Ordinary Guy In Apocalypse

Chapter 210 I have always belonged to it...

"Where are we going?"

This group of survivors recovered from the short-term surprise, and knew that it was not the time for surprises. During their detention, their food was very good. In terms of food alone, the group of people who captured them might be good people.

But the people they took away never came back.

How is the result……

It is conceivable that misfortune must have been encountered.

"Go this way. I remember they came from there when they came. We can stagger them when we go this way. We will be safe when we escape outside."

A wise man said.

His words were endorsed by many people.

bang bang bang...

There was movement from the ceiling above.

Everyone looked up at the top of their heads, with doubts on their faces, not knowing what the sound was.

They are like frightened birds at this moment, a little movement can frighten them.

Under the leadership of Da Zhiming, they walked towards the front of the passage.

Those who followed looked cautiously, looking around.

It's just... the last survivor didn't know that there was a tentacle hanging slowly above his head, like a flexible python.

The viscous liquid slowly dripped onto the survivor's head, as if sensing this movement, the survivor raised his head in doubt.

It's just that the moment he raised his head, his end was doomed early.

This is a terrible thing that can easily happen in any kind of film and television drama. Those who walk behind often do not end well. They are the prey walking in the light, and the hunters who hide in the dark like the most. Slowly torturing the prey to death.

In the fleeing team, one person was missing, but it didn't attract any attention.

It's really scary.

at this time.

Qin Ling took Professor Jin and fled towards the place where the helicopter was, but what they didn't expect was that the several roads that must be passed there were destroyed, and at the same time there were scarlet fleshy tentacles moving in the aisle, All exits are blocked.

"Boss Qin, it may be trying to force us to where it wants us to go."

Professor Jin is frightened by the wisdom of the mother body. If the mother body wants to kill them, there are obviously many opportunities, but from the beginning until now, it has been driving them to a certain position.

"What about the group of survivors that were released?" Qin Ling still wanted to ask the group of survivors to help them lure the mother's body away, but judging from the current situation, it seems that it is not feasible.

Professor Jin said: "If the mother has no wisdom, I think they will definitely lure the mother away, but now..."

He knew it was impossible.

In his research, he found that the evolutionary matrix is ​​terrifying. According to the evolution of human beings, no matter what, human beings after thousands of years will always look like they are now. They will not suddenly grow tails, nor will they suddenly grow long tails. Wings out.

But the matrix that can evolve is different. It has strong adaptability, strong fusion, and will make a perfect combination. Now that wisdom has appeared, he doubts whether something was injected into the matrix in the previous research. Thus leading to the perfect evolution of the mother body?

The more I think about it, the more likely it is.

"I just want to know now, how can I deal with it?"

It was almost difficult for Qin Ling to keep calm, and in this situation, anyone would panic.

Professor Jin thought for a while, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration, "Yes, the potion is our latest research result, which can make ordinary people have the ability of zombies. Although there is a chance of failure, but in this situation, we have no choice. "

"Go, get the potion."

Qin Ling was very decisive.

In the current situation, is there any other way, thinking about calling Lin Fan for help by satellite phone?

Stop it.

He knew that the other party wanted to find him and kill him. If he asked him for help, he would end up dead, with absolutely no chance of being alive.

And now...he still has a chance to give it a go.

Head towards the road to get the potion.

Along the way, Professor Jin discovered that the mother body was much more terrifying than he had imagined. How could it be so huge in flesh and blood, especially when the other party's tentacles seemed endless, and they were distributed in every channel in the base.

It can be said like this... The matrix has already occupied this place, and it can perceive everything here. If the matrix wants to kill them, it is very easy. Up to now, it is driving them to a certain area.

What exactly is it trying to do?

Professor Jin couldn't figure it out.

As the lines were destroyed by tentacles, the surrounding lights flickered and danced, creating a chilling atmosphere.



Professor Jin trembled all over, startled by Qin Ling's sudden voice, "Boss Qin, what's the matter?"

"What are you in a daze for, let's go."

At this time, they had already arrived at the electronic gate, and Qin Ling skillfully opened it, and said the password to open the gate, "Piggy Peppa celebrates the Chinese New Year".

'Ding! '

The electronic door opens.

Qin Ling walked inside and found the potion that Professor Jin said, but when he got the potion, there was another movement from the ceiling above his head. Through the gap, red flesh and blood can be seen moving.


Qin Ling took the box containing the medicine and left quickly without even thinking about it.

At this time, he was in a very serious mood. Obviously, he did not expect such a thing to happen. This base was his foundation in the apocalypse. Other bases seemed to be accessible, but they were actually very dangerous.

"President Qin, the main intersections have been blocked now. Only by injecting medicine can there be hope of survival."

Professor Jin said.

Qin Ling gritted his teeth, Ma De, he remembered that Professor Jin said that the potion had a chance of failure, and asked specifically what the result of failure would be.

Who would have thought that the result of the failure would be that the genetic structure in the body collapsed instantly, and the person who would die would not be able to die again.

He wants Professor Kim to give it a try.

But I'm afraid that if Professor Jin succeeds, acquires the ability to surpass ordinary people, and turns over completely, then his and Professor Jin's identities will change. Don't look at him being able to scold Professor Jin now. When that happens, his neck will be broken It's definitely him.

Just when he was thinking.

There was another movement behind him.



The walls on both sides of the passage swelled, as if something wanted to break through the walls and appear.

"Boss Qin..."

Professor Jin had a terrified look on his face.

"Do it, fight it."

Without even thinking about it, Qin Ling directly took the potion and pointed it at the arm, and as the potion entered his body, Qin Ling's complexion did not change at all.

"Mr. Qin, come with me, I feel that it may be the best way for us to leave."

Professor Jin pointed to the front, and ran forward in a hurry with his flexible legs.

Qin Ling also wanted to ask the other party when the potion would be effective, but who would have thought that Professor Jin ran so fast, he was so angry that he wanted to twist Professor Jin's head off.

no way.

Can only run behind.

After a while.

"Professor Jin, why are you running so fast? I also want to ask you, how long does it take for you to react after injecting the medicine?"

Qin Ling rushed in, panting heavily, without even looking at the scene.

Just when those words are spoken.

He was completely dumbfounded.

Eyes widened.

This is not the direction of escape, it is like coming to the mother's lair.

The surrounding walls are all metal, but now the original appearance can only be seen from scattered gaps. Now the surface of the metal wall is crawling with bloodshot fleshy webs, intersecting, like a spider's nest.

And in the middle, there is a mass of flesh and blood moving, and a human face appears on the front of the flesh and blood.

The eyeballs were distorted to the point of bursting.

The mouth is torn, and the chaotic and sharp teeth are uneven. From time to time, viscous liquid rolls down. When it falls on the ground, if you look closely, you can see tiny creatures boiling in the liquid .


Qin Ling, who has always been well-trained, couldn't help but swear.

Turning around and trying to escape, he found that the exit passage had been blocked by dense tentacles.

Qin Ling looked at Professor Jin with desperation in his eyes, as if to say, you are really a dog, you can't lead the way, why did you lead blindly, now it's all right, you have been led to a dead end.

At the same time, he saw that the released survivors were all entangled in flesh and blood, with only one head exposed. This scene was very similar to a spider hunting and storing the excess food.

"Tell me, when will the potion be effective?" Qin Ling didn't want to let it go like this, and hurriedly asked Professor Jin, he wanted to know the exact result.

Professor Jin did not answer Qin Ling's question, but approached the mother's body, then stopped, and said respectfully: "The most perfect medicine has been injected into his body. After running for this period of time, he has succeeded, and the genetic chain has changed. , fused with him, will get the most perfect gene."

Qin Ling stared blankly at Professor Jin, "What did you say?"

He wondered if his ears had heard wrong.

When he saw the red light flashing in Professor Jin's pupils, he knew that this Professor Jin might not be the Professor Jin he knew before. Could it be that this guy was influenced by his mother?

If it was really affected, when was it affected.

I thought well with Qin Ling. When they brought back the mother body, everything was normal. As they began to study, the mother body evolved.

Professor Jin is very excited and feels that evolution is a good thing, but he has never thought about the capabilities of the evolved matrix.

Until later, the mother evolved a kind of mental control to form a connection with Professor Jin, which affected Professor Jin's head, thus forming a master-servant influence.

In Professor Jin's heart, the mother body is his god.

"Boss Qin, it's really worthwhile for you to help the mother. Go." Professor Jin said.


Qin Ling turned around and wanted to run, but the mother's tentacles swept towards him like pythons, wrapping Qin Ling in an instant, no matter how he struggled.

Can't break free from the shackles.

Now Qin Ling's eyes revealed despair, and his facial expression was terrifying, but he already knew that his body had really entered the mother's blood mouth, and everything would end.

His life will end here.

The ultimate outcome he wanted to pursue would also be utterly shattered.

Professor Jin smiled with a very excited expression, as if he was looking forward to the evolution of the mother body.



Professor Jin knelt on the ground in pain, holding his head in his hands, and a severe pain swept over him.

He raised his head abruptly and looked at the mother's body.

The severe pain caused blood streaks to appear on his eyeballs.


county seat.

Lin Fan looked at the satellite phone in his hand.

"I really can't get through..."

He tried to call several times, but no one answered.

"Alright, you cheated everywhere and arrested survivors. The mother's riots should not last without the awakened ones."

"If it is really wiped out by the mother body, it is also a kind of protection for the friendly survivors from the outside world."

Lin Fan was not so eager to know where the other party was.

He looked at the county seat in front of him, and gently waved Frostmourne in his hand. There were still many zombies waiting for him to clean up. How could he have time to think about so many things.

Keep up the good work.

The only regret is...

The satellite phone he sent out has not received calls from rescuers for a long time.

Is there no one alive who has encountered a satellite phone?

Maybe so.

After all, the country is really too big, and there are only a few satellite phones, so it is so easy to come across.

Trying to be encountered by survivors is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

But even so, he still won't give up, and today's Sunshine Shelter is a symbol of beauty.


After a few days.

"Dongdong, can you read?"

Feifei noticed that Dongdong was holding the book, as if she was reading it very seriously, and felt that it was useless after she finished speaking. Dongdong is a rational zombie, but she seems to be unable to say anything.


Just when Feifei was thinking of saying something else, she suddenly stared and opened her mouth in disbelief.

"Did you call me back?"

The moment she said these words, Feifei's personal time and space seemed to stop. Suddenly, she exclaimed in surprise, "Come and see, Dongdong replied to me, but he didn't reply to me again 'hoho' voice, and instead said 'yes' to me, oh my god, I'm not dreaming."

"Tingting, did you hear just now that Dongdong really answered me. Sure enough, my hard work has paid off. I think Dongdong will answer me. It must be the result of my persistent dialogue with him."

She danced and danced.

Dongdong tilted her head, rolled her eyes in a humane way, took out a black crystal from the schoolbag on the desk, put it in her mouth and gnawed it, it was crunchy and chewy.

"Dongdong, are you eating crystals?"

Feifei asked.

"Snacks." Dongdong answered very concisely. Dongdong could speak since before, but at that time Dongdong couldn't be as fluent as he is now, and even police officer Huang couldn't do it.

Wenwen looked at Dongdong, she could feel that Dongdong had the same energy as her.

It is the power of thought.

Feifei pointed at Dongdong and looked at the little sisters beside her, "Did you hear that?"

Tingting: "Mmmmmmm..."

The little sisters nodded their heads crazily, expressing their approval.

"By the way, I'll tell Uncle Lin to go."

Feifei thought of what Uncle Lin had said to her, if she found anything different about Dongdong, she had to tell him immediately.


"Feifei, you said Dongdong can speak clearly, right?" Lin Fan asked with a smile.

Feifei said: "Well, you can speak clearly, that is, you can speak very short, and you can answer me with one or two words. Brother Dongdong is great, and he has made great progress."

"You worked hard, Feifei, and I have to reward you well." Lin Fan said.

The reward for hearing what Uncle Lin said.

Feifei's face turned pale instantly.


All she can think of now are test papers and textbooks. She thought she had avoided Uncle Lin's assists, but she hadn't escaped Zhou Yang's hidden sixth son. Now that Uncle Lin is about to reappear, how can she really let Uncle Lin buy things? .

"No, no, these are what Feifei should do, uncle, I'll go back to class first, goodbye."

Feifei ran away like flying.

She is really scared.

Looking at the back of Feifei leaving, Lin Fan smiled. He is really a very good child. Looking forward to the future, when these children grow up, they will definitely be the mainstay of the new era.

"Zhu Cheng said that Dongdong is a perfect fusion evolution. It seems to be a normal thing to absorb the flesh and blood of the mind-awakened person, change himself, and be able to speak a little."

Lin Fan muttered, feeling more and more hopeful about the future.

As if thinking of something.

Come to the lab.

Professor Xia was studying something very seriously, even Lin Fan's arrival didn't attract attention, other experts wanted to remind Professor Xia, but Lin Fan waved his hand with a smile, the meaning was very clear, it's all right, let Professor Xia continue to study.

Lin Fan sat on the sidelines and waited. The matter he asked Professor Xia for was not a big deal, and he was not in a hurry. On the other hand, Professor Xia’s experiment was very important. Often, when inspiration strikes, he can solve problems that cannot be solved for a long time. question.

Looking at Professor Xia who was working hard.

It is because of such obscurity and dedication that there is hope in the future.

In the dark, I have my own feelings.

Professor Xia looked up to the side, and when he saw Lin Fan who was sitting there waiting, a smile appeared on his face, then he put down what he was doing and came out of the laboratory.

"Xiaofan, why are you here?"

He knew that Lin Fan was very busy. After all, the amount of work to clean up the entire country of zombies was absolutely extraordinary, and even for anyone, this was an impossible task.

But this matter was brought up by Lin Fan.

Everyone trusts them.

Because Lin Fan had already demonstrated his ability, he had the prerequisites to be trusted.

"Professor Xia, I want to ask you something."

"Okay, tell me."

"After this period of time, I let Feifei observe and come to the conclusion that Dongdong is now able to answer questions fluently. Do you think it is possible to restore all zombies in the world to their senses?"

It is very simple for Lin Fan to hunt and kill zombies. It does not require much effort, the only thing is time consuming.

But if all the zombies can regain their senses, be able to speak, and understand the communication between the two parties, then the rest of the matter may be much easier to solve.

Professor Xia said: "It's not that I haven't thought about this matter, but after our research, we found some problems. Do you feel that there are classes among zombies?"


hear this.

Lin Fan wanted to say the same thing.

But the tyrant surrounded by zombies came to mind.

There is also the zombie emperor Wang Zixuan who controls the zombies in Heshi.

Classes are everywhere.

Even if you become a zombie, you will still be oppressed, which is really a terrible thing.

"Well, I found out that there is a huge gap between ordinary zombies and evolved zombies." Lin Fan said.

Professor Xia said: "Yes, the key factor that determines the zombie class is the direction of evolution. Xiao Zhu said that he can see the direction of zombie evolution, but some zombies cannot evolve, some zombies evolve slowly, and some evolve very slowly. It is fast, and whether the zombies can speak rationally or intelligently depends on whether the zombies have the ability to evolve across classes."

Lin Fan nodded, what Professor Xia said was quite clear.

"Recovering sanity does not guarantee that zombies will live in peace with humans. There are too many incidents of humans killing each other in the last days." Professor Xia continued.

Lin Fan said: "Understood, it seems that we can only clean it up."

Simple small talk.

It will determine the future of the zombies.

"Oh, by the way, Professor Xia, I forgot to tell you something. The mysterious organization I mentioned earlier may be finished. They study zombies, and it seems that something happened, which caused the incident." Lin Fan said.

Professor Xia said: "It's normal. The more you study, the more terrifying the variability will be. If you can't control it, the result will only be unimaginable."

He is deeply aware of this.

In the early days of the end of the world, thinking about saving the world, research progressed rapidly, but with continuous research, it became more and more difficult to discover how difficult it was, and many things could not be created casually.

Once out of control, it will cause extremely dire troubles.

So until now, Professor Xia didn't dare to study in depth, but slowly, step by step.

"Well, I already understand that I have always had fantasies." Lin Fan stood up and said, he hoped that humans could crack the zombies, even if they couldn't turn the zombies back into humans, at least they could at least turn them into Police Officer Huang.

Now it seems.

It's already unrealistic.

Saying goodbye to Professor Xia, he headed for the suburbs, which can't be regarded as the suburbs. He had cleaned up the zombies in the suburbs, and they had begun to spread towards the outside world with the surrounding counties and cities as the front line.

Today's Yellow Market is definitely the safest place with the most complete facilities in the last days, and all the facilities are in operation.

Team Lei told him that he would start repairing the surrounding base station signal towers. The process must not be so easy, but when he starts to move towards the outside world, it means that human civilization is being repaired.

He doesn't understand these things, professional things can only be left to professional people.

And he just needs to clean up the zombies with peace of mind.

This is his greatest talent.


A place far away from the Yellow City.

There is a temporary shelter away from the city.

"There is no turning back when we escape. If we are caught back, everyone will die."

It was a woman who spoke, with short hair and dry skin, she looked like someone who had experienced wind and frost.

Her name is Feng Jing, and she was a fish killer before the outbreak of the apocalypse. That's right, she set up a stall in the vegetable market to kill fish for people. Countless fish died in her hands, and her knife skills for killing fish were exquisite.

She was accompanied by three other survivors.

One of them, who was the oldest with white hair on the sideburns, said: "It's a hell, a nightmare. Everyone is crazy. If I stay with them, I'm afraid I will go crazy one day."

This uncle is very rational up to now, and his mind is very strong. Even in such a bad environment in the last days, it is difficult to change his disposition.

After all, he used to be the guard of the kindergarten.

Do you think that the doorman of the kindergarten is so easy to do? The requirements for applicants are extremely high, and they are not capable and unfit for this job.

The other two agreed with what the uncle said very much.

Nodding his head in approval.

In their impression, the original shelter was very good at the beginning. Everyone was preparing for survival. The first thing they did when they woke up every day was to greet each other and welcome the new day with joy.

At the same time, they all want to live well in the last days.

Even if there are zombies outside.

We also need to be strong.

But as time passed, the situation gradually became a little bit wrong. At the beginning, everyone just seemed a little listless, as if they were almost out of breath in this closed space.

Then someone had an unintentional quarrel, which completely aroused that tyrannical atmosphere.

It was just an ordinary small conflict, and the man stabbed the opponent ninety-nine eighty-one times with a dagger. The knife saw blood, and the whole ground was stained red.

The murderer sat on the corpse. Instead of being afraid, he laughed like a madman. His eyes looked ferocious and crazy. As if he had found a way to vent his anger, he slashed at the surrounding companions with a knife.

Since that time.

Everyone's personalities have undergone earth-shaking changes. Companions who used to be able to smile and greet each other are all staring at each other.

Violence abounds there.

They will hurt each other, and even think about capturing an ordinary zombie, and then throw a companion around him into it. Watching him fight with the zombie, and finally being bitten to death by the zombie, they will laugh out loud. The performance is very excited.

This kind of cruel and tragic thing is not what they want to see.

Eventually escaped there.


Didi Didi...

The car horn sounded.

The expressions of Feng Jing and the others changed instantly when they heard the voice, and they hurriedly got up and looked outside through the window.

I saw two modified chariots spun around quickly, the tires rubbed against the ground, and dust was flying.

Feng Jing stared intently, she could see the expressions of the lunatics in the car, they were really crazy, knowing that it was the end of the world, but they didn't show any fear.

Instead, he provocatively honked the horn.

The sound of the horn attracted some zombies around, but they were not afraid at all, but drove the modified chariot on a rampage, deliberately hitting the zombies.

Whenever the zombies are hit and bloody.

They all let out excited yells.

Crazy, all crazy.

"They probably didn't come out to look for us." Feng Jing observed, "They came out to find exciting things, and it may not even matter to them whether we are here or not."

This comforts somewhat.

Friends relax a lot.

If only that was the case.

At this moment, in Feng Jing's line of sight, she saw a mysterious man in armor appearing on the road, his whole body was covered by armor, and he couldn't see his appearance at all.

The three companions standing beside Feng Jing looked suspiciously.

It is not known who the man in the armor was.

Immediately afterwards, they saw two modified chariots driving towards the mysterious man in armor like crazy. Just when they thought that the mysterious man was about to be crushed into meatloaf by the two vehicles, a shocking scene happened.

The mysterious armored man even grabbed the modified vehicle and smashed it to the ground.

A muffled sound could be heard from a distance.

"Is this still something humans can do?"

Feng Jing was dumbfounded.

The companions around her were equally dumbfounded.

At this moment, someone staggered out of the car, gesticulated at the mysterious man, and yelled at him, but in the blink of an eye, the mysterious man in armor twisted the other's head off.

She was so frightened by this situation that she dared not make a sound.

dare not go out.

I dare not ask more questions.

Just hid here quietly, waiting for the mysterious armored man to leave.

When Feng Jing saw that the mysterious armored man did not leave, but looked towards their hiding place instead, her heart trembled slightly, no way, did this mean that we were here?

But it's impossible.

When they were hiding here, they were not seen by anyone.

As the mysterious armored man walked towards this side.

Feng Jing knew that it was definitely not safe to continue hiding here.

"The other party is coming towards us. Although I don't know who the other party is, I feel that if he is found by the other party, I'm afraid it will be dangerous."

In an environment like the end of the world, it is really difficult to meet good people.

You can't fight such a subtle chance.

Once you make a mistake, your life is at stake.

In their line of sight, the man in armor was getting closer and closer, and the sun shone on the armor without reflection. Then they saw that the armor was stained with sticky blood, some blood was new, and some blood had coagulated , I don't know how long it has existed.

"I'll lure this guy away and let him know that there is no one here." The old guard made up his mind.

"No, how can I let you go?" Feng Jing refused.

"Then who will go? It's not like I didn't see it just now. We can deal with it. Even if there are ten or twenty more, the result will still be the same. I am older than you, and I have stepped into the coffin with one foot. That's fine. Don't say it, hide well, don't make a sound."

Don't wait for them to say anything more.

The old guard wiped his face and left here aggressively.

open the door.

"Hey, come and chase me."

The old gatekeeper hooked his hands at Police Officer Huang, stuck out his tongue, and ran away into the distance. According to his guess, as long as he runs, the other party will definitely chase him. As long as he chases, he can provide Feng Jing and the others Time to leave safely.

Turning back three times after running, running and running, I felt that the situation was not right.

The other party stood there motionless, like a theatergoer, watching him run.

"Come on, do you dare to fuck me?" The old guard clenched his fists and mocked.

Officer Huang glanced at him, but instead of continuing to look at the other party, he walked towards the house.

Seeing this situation, the old gatekeeper panicked instantly.

No... why don't you follow my script?

How do you let me go on?


You come back to me.

The old gatekeeper didn't even think about it, and ran towards the house. He was really anxious about this.

Could it be that the other party saw through his scheme?


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