Orc Tyrant

Chapter 876: Tyre! (twenty one)

The unknown Juli slammed them to the boulder on the edge of the road, and the off-road vehicle was suddenly broken into pieces like a clay pot.

The violent impact came one after another, like a relentless hammer hit.

The whole world was turned upside down, shaking endlessly, and the trembling air was full of mud and gravel, splashing sparks, and metal splinters that were sharper than sewing needles.

The crazy cold wind suddenly swept away the canvas on the car, like a vicious child tearing off the wings of a flying insect.

At the last moment of flying out, Alan smelled the burning wood.

The car was torn apart under his feet, throwing him into the dust.

Then he fell to the ground.

The off-road vehicle completely overturned and collided with the boulders under the push of the unknown wind.

Alan, who was thrown out, slid face down across the ground, his throat filled with ice and blood.

He did a few turns first, and finally stopped slowly.

When he raised his head, his entire chest and face were a large painful bruise, and he felt as if two sharp axes had bitten into his breastbone and cheek respectively.

He tried to stand up, but he was almost devastated and unable to breathe.

Just taking a breath is like swallowing a handful of broken glass into your chest. A fragment of the off-road vehicle drags the canvas away in the wind, leaping lightly along the sky like a cheerful ghost dancing and dancing.

Alan stood up and limped towards the wreckage.

A few arrows slashed over his head, and the ghoul archer forehands and feet and approached the wreckage with the ground.

Various fragments were scattered on the ground in front of him, here was a torn canvas, there was a broken axle, and the iron-clad wagon was buried in the soil, like a giant's arrow.

Suddenly he noticed that there was a broken metal tube beside his feet. Alan picked it up and held it in his hand as a temporary weapon.

In front is Griffith's body.

It was thrown out when the off-road vehicle overturned, and then cut off by a fragment.


A bone arrow flicked past Alan's face, and he didn't even blink his eyes.

He saw his weapon lying beside Griffith, so he threw away the metal tube.

Beside the broken remains, Lehn was dragging the body of the wounded soldier to the side of the road.

Blood ran down from half of Lehn's face, soaking his beard, and Alan, who had retrieved his weapon, speeded up his steps to join them.

As he left the grass on the edge of the roadbed, the ghoul gradually approached.

He could already see the enemy's wild eyes and the pale plaster smeared on his face, they were almost close at hand, and the stench of ointment exuded all over his body.

This is some kind of profanity, and this smell reminds Alan of the smell of burning corpses in the crematorium.

Those monsters have put away their bows and arrows, with only claws in their hands. The greed in their eyes is like wild dogs smelling meat. It is hard to think that they were humans a few hours ago.

Blom had already stood up to meet the enemy with a saber in hand, Alan didn't know how he could straighten his body.

But he also limped side by side with Blom.

However, they all held back.

The pale ghost-like ghoul wizard became more anxious, and it kept staring at Alan with that horrified gaze.

Many enemies are the same.

Then Alan realized that no one was actually staring at him.

All eyes are focused behind him.

They watched the fierce storm in the deep night that quickly approached in ear-sounding screams and dyed the entire sky black.

Alan also turned around to witness the pace of the storm, letting the wind and thunder hit her face.

It was an imposing black cloud that rolled over like blood dripping into the water.

The evening breeze and fog formed a huge wave under its impetus, like a desert sand dust covering the sky, and large leaves were drawn into the air from the treetops by the violent cyclone, like petals flying around.

The edge and belly of the storm and thunderclouds spewed out jagged spear-like dazzling lightning, lashing the earth and the sky.

And there is something else in the storm.

It reluctantly left the tumbling clouds behind, and rushed towards them from the hazy night.

That is a person.

No, it was a behemoth, like a terrifying shadow under the ice of an ocean.

It rushed across the ground, striding faster than the storm.


The ghoul wizard screamed loudly. Its warriors were at a loss, but the sharp voice made these monsters startled and hurriedly bent their bows and arrows.

The first wave of arrows screamed towards the approaching behemoth, and Alan immediately fell to avoid it.

The ghouls were shooting freely, sending arrows with witch fire into the air, as if they wanted to pin the storm and thundercloud to the sky.

The visitor also launched an attack.

He took strides to roll onto the road before the rain of arrows came, and Alan could hear the hard ground groaning and cracking under every heavy step.

Behind this stalwart figure fluttered a large metal cloak and a string of pale skulls, and the crimson demon head swayed and wailed in the night breeze.

When he stepped on the roadbed, he opened his arms and jumped steadily on a huge rock.

He flew directly over Alan and the other two.

Alan bent down again to avoid, he saw this behemoth holding a warhammer tightly with his right hand, and a huge mechanical claw in his left hand.

This iconic object almost made him faint.

The giant beast flew into the air for a second, his arms stretched out like wings in the dark sky, and the flying robe looked like a broken sail.

The ghoul drew back in terror, like wheat stalks blown down by a strong wind.

Then he crashed into the enemy group.

The violent impact shook the monsters near him into the air, and the arm raised in a hurry at the last moment was instantly shattered.

The body was torn apart, and the longbow disintegrated and flew away.


He laughed loudly, and the moment he leaned over to the ground, he crushed at least two ghouls under his feet.

He then bent over and got up, assumed the posture of a fighter, and turned his thick body to transmit the full power of the thick right arm to the warhammer.

Then its hammer passed through the three ghouls without stagnation, tearing them into two.

Arterial blood sprayed into the air and fell to the ground together with leaves, appearing dark in dim light.

At this moment, all the monsters were screaming.

Guk is here!

Even the remaining three humans were shocked and stupefied. They stared at the pale giant beast in front of them, as if their brains were dead.

Guk ignored the feelings of others and plunged into the crowd, smashing his claws and bones.

He seemed to be invulnerable, as if he was made of steel.

The "tiny" claws shattered and bounced on him, and the weapon suddenly broke.

Two or three arrows were still buried in the gaps in the armor, but Guk didn't seem to care, let alone any hindrance.

"On this point, I want to negotiate terms with me!?"

Guk laughed wildly again, like a low roar from his throat.

This howl echoed all around, pierced through the collision of steel, and intertwined with the screams of the wounded into a roar, as sharp as the thinnest deadly blade.

Alan felt a tremor in his internal organs, and he felt the voice shaking his heart, colder than ice and more terrifying than fear.

He witnessed a massacre unfolding before him.

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