channel, setting off strings of water, and making light noises. The dense bushes stained the two sides of the valley with mottled brown and green. Occasionally there will be bright yellows and purples mixed in between.

The dam enveloped everything around it. A huge plain gray rock wall spanned the valley in front. It was like a defensive wall guarding the fortress. Jackson tried his best not to think about the huge amount of water it blocked.

Reason told him that it had been there for more than ten years, but still couldn't help thinking about how it would feel if the dam suddenly collapsed.

"How did you learn so much about this place?"

Jackson suddenly asked the witch next to her, and when she answered, her voice was still as breathtaking as usual.

"This is one of the greatest miracles in this world."

She said:

"Every wizard knows about it. Do you know the Aswan Fortress? Originally this dam would have been named Aswan, but everything ended because of the Arcanist's rebellion."

"Then we are really lucky."

Jackson said dryly that the name Aswan seemed to him not very lucky.

The witch smiled.

"Even if you leave behind all the legends about the dam, it is still so charming and so old."

"What do you mean by this?"

"That was when the dam was not built a long time ago. The history of the Aswan Dam is much earlier than the history of the empire. Everything that exists was built on some ancient ruins."

"You mean... this dam."

The dam is obviously with traces of artificial construction, and it is still difficult for Jackson to believe this fact.

Somehow, the huge wall seems to have been standing there since the birth of this world.

The witch nodded.

"Thousands of years ago, otherwise how do you think it was called this name in the first place?"

"Then what is it called?"

Jackson tried to suppress the ominous premonition in his heart.

Elena said in a prank tone she was accustomed to, happily:

"Devil Valley."

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