Orc Tyrant

Chapter 858: Tyre! (three)

"Jackson's legion is over."

Yushikin tremblingly said this sentence with an uncontrollable grief.

Beside him, Alfred sighed slightly and closed his eyes slightly.

"All this... must be related to Elena."

"Why... that witch!"

Yushijin's fists on the guardrail suddenly clenched, making a crunching sound.

"Elena, I don't know much about her, I just know that her parents immigrated to the Empire from the New California Republic."


"Her parents seem to come from a very mysterious organization, Wanderers."

"You seem to be following her all the time?"

Yushkin took a fancy to Alfred, his eyes flashed with anger.

"But you never reminded me."

"Because it is impossible to judge a person from birth alone, not to mention that I am only talking about her, not that she is the driving force, it is very possible that she has also become a target of someone or a certain force."

"A certain force, human."

"General, don't you understand until now, this war is not just a war between the empire and Ouke, many forces that were previously hidden behind the scenes have gradually joined this war."

"But we are weak!"

This is a suburb 30 kilometers away from Tyre. It used to be a thriving industrial area, but it moved quickly after the war started.

Ironically, the empire’s attitude towards refugees was extremely ambiguous when the factories moved so quickly.

Because Yuhijin denied the instructions given to him by Diego with a decisive attitude, but led the troops back to Tyre City.

But he did not bring all the troops over. Instead, he ordered the main force of the Black Legion, including the large troops that had retreated from Mount Mihir, to retreat to the assembly point on the isthmus east of Tyre, where they would regroup and build a line of defense.

But Yushkin himself led only two divisions, with less than 30,000 people, trying to block the surging army of more than 100,000 Okks, and it was also the most blatant blood axe army.

If this is not desperate, then Yuhijin really felt desperate when he heard that the main force led by Guk had almost wiped out the troops that had been withdrawn from Mt.

Because this not only means that the isthmus has lost the most important support point, it also means that Guk has gone from the estimated one-week journey to only two to three days to reach Tyre.

All plans seem to have lost their meaning, and all planning has become a dead end.

But Yushkin is here anyway. If he really wants to choose an end point for his life, then this place is fine.

Suddenly, the roar of the engine starting made Yushikin and Alfred turn their heads.

I saw a medical vehicle started down the hillside towards the city of Tyre. It was carrying a pair of seriously injured and dying men and women. Their relationship was unknown to Yushkin, but when the scouts found the two At the time, they had been battling an Ouke for three days.

In three days, all the veterans were killed, only they survived.

Yushikin hopes to save them, although this hope is very slim, just like this war.

In respect, the two rangers followed the off-road vehicle to provide cover, one of them held a battle flag symbolizing the empire in his hand, marking the path that the glorious warrior had traveled.

The flag fluttered by the strong wind on the top of the mountain, the dark red angel in the center beating like a heart.

"May the Father heal their wounds."

Yushikin stared at the team and said softly, Alfred bowed his head respectfully.

When the medical vehicle drove out of the field of view, the noise of another engine suddenly spread with the wind, and Yushikin immediately looked towards the horizon.

It doesn't sound like another car, but it moves much faster than the convoy that takes veterans and couples to receive medical treatment.

No matter what it was, a few seconds later, a red and black half-track armored vehicle rushed to the top of the mountain, flew up at the corner of the hillside, then fell heavily and moved on.

Then the half-track armored vehicle turned suddenly, slid out an ugly arc and almost fell off the top of the slope, but in the end it managed to pull it back and drove towards Yushijin’s position. The dirt on the edge of the trench was One after another collapsed under heavy pressure.

After seeing the flag on the armored vehicle, the soldiers gave way to the road.

The machine slammed through the sandbags scattered on the ground, and the heavy tracks crushed them at will, stopping before reaching the industrial tower where Yushikin was located.

By the way of coming, Yushikin already knew who came.

As the tail hatch slowly lowered, the leader of the night blade, Nutans, walked into the morning sun, behind him was still dragging Tyre's garrison commander like a frustrated dog.

"Admiral Yushikin, this is unbearable—"

As soon as Nutans climbed up the tower, he immediately walked to Yushkin, breathing heavily on his face.

"Chief Nutans."

Yushikin interrupted flatly:

"It's nice to meet you. As you can see, we are very busy. I apologize for not being able to notify you in time."

"There is no time to joke right now."

When Ye Jian said, he didn't accept the other party's statement at all.

"Not only did you leave the garrison without notifying the top of the empire, but I also learned that you have recruited two militia brigades from the Tyre Garrison Command to guard this place. No need to say more, General, Shadow King. Will treat these as friendly actions."

"General Kadraque, hello."

Yuhijin chose to ignore Nutans' tirades and remind everyone that these spies have no right to interfere with a senior commander.

Tyre's garrison commander nodded quickly, then shrugged again, as if to indicate that he was just as unhappy as a victim of Nutans, like Yuhikin.

"I will not be ignored, General Yushkin, and you must answer me! I may not have the right to command your precious Black Legion, but I have every right to imprison you for disobeying the Queen's will."

"You have oversaid, sir."

Alfred said calmly, staring at Nutans with slightly narrowed purple eyes.

"We have not hindered anyone. In the current context, I cannot think of anything rude other than not informing you of our activities here. If you want to argue with the Queen on this matter, then I am very I am happy to play with you."

Yushikin raised his hand and motioned to Alfred not to continue speaking.

Then he looked at Nutans, who was already burning with anger, and said calmly:

"As you can see, there are still many things eagerly for me to take care of. You may have noticed. For example, the bodies of the Oak scouts are still lying everywhere. If it weren't for us here, they might have touched them. It's in the office of the mayor of Tyre."

"Yes, Yushkin, it is indeed an impressive sight."

Nutans regained his composure, looked around and answered.

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