Orc Tyrant

Chapter 856: Tyre! (One)

"Head, give me this battle?"

Just as Guk was preparing to line up his troops to wipe out the humans below, Glak suddenly leaned over.

There was also a human finger bone in his mouth, which he used as a toothpick. Since the start of the war, the skin of the Gough warlord has become more and more red.


Guk glanced at him, then turned and glanced at the tunnel again.

The vanguard forces accounted for the majority of the guards, the Gough’s regiment accounted for only a small part, and the large forces were still behind.

"There are tens of thousands below here, how many can your kid have? Three or four thousand to death."


Glak spit out the phalanx in his mouth, and the tearer in his hand trembled slightly, as if he was longing for a slaughter.

"Okay, then you will take your kid to the front, Shabal, Namat, you cover him."


The three warlords immediately took their orders, leading their own boys straight to the human forces on the road below.

Face this sudden enemy. The troops that had retreated from Mount Mihir also displayed extremely high quality. After a brief period of confusion, they quickly set up a line of defense.

The first is to connect all vehicles head to tail to form a temporary barrier, then the engineers urgently preset the barbed wire, and the soldiers perfectly dig trenches to try to organize a circular defense line.

However, the speed of Ouke's army is too fast.


A series of huge explosions appeared between the vehicle and the barbed wire. Everyone was lying on the ground waiting to be torn apart by the explosion, but the explosion did not approach.

Lying on the rumbling ground, some soldiers sneaked a glance in the direction of the explosion.

A tall warrior strode out from the darkness of the gunpowder smoke. He was more than three meters tall, wearing bright red armor, and a towering metal battle flag swaying above his head. Seven or eight heads hung above him. It is a senior commander wearing a military cap.

After he walked out of the darkness, he calmly looked to both sides and observed the battlefield. The mighty soldier had no intention of seeking cover in the face of the howling bullets.

Some officers opened their mouths in fear after realizing what this monster red warrior was.

[Red Devils] Glak, the warlord of the Gough Army, a butcher who has produced dozens of massacres.

Many people have heard of his legend, but never expected to see him in person in their lifetime.

Similar behemoths gradually emerged from the darkness. Under the fire, their simple protective gear was more like a kind of contempt. These big guys were covered with scars from the top of their heads to their ankles, and their backs were uniformly covered by this one. The barbed metal frame was filled with blood-stained heads, and the one-person-high saber was like a toy in their hands.

The **** executioner, the most brutal and terrifying assault soldier under Grak.

Standing behind the calm warlord, they immediately lined up in a wide fan shape. The pair of hungry green eyes under the helmet scanned the battlefield, and the fangs-grown mouth continuously gushed out of heat, which seemed hungry predators Smelled the prey.

"Where is the sir?"

Some officers were confused by the appearance of the Ouk warlord, but more people still stayed at their posts.

"There is no hole for you to drill, I see how you can hide!"

Standing at the forefront, Grak looked up and down the front defenders with obvious disgust, and then waved his hand to give orders to his troops.

"Kill! Don't keep one!"

Without a word of doubt, the butchers in crimson armor began to run towards the most intense position of the frontline battle.


In the roar that shook the sky and the earth, they jumped across the crater.

But every time you take a step forward, there will be a burst of precise barrage sweeping towards them.

Da Da Da~~!

When the explosive bomb flew over the head of the soldier lying on the ground and hit the green skin, the soldiers who were still holding their positions burst into cheers and regained their strength.

"For the Father! For the Queen!"

Accompanied by the fierce roar of the officers, the soldiers also roared, and shot their rifles toward the surging frenzy.

"We are here too."

The mechanic who had been on the sidelines of the battlefield gestured to a big man's bodyguard, who immediately ran to warlord Shabal tremblingly.

The other party was watching casually as the human beings used intensive firepower to meet the impact of the Gough Army.

The bodyguard stood in front of the warlord, trembling for the possibility of being beaten.

Moments later, something that caught Shabal's attention saved him.

The fart spirit and the special kid went around the edge of the battlefield, and they could be seen rushing to the warehouse farther away, where there was also a small group of human forces.

The mechanic giggled lowly, sputum bubbling in his throat.

He walked forward to the edge of the truck, leaning on the bodyguard, patted his back firmly, and made the boss relax and spit.

Shabal stood up straight and let out a roar that resounded across the battlefield:


Thousands of Ok, who was getting ready to go, turned to look at him.

"Go on!!"

Compared with the Gough Army, Shabal did not bring more elites to the front, but brought most of the heavy weapons.

When the big click and the big boom rang out, the defensive positions constructed temporarily by humans were suddenly hit hard.

Vehicles continue to be destroyed and exploded, and ammunition of various shapes and calibers also flew into the human defense circle, creating an explosion of shocking casualties.

The defenders can only transfer part of their firepower to fight the approaching Black Fire Legion, and this also gives Grak the best time for assault.


In the fiercest part of the frontline battle, with three or four heavy machine guns directed at Grak, who was rushing all the way, an axe directly split a series of off-road vehicles in half, and then kicked part of the wreckage at the machine gun that annoyed him.


The wreckage fell heavily, squashed the heavy machine gun and the soldiers behind,

"Green skin is dead!"

When the gale hits, Glak slightly dodges a huge sword that was smashed back. This is a badger wizard who has been in ambush nearby for a long time.

A miss, the great sword slashed to the ground, and the wolverine let out a roar of frustration.

"Too tender!"

Glak grinned, and his free left fist hit the opponent's stomach heavily, instantly hitting the man in the air like a rag doll, splashing internal organs on the ground like ink.

"It's not exciting enough! Dear shrimps!"

There were uninterrupted shouts around him. He could hear human officers shouting to organize soldiers to resist wave after wave of attacks, and he could also hear the screams of soldiers falling under the attack of the executioner.

The shock wave of the explosion filled the air, and the ground kept shaking under the impact of mortars, grenades and rockets.

"Holy Father!! No!"

A lieutenant yelled, watching with horror as Glak used his axe to brutally punch through the intestines of a soldier, and then stomped the opponent who had not yet died with his feet.

Glak glanced back in the direction of the sound, but he was not sure who was calling him.


A bullet flew over Grak's head.

He turned his head and saw the bullet hitting the face of a shrimp behind him. The bullet was embedded in the human skull and exploded into countless small fragments, tearing the heavy bones into fragments instantly.

Namath also came with his dirty car.

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