Orc Tyrant

Chapter 862: Tyre! (Seven)

The road from the industrial zone to Tyre is only a little wider than the Wengen River, and it provides a dangerous but shortest road.

There are industrial facilities on both sides of the road. Although there is an afterglow at dusk, the shadow of the factory still makes the road almost dark.

At the narrowest point of the passage ahead, that is, the location of the steel plant besieged by Gogu, because of the existence of a large number of obstacles, only a dirty car can barely pass through.

Beruf watched his scouts stay there for a while, looking from side to side, searching for trigger mechanisms on the ground or traces of mines.

So far, nothing has been found, which makes Beruf feel uncomfortable.

Although he has never played against each other, he doesn't think Yushikin is a stupid opponent. On the contrary, he is too familiar with Oak.

It stands to reason that Beluf can bypass the industrial zone and move from a more favorable terrain to Tyre, but Yushikin sees clearly that no Okeuk will refuse a victory that is likely to win.

So he threw himself on the battlefield, like a child standing in a boxing ring challenging a champion.

There may be a 1% chance of losing, but the champion will never give up the victory because of that 1%, even if it is only a trivial victory.

Thinking about this, Beruf noticed that the temporarily paved road had been damaged by vehicles passing by. The scouts had marked the width of the dirty car on the ground and indicated that the motorcycle might bounce. position.

But humans seem to have left no trace, if they did follow this path.

Then the scout raised his hand to signal that the passage was safe.

Even if he lost an arm, the special warfare boss still insisted on personally leading the investigation team. He was determined not to let other players take his place, and Beruf had no intention of arguing with him. After all, his arm is also Lost in the battle against humans.

Besides, he is indeed the best scout. Beruf was very happy to have his eyes inspect the passage and promised that he would give him a better arm behind him.

Suddenly, with a slashing action, the special warfare kid changed the signal. He quickly lowered his hand and drew the pistol.

Other scouts rushed into the bunkers on both sides of the road or rolled behind the stones and held their weapons in front of them. Beruf, far away from the passage, stood on the parked tall dirty car and saw them. action.

In an instant, the sound echoed along the building and reached his ears.

Soon, he saw a dim light flashing from the last ray of sunlight behind a certain building, and the three light tanks were in a state of silence in the least noticeable place.

Even if Gogu's convoy drove by, they did not fire, obviously waiting for a more valuable goal.

"So, this is indeed a trap,"

Beruf thought calmly.

"It can be dealt with."

After seeing through the opponent's tactics, he became a lot more relaxed. Yushikin is indeed a cunning opponent, and he deserves to be treated with caution.


Then he said loudly to the brick communicator in his hand:

"You and your kid stay in the bunkers on both sides of the passage. Support will be here soon. The fourth Dalian will follow and enter the passage. Also, think of some way to clean up the snipers who are hiding on the high places.

After he finished speaking, everything moved at the same time.

A patchwork of war fortress roared and began to accelerate, reaching attack speed almost instantly.

It swept through a rain of bullets, toppled several houses in succession, and raided the tanks that were about to ambush from the other side.

"Go on!"

The storm boy’s rocket backpack burst into flames, pushing them to the sky, and washing the ceilings and water towers with a pistol from above. The crushed rocks suddenly rolled into the passage like an avalanche, and there were still some debris. Broken arm.

The company commander of the fourth Dalian took a big stride and started to run, waved to the rest of the assault soldiers to signal that they followed him into the passage.


When he passed the scouts who leaned out from time to time and fired a volley and then immediately hid in the bunker, he noticed a wider opening on the other side of the passage.

There were two tanks lined up to block the space, and at least two groups of soldiers were waiting.

The fortress of the war constantly maneuvered urgently to avoid the powerful firepower, and the engine began to emit thick smoke under high load.

The assault soldiers fanned into the battle line, steadily stepping on the stone surface, firing and advancing.

The human big guns and rapid-fire cannons were aimed at Ouke who charged towards the position at the same time and started firing volleys.

The surviving snipers carefully aimed at the conspicuous Ork officer and fired a string of bullets, but their charge was not interrupted even though the helmet was shattered, as if their heads were just a decoration.


A truck participating in the battle suddenly tilted to avoid the shooting of human tanks, but exposed the fragile chassis to the human infantry. It immediately turned into a rolling fireball in a salvo of firepower.

The temporarily modified vehicle is so fragile, Beruf looked at the smoke-bearing battlefield, but there was no tension on his face.

"That's what you can do... Yushikin?"

The second truck rushed through the burning wreckage, roaring all kinds of weapons, and at the same time it fired a rocket in the center of the leaning front of the tank that was constantly shooting.

The armor immediately exploded with a roar, the turret flew more than ten meters high, and then hit the ground heavily.

The war fortress constantly shuttled between the tanks, sweeping the human front, and then tilted the body and turned a sharp bend to prepare for another attack from the rear.

The second rocket fired from a kid portable launcher, this time it penetrated the weak rear armor of another tank, penetrated into it and exploded violently.

The tank twitched and slammed to the ground, and then exploded from the inside out, spilling debris from the chassis all over the ground.

At the same time, Beruf got into the cockpit, his temporary vehicle slammed through the narrowest section of the passage, and the cannon on the roof continued to fire.

Soon, it stopped in the team, and Beruf's command team left the troop carrier through the rear hatch.

The warlord drew the knife with his right hand, grasped the pistol with his left, and summoned his men.

"Prove to all guys, we are the strongest!"

A deafening roar came from the narrow gap:

"We are the strongest!"

The front-line strike force is now fully deployed. Beruf launched two Dalian offensives. Flames, bullets and rockets flew to two steel plants that were firmly attached to the company, while Gogu's motorcycle team was sent to the periphery to investigate the enemy.

Above the melee, with the help of re-used rocket backpacks, the Storm Boys kept shooting bullets to the commanding heights.

The human sniper kept jumping between the bunkers, dodge the deadly barrage but was unable to fight back.

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