"It's really troublesome."

"It would be better if Oreki-senpai didn't enroll in school."

Saying this, Asahina-senpai walked directly forward.

"..." Junior Oreki.

Take a look.

Girls are like this.

After going on a date with Sato-san, Oreki-san is reassured that he has been taught a lesson. Understand that girls may not be so easy to control.

And the same goes for Asahina-senpai.

She usually says nice things, but if it involves her own interests, then she is very realistic.


She is now a student in Class A, and she has nothing to say about worrying about her future interests.

Because the students of Class A in Oreki's class also attach great importance to their class position.

Think so.

Asahina, who was heading there, had already reached the fork in the road and walked to the other side.

However, Oreki-san suddenly stopped as he walked forward.

Because his left foot stepped on something.

He lowered his head and took a look.

Discovery is a talisman.

The amulet is probably the kind that is worn close to the body.

Because when you pick it up and touch it, you will feel a trace of human body temperature.

And there was only Asahina-senpai on this path just now. In other words...is this Asahina's?


Amulets are not just names. They are divided into those related to love, those that seek peace, and those that wish your wishes to come true.

And now this amulet is of the type seeking love.

And this amulet.

Oreki-san knows.

After the Chinese New Year, his sister would take him to the temple and make wishes. One of the styles is this one, which is looking for new love.

That is to say.

Obviously she has Nagumo Miyabi as her childhood sweetheart and appears as his female companion, but this senior student actually does not consider Nagumo as a love partner at all, but wants a new relationship.

Otherwise, I wouldn't still be carrying the amulet.

Nagumo is so miserable.

So, after hearing the happy news, Oreki-san arrived at the library.


"student card!"

Oreki-san came to the library and swiped his card as usual.

At the same time, it is vacation time, but some students are still relatively self-disciplined.

You can see that some students have entered the library early.

Then take the elevator to the third or fourth floor.

Go to the study room to study.


And Oreki-san came to the library registration desk on the first floor.

He handed over the two textbooks borrowed by Horikita-san.

The staff scanned the code and quickly took the book back.

In this way, the task of returning the book given by Horikita Suzune has been completed.

And Horikita Suzune is a relatively standard person, and she has completed her task, so she will not remember the thing about kissing her anymore.


When I find her again in about two days, the previous request to hold hands once a day can be restored.

Thinking like this.


Oreki-san did not leave.

He walked towards a corner.

He has been to the library several times, and he also remembers Hishi Shiina from Class D sitting in the corner of the first floor with his classmates several times.

And now.

Sure enough, she came today.

Oreki came to Hiyori-san's usual seat and found a book on the table and a thermos cup.

The lid of the cup was opened and a little rose tea was poured in to cool.

It shows that the owner of the thermos cup has not gone far.

Oreki-san searched quickly.

I soon discovered that there was a girl wearing gray stockings standing on a bookshelf in the back. No, it was a girl wearing gray stockings.

She seemed troubled.

Because she encountered the same problems she encountered when she first met her.

She wanted to get the book on the top shelf.


This time there is a tripod placed on one side.


It's not easy to act this time.

Because there was a boy sitting on a bookshelf next to the D bookshelf where she was standing.

The boy took down the book next to the bookshelf and started to read it.

Remain seated.

And if Hiyori stood on a tripod.

Because she was wearing a school skirt.


Although it's not that this boy is a bad person who would peek up his skirt or something like that, Hiyori still doesn't want anything strange to happen.

So she stood hesitantly.

Then he looked at the books on the bookshelf eagerly.

Only at this time, Hiyori found that there was an extra hand beside her.

To be precise, someone came to her side.

"Are you trying to get the [genius] of Theodore Dreiser?"


Hiyori answered quickly.

The other party had already taken the heavy book off the bookshelf, put it in his hand, and then handed it to her.

"Thank you, Oreki-san."

So Hiyori-san followed Oreki-san to his seat outside.

"Although [Genius] is a long work, after reading it, you will feel that your soul has been cleansed." Oreki said.

"Have you read this book, Oreki-kun?"

"I don't like reading textbooks very much, so I spent this summer vacation reading various books that have nothing to do with textbooks."

"But compared to various professional books, it is easier to read literary classics." Hiyori said.

"No, my sister has seen it." Oreki-san shook his head. "The above is her opinion. But she recommended that I also take a look."

"So, Oreki-san still has a sister at home?"

Hiyori-san seemed a little curious.

"I am an only child, so I am a little envious of having brothers and sisters," Hiyori said.

"I think it's actually quite nice to be alone," Oreki-san said. "And it becomes troublesome when you have a lot of brothers and sisters. For example, if your brother or sister is very good, you have to live under their halo."


That's it.

So Oreki-san is actually a younger brother at home?


Hiyori's senses towards Oreki-san are actually quite good.


The reality is also very skinny.

Two days have passed since Long Yuan was beaten.

Although Long Yuan went to the infirmary for bandaging, the doctor in the health room recommended that Long Yuan need to stay in bed.

According to Ryūen's own prediction, he may have to stay in bed for 2 weeks.

Ibuki, on the other hand, seemed to have lost confidence.

Albert also became duller.

Ishizaki Daichi became uncontrollable emotionally and often cried by himself.

These are the sequelae of rooftop fights.

And the man who caused all this is right in front of him.

Oreki-san obviously looks gentle and likes to study, but he turns out to be such a cool person.

Ryuyuen's face was basically invisible to others.


Ryuuen and the others have sent it, so now she has to think about the class.

And... whether to find a good home.

So, it’s good to have more contact with Oreki-san now.

For example, gaining the other person's favor or something.

And she remembered that when she was interrogated by the big devil Horikita Suzune, the little devil Karuizawa, and the bad woman Sato and then took her phone away, she didn't tell Karuizawa Ryuen's real target was her.

This is because Oreki-san has been hiding his relationship with Karuizawa.

So I’m sending goodwill to Oreki-san.

As she thought this, she heard Oreki-san's voice.

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