Orc Tyrant

Chapter 878: Tyre! (twenty-three)

Guk lifted his mechanical claws and pointed at the ghoul wizard.

He caused the muzzle hung on his paws to emit a fire and a boom, and the head and shoulders of the hateful wizard disappeared into a mist of pink blood. At the same time, the remaining remnants flew out of the rock, as if someone had come from He violently pulled his body behind him.

With the death of the wizard, the remaining ghouls immediately scattered, and there was no more hesitation.

Guk didn't chase it either. He crouched down and took a giant hand to scoop up the blood mixed with water and splash it on his face.

Then he got up and walked towards Alan on the side of the roadbed.

"Damn! We have to run away!"

Until this time, the other two people except Alan reacted. They dared to turn around and run away, but the accident happened again.


There was almost no warning when the thing appeared, only a large group of bubbles rolled up in the pool.

Guke noticed the roar of the ground when the giant appeared, and immediately turned around.

Behind him, a pool full of stagnant water could barely contain the monster.

It used a scaly body and claw-bearing arthropods to break through the ground, and then suddenly jumped to the side of the road, and opened its big mouth under the lure of blood.

The inner surface of the huge mouth was as pale as a corpse, with an unbearable stench of ammonia, and its sharp teeth were like serrated spears made of pale yellow coral.

It snorted and moved the fat body to the ground, and let out a low and hoarse roar, which was like a train coming from a distance.

If you look closely, you will find that it also has a vaguely human silhouette, but the lower body is as bloated and nauseous as a fat maggot, and it constantly secretes pale yellow mucus.

For some special reason, Alan recognized this monster. It was called a gluttony, a witchcraft creature that could never satisfy his hunger desire. It is said that there was a gluttonous demon who belonged to Wendigo accumulated in his body.

Behind the gluttonous beast, a group of smaller gluttonous beasts also crawled out of the pool, also attracted by the potential food.

The huge monster drove them away, and suddenly bit an unlucky ghost who was too close, and swallowed it in two or three mouthfuls.

After that, it used its large, crumpled body to cross itself in the middle of the road, its eyes locked onto the three living people for the first time, and immediately spit out three scarlet tongues and went straight to them.

Because Alan was prepared, he immediately dodged and avoided, but the other two couldn't react.


Two screams sounded, and the body pierced by the long tongue trembled immediately.


The ignored Guk stepped up to the giant beast.

He understood that the monster's greedy appetite was as deep as the sea, especially the familiar feeling on it, which made him think of the first demon who fell under his sword.

Before it swallows all living things, it will never give up.

Guk grabbed the warhammer, then relaxed his fist and let it fall naturally until his palm found the best place to apply force behind the center of the hammer handle.

Then, the pale giant strode towards the gluttonous beast.


The gluttonous beast seemed to feel something, and immediately withdrew its tongue, opened its mouth at the oncoming tyrant, erupting a rotten stench.

Its jaws stretched as hard as possible, as if it had become a doorway surrounded by fangs, and the huge mouth was wide enough to fit into a dirty car tank.

Later, its pair of accessory jaws also opened under the wave-like contraction of the throat muscles, and the fangs made of hyaline cartilage were densely arranged inside.

Those bone spurs that are longer than adult legs are lifted up from the grooves of the gums like switch knives, like countless crystal icicles dripping with mucus.

Then the gluttonous beast's seemingly loose lower body suddenly twitched, and it jumped into the air, and pounced on the oncoming Guke, whose huge and heavy body was like a fish jumping out of the water.


Guk's warhammer suddenly fell and was buried between the two slender teeth at the front. The guy's jaw split in half at the sound, like a ship cracking along the keel.

The foul-smelling white foam poured out from the wound, as if steam instead of blood was flowing inside the gluttonous beast.

It suddenly howled and tried to put aside the injured head, Guk swung the mechanical claws to the side of its head, easily cut through the heavy scale armor, and buried it completely in the flesh and blood.

Then he attacked again, slashing fiercely under a huge, round eye as big as a shield.

Roar~~! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The gluttonous beast roared sharply, exhaling a large rotten breath, this gas was enough to kill ordinary people immediately, but there was no way to use the poison to resist the extremely high Ouke.

Guk's relentless offensive did not stop, and finally opened a deep crack with pink bubbles between the opponent's head and neck.

The foul-smelling turbid liquid has repeatedly scrubbed the ground around them, and the wound on the gluttony beast’s neck is constantly spewing gas and foam, but it has not completely died, even if it has suffered fatal wounds.


At this time, the gluttonous beasts who were already agitated all around swarmed up and swallowed the gluttonous beast that was trying to turn around and escape.

Guk no longer cared about his dying opponent, but walked towards Alan.

This apostate has remained sober and witnessed most of the amazing scenes.

He stared at the tyrant who was walking, and after the opponent approached, he could clearly see the scorched cloak on the opponent's body and the intricately decorated gray armor.

Guk can also see the green tattoos gradually on his face. Those intertwined tattoo designs extend along the bridge of the nose to the cheeks and wrap around his eyes.

"Are you the thief dried shrimp arranged by Beruf?"

Guk opened his mouth.

And Alan hesitated, then nodded. .

"Yes it is."

He simply answered, trembling in the cold and pain.

It was a miracle that he could stay awake in the heavy rain.

"Why are you here?"

Guk shrugged and did not answer.

"Why are you here?"

Alan continued to ask.

"A reward."

As Guk said, there was a low growl in his voice at all times.

"Beruf can't bring you rewards for the time being, so I will make up for it, and I will take you out of here."

"Bring them with you."

Guk looked down at the two people lying on the ground, and the blood leaking from the wound had gradually diminished.

"Is he dead?"

Guk nodded to Blom and asked Alan.

"We are all dead."

"I don't have time, don't challenge my patience, you are the only one."

"They gave everything to save my life today, and I must take them with me."

Guk stared at Alan, then took a step back and took out a tool from his waist.

He made the thing make a series of musical sounds.

Then he turned his head to look at the darkness shrouded in heavy rain, and stared at the storm he emerged from.

Alan followed suit, but the rain on his face made him frown and blinked.

He could hear some kind of boom, as if there was another storm in the storm.

Then, a larger object appeared.

Alan had never seen anything like that, but he recognized those huge weapons and tracks-it was an Oker tank.

It slowly drove toward them through the jungle, the huge chimney sprayed out howling air, and tiny green candles flashed at the ends of the front and rear of the car.

It got closer and closer, and finally Alan had to cover his face with his arms to resist the blade-like air currents and raindrops.

Then it stabilized with a roar.


The car door opened, and Batka inside was waving at Guk.

At this time, Alan saw the truth. Behind the dirty car and tank, there are teams of Ouke who are advancing. They are still interested in the heavy rain, yelling and waving their weapons, forming an unsightly torrent.

"You go in by yourself, there is a shrimp waiting for you."

Guk pointed to Varus who emerged from the cabin, then turned and walked towards the direction of the road.

"Where are you... going?"

A horrible messenger, Alan suddenly made such a sentence, Guk paused, then turned his head, and laughed:

"Are you stupid? Where else to go? Of course to go to my new site! Push... No, it should be called now, Conquer the city!"

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