Although the cute ears and tail of little Jevons disappeared after a month, Civilization was already satisfied-his mobile phone finally played its function. The "Album" column is full of little guys. Photo of posture. Well, yes, there is also the "family portrait" of their family of three.

As for the “camera” column, civilization is still useless. Let’s take your time. The mobile phone that I bought for thousands of dollars should still be able to fit for many years.

Time passed bit by bit, and I was celebrating the three-year-old birthday of Jevons (the world does not actually say "birthday". However, civilization does not know that after it was first proposed at the time, Palos was stunned). I was stunned, but after knowing the meaning, he expressed his approval. So little Jevons was honored to be the first little orc in the world to celebrate his birthday, so happy that he was so happy for several days), Chelsea The ceremony with Samuelson is also on the agenda.

However, since Chelsea is still worried about Miller doing it alone-not to mention that Miller is not yet an adult, and there is also the inheritance of the great witch. As the apprentice of the great witch Chelsea, it is not only good for medicine, but also to sacrifice to **** What's the same, the same is important. In addition, the great witch's inheritance ceremony is also an important existence, it is very grand.

So Samuelson just looked at his sweetheart, who was allowed to see, hug, kiss, or touch, even if he was not allowed to eat, with his small, pitiful eyes. The villain in his heart broke his fingers to calculate when the day of the Great Witch Ceremony was passed.

In the early morning, the sun was faint. The cool breeze was gently sent into the room through the window, the most conspicuous big bed in the room, at this time, "the scenery is just right."

Between some scattered bedding, two bodies overlapped, and the tall, sturdy bronze-colored body above held the white and petite body underneath tightly and domineeringly in his arms. The sweat beaded skins of the two were pressed tightly together, and the white skin of the person below was now dyed with a faint pink color. With the transparent and crystal sweat beads, it was breathtakingly beautiful in the morning sun.

As the sun gradually dyed into the room, the person who had been held in his arms for a slight breath was finally let go-what is particularly conspicuous is that the white and delicate skin is covered with ambiguous red marks, layered on top of each other. Densely packed. Coupled with the special breath that still permeates the air and has not dissipated, people can immediately understand that there have been red-faced irritating things happening here.

Can’t help but take another bite on the partner’s already red and swollen lips. Satisfied Palos feels that such a day is really wonderful-I can see my beloved one lying on his own by opening his eyes in the morning. In his arms, the warm and petite body fits so well with himself, that he couldn't help sighing again and again.

Licking his lips, Palos seemed to be able to taste the sweet and alluring taste from his lover's mouth not long ago. Quit little Palos carefully, oh, the beast **** is here, don't be too enthusiastic about "retaining" that place. I can't help but come here just now. If you continue to do it, Xiao Ming will definitely be angry.

The early morning "exercise" made Palos feel refreshed. He lowered his head and looked at someone who was squinting in his arms and breathing. The corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up with a small, proud arc.

The things of last night and this morning made the exquisite face of civilization floated with a charming blush, and there was also a trace of fatigue, oh, he didn't control it, and he was tired of his baby early in the morning.

Although there was not much guilt on the face, the villain in his heart couldn't help but introspect Palos, pulling back the sweaty hair on Civilization's face. Massage the "tired" waist of the opponent with one hand moderately, and rub the smooth and tender skin of the opponent's jaw and neck with one hand...

When Little Jevons’s head was slumped and leaned against the table, watching his father follow his father with the breakfast plate, the little steamed bun shouted in his heart: Nai people can’t be so cruel, can’t be so Ruthless, can't be so indifferent, can't be so unreasonable to make trouble! Don’t starve Naim’s dear son just because of Naim’s harmonious life!

Of course, Civilization and Palos can’t hear their little bun’s belly slander. In fact, a sweet cheek kiss from Civilization is enough to make the little bun happy for a long time — uh, no, my father said he wants to be independent and can’t be immersed in it. Gentle Township...(#‵′) But what he wants to express is not allowed to steal his Gentle Township, right? After little Jevons grew up, he felt that he was really young and ignorant at that time.

Of course, the one who seems to have grown from a young Jevons to a big Jevons, he has no guilt using his father's tricks to deal with his own little bun who disturbs the harmonious life of his own and his dear couple-so the blood relationship, this thing, Sure enough, is there still inheritance?

By the time Chelsea passed on Miller, the square was full of people-it was a big deal, so every household was on the move. Although the square was big enough, the orcs weren't fake, so they were almost shoulder-to-shoulder for a while.

Fortunately, the orcs and sub-orcs came with solemn awe. Although they were not standing in rows, they were actually in order. Probably because of this atmosphere, Little Jevons also clutched his dad's hands and cheeks with a serious look.

When the sun slowly rises, the inheritance ceremony begins.

"The inheritance ceremony begins!" As the Patriarch Hines' voice sounded, Chelsea, who had painted many symbols on his face with unknown paint on his face, attended, and he walked to the altar step by step.

On the altar, the three highly respected orcs and three sub-orcs in the village had already stood up. Miller, who was simply dressed in animal skins and loosed his hair, was surrounded in a regular hexagonal shape.

Passing the patriarch Hines, Chelsea nodded slightly to the six people. Kelly on the side respectfully placed the same things on the stone platform next to the altar in the hands of the six orcs and the sub-orcs with a serious face.

As a result, the six orcs and sub-orcs handed over from Kelly (such as herbs, stone, medicine jars, etc.) in Miller's hands one by one, and also said blessings and expectations.

Wenming stood closer, and the voices of the six people were also loud—not only for Miller to hear, but also for all the people who fell to supervise—so they could hear clearly.

After the six orcs and sub-orcs returned to their original positions, Chelsea moved forward, took off a chain from his neck, and hung it on Miller's neck cherished and precious. Finally, Chelsea stepped back, staggered, and let the newly appointed Witch face the tribe.

For a while, everyone cheered. Civilization still didn't know what it meant, but after living here for a long time, he also knew that "going to the countryside", so he also cheered. And the little Jevons, who was standing by the side, didn’t know when Palos placed him on his neck and rode. At this time, the little guy was also infected by everyone, showing his little white teeth, yelling "Wow!" .

As for Samuelson, he was even more excited. If it weren't for the sacred ceremony, he would have rushed to hold Chelsea in his arms long ago.

Every gathering or ceremony must end with a grand feast. Fortunately, everyone is not very concerned about the quality of the food, but the atmosphere of the food.

So when the fire burst into flames, everyone was already holding various pieces of meat, skewers, pieces of meat, or other food and started grilling.

Because little Jevons is still developing, and little Noah, as a small Asian orc, is now inconvenient to digest barbecue food, so civilization opened a small stove for them.

The so-called small stove is actually nothing more than wheat flour. Since the wheat has been planted, although the harvest has not been greatly improved, it is enough to reserve for the winter, but it is usually enough to eat every one or two days.

Wheat flour is a very interesting way to pick up firewood. Add some water and heat it for a while, and it can be processed into noodles, bread and favorite snacks. Moreover, the wheat flour can be stored for a long time as long as it is kept in a sealed state.

What the civilization prepares is to use wheat flour to make the most basic pimple soup and wring bread. After all, there are a lot of people here, so you have to see if you have time to make finer food.

Parson also came to help after eating a little. Stirring the wheat flour is actually a very interesting thing, watching the dry flour become sticky and wet after adding water (the roux doesn't look disgusting at all). Wenming waited until the roux became semi-dry and would not stay quickly when it was scooped up with a spoon, and then scooped it into the boiling water.

When the wheat flour dumplings float to the surface, add bean paste, soy sauce, salt, sliced ​​cucumber slices and diced pickles. When the water is boiled again, it can be filled into the bowl.

It doesn't matter whether it is served slowly, or it is simple to make, in short, the sticky texture is very good.

Take the "pimple soup" out of the pot, and the dough Neil kneaded here is also healed. The best degree of softness is that the dough is as soft as an earlobe.

Neil looked funny, and shook his sore arms just before kneading the dough, and enthusiastically followed the civilization. Divide the dough into small doses and knead it into round strips, about a little longer than the forearm.

Then wrap the strips on a clean stick-from the beginning to the end of the winding, make sure that the dough sticks firmly on the stick. Then apply some oil or not, and cook it near the fire and eat it.

Little Jevons can now eat by himself with his chopsticks-probably because of the little orcs, these little guys learn very fast movements. Watching his little buns grow up day by day, a problem that has been ignored by civilization before has emerged, and that is education. have been studying hard for more than ten years...Civilization definitely does not admit that he wants his son to suffer a crime too ╭(╯^╰)╮! He is a good dad, he must lay the foundation for the child's future, um, yes, that's why.

Civilization didn't plan to let his little buns learn the Four Books, Five Classics, Astronomy and Geography, but there are some things that can be learned.

After asking Palos if he taught the little orcs and the little Asian orcs, but got a negative answer, the next day civilization asked whether he should set up a so-called "school" to teach them this knowledge. Thoughts.

Civilization has never thought of letting the little guys study hard, but just draw one or two hours a day to listen to these "older generations' experiences", which is better than they learn when they grow up and stumble. Much faster.

The idea of ​​civilization has not been supported by Palos at the beginning, but Palos’s opposition (Palos: I’m wronged, I definitely didn’t say no, I just asked Xiao Ming to think about it...), at first it came to mind A civilization with only an idea really thought about it carefully, drafted a plan, taught content, and so on.

Of course, at the beginning, Civilization hadn't thought of "harming" other people's children in the past, so it first regarded his little Jevons as an experimental little white mouse (Civilization: (#‵′), what do you say? It's love, it's love!).

After setting a goal, civilization will pull its own little steamed bun to "experiment" every day. What is the use of silk, small stones, gravel, charcoal, etc. to make simple filters; what to use the growth of branches, leaves, or moss growing under trees or stones to find directions; and some are based on birds, fish, and insects. The weather is judged by life trajectory...

At the beginning, Little Jevons was just because civilization was his dad, and there were only one or two hours a day, so he kept listening to civilization. But later, he was also attracted by these, and when he took the knowledge he learned from his father and unknowingly used it when playing with his friends, he faced the friends With the amazed eyes, the little guy can be proud of it-hum, that's my dad, my dad is amazing!

As a result, the civilized "student" group gradually expanded unknowingly. In addition to these little children, the older sub-orcs also came to chat with civilization-for civilization, they lived longer in this world. The changes in the world are better understood. Also learn from each other and complement each other.

Civilized things are gradually on the right track, and they should have been living happily like this. But as he gradually entered the dry season, Palos brought back an unpleasant piece of news, which made civilization's mood suddenly depressed.

The author has something to say: I found that I actually wrote more and more... I originally planned to end it with 300,000 words (2,800,000 words plus 20,000...), it seems a little difficult to do TAT, 嘤嘤嘤Hey, Shao wants to go back and think about it slowly... (The next day will not be broken, don’t worry, let’s QAQ)

By the way, with regard to the questions that people feel about the later plot, if they feel that it is too slow or too fast, please be sure to talk to Shao, so that Shao can change and delete when he edits the text. Sand has also said before that Sand will make this book customized. Meat and most of the fans will be in the customization. This is the first time that Sand has the idea of ​​customizing. Regardless of whether it will be bought at the big conference, I hope to give it to Pertinent advice in the sand! Sand is here to bow to everyone~

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