Orc Tyrant

Chapter 865: Tyre! (ten)


Through the peripheral light, Beruf saw that the nerve boy had also discarded the gun and moved his cane with one hand.

The warlord leaped towards the wizard standing in the middle, hit his back and pressed him to the ground.

With the smooth movement, he raised the sword above his head and pierced the opponent's spine. The guy immediately began to spasm, and then returned to stillness.

When he split the corpse, he saw the metal rod in the hands of the nervous boy eject a violent energy, incinerating another wizard to ashes.

When Beruf turned and attacked the last enemy, a piece of metal hit his armor.

Ding Ding Ding~~!

Beruf slashed the sword down quickly, but the wizard moved faster. He leaped the blade and fisted with his palms, trying to shoot a gust of hot metal into the warlord's breastplate.

Although his saber didn't hit the target, it slashed the wizard's weapon.


Beruf and the wolverine warrior moved in unison to throw away the entangled weapons, and began to surround each other like carnivores, shrugging their shoulders to prepare for the fight.


Suddenly, a spear of energy from the perverted kid crossed his shoulders.

It passed Beruf's face, hit the human abdomen and penetrated a smooth hole.


The wizard hobbled a few steps, then knelt on the ground facing Beruf-as if the eyes hidden behind the helmet were staring at him.

The abnormal kid stepped forward and slammed the opponent with his neighing metal rod, knocking the human head off his shoulders, and then his body finally fell weakly at the warlord's feet.


The loud noise of the explosion suddenly sounded along with a cracking sound. Beruf raised his head and saw the bone-white stone tablet fall apart in several rockets.

Purple energy gushes out from the cracks in the stone tablet, and draws surrounding objects into it like tentacles. Beruf, who feels the powerful suction, immediately gestures to the nerve boys.


In the howling sound, the continuous green lightning weaved into a net to bind the stele in it. The overflowing energy smashed left and right like imprisoned beasts, but could not break free.


At the last moment when the net shrinks, the stone tablet bursts apart, turning into countless tiny pieces and floating around, and those weird energies disappear in the air.

When the last wizard fell in the siege of the boys, the steel factory completely fell into the hands of the blood axe legion.

With the fall of this support point, the troops that had been fully deployed around it launched an offensive again, violently advancing towards the area held by humans, accompanied by the sound of artillery and gunfire.

But Beruf stayed in the steel plant for a while.

"What did you see?"

The former special warfare kid fell on his back in a pool of blood, his armor was riddled with holes, and Beruf was standing beside him.


"Not yet, sir."

The special warrior answered while coughing, a blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

"I...I want to report. They prepared for blasting here. This is a trap."

As he spoke, he raised his hand from the ground and pointed at what he found before the battle began.

A small flashing device buried under the ground.

That is a timing device.

"Shrimp... there are explosives all around the factory, sir."

Another special warfare kid also reported that a team of his soldiers walked into the factory, surveyed the ground nearby and found the line connecting the detonator.

"Don't move them first. The structure of this trap is still unknown. If you mess around you will risk destroying the factory...and ourselves."

Beruf said, but his attention was completely focused on a chimney that was collapsing. According to the topographic map, the area currently occupied by humans is only about one-third of the industrial area. But looking at the fighting along the way, Except for the steel plant, resistance in other places is very weak.

As for Lame Luo, to be honest, he didn't expect anything from that guy.

"How about the fuze?"

He asked, concentrating again.

"I wonder if I can blow it up directly, these shrimp stuff is very complicated."

The special warfare kid reluctantly said with a little bit.

"Then leave it alone."

After the warlord finished speaking, a trademark smile slid on his face, trying to relax his nervous mood.

"Is this a trap?"

Camille also fell by his side again, and the harpy looked extremely serious, as if Beruf's personal insurance had made her on the verge of losing control.

"I think too."

Beruf replied, nodding slightly to the assistant who had joined the discussion.

"According to the placement of the explosive, it appears to be used to collapse this area."

"The kid did say that the shrimps left the place in a hurry, so maybe we interrupted them before they finished their work? Maybe the crazy shrimps were left to complete the blasting?"

The warlord guessed and asked other commanders for advice.

"Or they left here to lure us in, using the factory as a bait, and when we approached, they would blow up here together?"


Camille nodded in agreement with Beruf's point of view.

"Humans must think we will inspect the stele, and it seems they are trying to make sure we have a chance to see it."

Beruf nodded at the **** battlefield behind him.

"Then I must see what Yushijin's tricks are playing, and order one, three, four, five, and nine Dalian to attack the central area with all his strength."


After simply cleaning up the explosives in the factory, Beruf decided to use this location as his temporary command post.

Standing on the commanding heights of the factory, he could see the general situation of the entire battlefield.

The wide street behind the factory was silent, the shops and vehicles on both sides of the road were all abandoned, and the building's door kept swaying in the breeze.

The former residents and workers all left in a hurry, and it seemed that they did not intend to come back again.

There was still a burst of fire in some windows, but Beruf knew that it was only lit when the boys left—there was almost no sign that anyone was staying here.

He did not need a telescope to see the disciplined assault team swiftly marching down the street to the anxious battlefield.

Motorcycles galloped on the adjacent streets, keeping parallel with the commandos to ensure that they were not disturbed.

The industrial area is not just a gathering place for factories. It is also a settlement. There are many tall and white statues on both sides of the street in the residential area.

Each one depicts a character, usually an entrepreneur, probably a historical celebrity, or a factory owner.

In Beruf's eyes, these statues are both clumsy and ugly-not only because they depict the imbalanced appearance of shrimps and rice, but also because the craftsman's skills are too crude.

Generally speaking, they are consistent with all human crafts-all seem to be some kind of clumsy imitations.

They have no imagination or creativity, and they are not an extension of their thoughts at all.

If you change into any Ouke, you will never be an existence like a reality template. It must be exaggerated and in line with imagination.

The monotony of human thinking makes Beruf feel pitiful for them.

That's why they are so weak.

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