Ordered to Marry Thrice, The Mysterious Wangfei

Chapter 168: wear a little tighter at night.

There is no expression in the snow mark: "Don't tear it up, her face can't be beautiful for a few days. You don't have to do it yourself, so you don't get filthy."

"What do you mean?" Hua Yuman looked at him inexplicably. I haven't seen it in the past few days. The snow-scarred smile of the past has disappeared. It seems to be a little tired. What did he do?

Mi Xuexe grabbed the snack next to it and took a few mouthfuls. Hua Yuman glanced at him and poured him a cup of tea. The rice snow marks were taken over and drunk. "In that year, the woman got my mother's secret recipe in order to force me away. It made a lot of means. Now the mother and daughter have been using my mother's secret recipe. Recently I changed some similar things to them... ...guarante that they will be more and more beautiful!"

The last "beauty" word, the rice snow marks almost spit out.

Just one death, too cheap for the mother and daughter.

Hua Yuman sighed a sigh of relief, it seems that she misunderstood, Mi Xuexue did not personally hand blade that mother and daughter, is already kind. "It seems that only one person is coming today, I don’t see Mrs. Wind, what do you say about their plans?"

Mi Xuexue suddenly sat up straight, a serious way: "It should be the color of the temptation to seduce the thirteen! From the hoe, I feel that instead of letting others color and temptation, it is better for you to come."

Hua Yuman was excited and almost screamed by her own saliva. She coughed twice and looked at her face: "Is there someone like you? What kind of woman do you like in the world?" Difficult to like a woman to take the initiative to hook you?"

Mi Xuexue smiled twice and his expression returned to normal. He stroked the long hair flowing in front of his forehead and smiled: "A person like this beautiful man has a beautiful face, and the average woman can't match it. It is not suitable. Find a woman, otherwise the other person will be ashamed and die."

Looking at the traces of the snow marks, Hua Yuman laughed. Really, this person is not serious when he is normal. Once he is serious, it is not normal.

"This beautiful man goes to sleep for a while, away from the girl. If you don't believe it, I will pretend to fall asleep tonight and watch the movie at the door!"

After saying that the snow marks are gone, Hua Yuman is a depressed face, this wind spirit will not really think about color and lure away from the sun!

Mo Ziting patted her hand. "Go, go to rest now. I watched at night to see how these ancient white lotuses were frustrated."

Hua Yuman was speechless, but he also went back to the house.

But thirteen is bathing, it looks very good. When I saw the small feathers coming in and wanted to go out, he immediately closed the door with infuriating, and when people stood up, they jumped and smashed the red feathers. In my arms.

"Why, don't you chat with Mo Ziting?"

"That, I want to take a break first. You take a shower so early today!" The smell of his body was sweet and clean, her heart was sweet, because he didn't wear clothes, she was a little embarrassed, so the speech was very quiet.

Thirteen's arm ring tightened, her lips kissed him on the chest, causing him to sway inside, all the innocent eyes in his heart were left behind by his head, clasping her head, leaning over and kissing On the small feathers seductive red lips.

His kiss was warm and gentle, and Hua Yuman gradually became unable to stand up. Suddenly her body was light and she was about to be caught up in the sun. She heard a knock on the door.

"Guest, are you inside? Have a letter!"

Thirteen angry words: "Put it outside!"

"Yes..." The people outside were so eager to put the letter into the door and left.

Thirteen small feathers were placed on the *, the quilt was covered, and the letter was taken. When he glanced at it, he would throw it away. There was a beautiful little hand behind him and he robbed him of his letter.

Hua Yuman glanced at it. It was very depressed. "I don't really let the rice snow mark say it. The woman really wants to lure you with color!"

Thirteen of her lips smiled and smiled and kissed her on her lips. "With the exception of the small feathers, no one can lure me."

The little feathers don't have to be done, he has been tortured, and he can't swallow her. If he takes another initiative, he is estimated to be crazy.

"She is about you, when I am, the backyard of the inn, it’s really a big courage! Are you going to the appointment?"

Hua Yuman lightly hooked his lower lip. This wind spirit has been around for such a time. I want to wait for myself to fall asleep and think about it. It’s really wonderful!

She is so good, so she wants a man, she is thinking, whether to fulfill her!

Thirteen laughed at her, "Do you want to ask me too?"

If it is a small feather, he will be happy to go to the appointment.

Hua Yuman tipped his toes and knocked on his head. "How do you want me to be? Is it like that woman?"

Thirteen did not speak immediately, but the small feathers were so cute.

"That, you will go to the appointment at night, don't let the beauty wait." Hua Yuman suddenly blinked in a good mood. "I let everyone see the good show."

A woman does not love herself, she must be invincible, and she does not mind how many people come to see it.

Hua Yuman smiled and poked the 13th without clothes. "Take me a little tight at night."

Thirteen laughed, "Follow the fate, the lady!"

After staring at the thirteenth clothes, Hua Yuman ordered a smack of rice snow that had nothing to do, and then ate something, took a small rest, and waited for the arrival of the child with peace of mind.

When the night came quietly, a woman sneaked into the backyard of the inn. She was coated with a good sweet honey, and she was in a thin shirt and quietly entered the backyard.

In the courtyard, a little red candle burns, the red shadow sways, the atmosphere is beautiful, a man sitting in the backlight, seems to be pondering, the woman's heart is happy, the eyes flashed a touch of excitement and the situation is bound.

Sure enough, the man had her in her heart.

Feng Ling walked over, faded the thin shirt, and hugged the man from behind. Suddenly, he only heard a pig screaming, and the wind spirit did not react. He saw the man’s robe falling to the ground, a good man. The back actually turned into a smashing, smashing big fat pig, the wind spirit only felt the blood surge, but before I could react, I heard a lot of depressed laughter.

"Oh, this little slut, actually sent to a pig on the estrus, strange..."

"No, today is a long experience..."

"This shameless woman didn't even wear a dudou..."

Feng Ling looked back and saw that the red candle behind the shaking did not know when it was already full of people. There were men and women, old and young, and she suddenly rushed to the blood, almost fainted, and picked up her clothes. On, but still gone.

She glanced at the people around her, and looked in the crowd searching for the figure of the 13th Emperor and Hua Yuman, but found that no one found it at all. She didn’t even have a chance to talk, she had to wander. escape……

Thirteen emperors, your insult to me today, he and I will make you regret...

Under the night, the two carriages were walking slowly. In the carriage, the 13th dressed neatly, and in a good mood, screaming at the little feathers that were angry, and the voice glared at her.

"Oh, don't be angry, just keep on the road for the night, just don't want to be harassed. It's really annoying to have a tail behind you."

Hua Yuman screamed at him. "I obviously don't say this. I said that I have to watch her hold the pig and go. Tingting, you said, you want to see it right?" Her gaze Turning to the rare and well-behaved Mo Ziting.

Mo Ziting smiled twice and didn't dare to answer. She had already warned her many times. She couldn't teach the bad man in front of the thirteen emperors. Otherwise, the poultry and beast would be turned into wolves every night. She, so, she thought about it, this situation, let the young couple solve it.

Thirteen swords and eyebrows are picking, and can't be refuted: "There is nothing to look at, seeing you are not afraid of poisoning your eyes."

"Hey!" She didn't ignore his face, he justified.

"Small feathers, do you want to go to Longfeng City first, then go to Lishui City?" Thirteen opened the topic, lest this girl really angry and ignore people.

Hua Yuman was a bit angry, but with his swear words, she suddenly became inexplicable. "Okay, go to Longfeng City." Look at the Lianbo family, now the dream man is already a long The treasurer of Fengcheng and Wind Restaurant has a very good business. Although the turnover is not as good as that of the city, it has two-thirds of its income and has great potential.

"Then we stayed for a few days and then walked. It is said that there was another underground casino, but would we go for some damage?"

Hua Yuman immediately came to the spirit. "Well, I have to go and see how many people in the underground casinos are making a lot of money."

"Yeah. Or we will win more money back..."

"Okay, okay..."

The more the two said, the better the atmosphere, and soon the thirteenth will make the small feathers happy, and even the thirteen can still cover the ears, treat others as non-existent, secretly kiss the long hair of his small feathers, slender The fingers are so sweet and sweet.

I can't help but look at my own master, a very admirable. When she wants to sing her, she has no choice but to use her brute force to let her surrender in the collapse. When I was the master, I would like to have a good wife in a few words. It seems that I really want to learn from the master.

The carriage was OK*, Hua Yuman slept very comfortably, but Mo Ziting was suffering a face. It was obvious that the idiot learned the thirteen emperors and hugged her*. As a result, she suffered from neck pain and shoulder pain. I really don't know how Mann can sleep so well.

In the early morning, the carriage stopped in a forest to rest, the rice snow marks sent them for food, or the hot girl, Hua Yuman thought and did not think about it, Mo Ziting but forgot to take it She puts on a homemade toothbrush in the inn and is angry, saying that she can't eat even if she doesn't brush her teeth.

Unclear black face does not speak, buried in the buns, Mo Ting has no way, had to use his fingers as a toothbrush, bitter face wash.

Hua Yuman looked at him and laughed. The way these two people get along is also very interesting.

Seeing the small feathers have been paying attention to the bright and Mo Ziting, he stood in front of her, blocking her sight, trying to brush the sense of existence.

"Little feathers, I want to eat the buns in your hands."

Hua Yuman handed him the half-baked buns. "Where, there is saliva."

Thirteen hooks smiled, "I haven't eaten yet." After grabbing her hand, she took a big bite on her bun.

Sure enough, the buns that the small feathers have eaten are the sweetest, and even the scent of the small feathers on the buns is delicious!

Hua Yuman looked at him strangely. "Are you not good?" She bitted a bite on his buns, is it the same?

Standing on the side of the roast pheasant, the snow marks looked and laughed, and it was still insidious and thrifty.

"Come on, from the hoe, to eat chicken legs, can be fragrant!" Rice snow marks a beckoning, Hua Yuman came over, unknowingly took the fragrant chicken legs on his hand and smashed.

Mo Ziting also came over and said to the snow mark: "What about me?"

Michelle smiled and pointed at the brightest way of doing it himself: "Let him show his performance!"

Mo Ziting saw some clumsy movements, and he couldn't help but snorted. Then he sat there and didn't say anything. He felt that it was a piece of wood.

Hua Yuman stared at Mo Ziting for a while, then stared at it for a while, and finally she concluded that it would be a bit stupid in front of Tingting, a little overwhelmed, perhaps, this is absolutely The way to love Tingting!

Just thinking, thirteen suddenly sinking into a basket of fruit, not yet opened, Hua Yuman has automatically picked up a red big apple and picked it up.

She only laughed when she took a bite. "Do you still bring these fruits specially?" This seems to be the fruit of the sea blue, which is the unique taste of the Ziyue Valley.

Thirteen indiscriminately, he would not tell the little feathers, these fruits are not brought by him at all, but the sea blue dazzling the dead boy sent people.

What made him even more depressed, that Hailan Xuan actually sent a man named Changyou to protect the small feathers.

When did his woman turn to his blue and blue to take care of and protect.

However, considering that the last time Hailan Hyun sent the fruit is not so much, the small feathers were mostly given to their own mother, this time there is no more, these days, the small feathers did not eat anything delicious, he thought I thought, I still brought things.

However, don't think that this is the default behavior of the guy, it is impossible.

Seeing him thinking deeply, Hua Yuman took an apple to him. "It is best to eat fruit in the morning, come, give it to you!"

Thirteen looked down at her, eating the little feathers and lips of the fruit, red and watery, looks more delicious than the apple, his darkness is dark, swallowing his mouth, "I want to eat!" ”

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