Super straight girl Ibuki Mio thought to herself.

Chapter 193 Sakayanagi: You actually started plotting against me from that moment on!

"First of all, congratulations to you for getting a class evaluation score of 190 points in the last special examination——"

In the class meeting of Class A, Teacher Majima is speaking.

But this time the speech was congratulations.

In the command tower exam, Class A faced off against Class D, and achieved a score of 5 wins and 2 losses, and at the same time received a 100-point class evaluation score awarded by the school.

Not only that.

As the Commander, Arisu Sakayanagi defended the [Protection] obtained in the last additional exam.

At the same time, since becoming a commander tower carries the risk of dropping out of school, all commander towers received an additional 500,000 private points.

In this way, Mr. Majima also gave Sakayanagi Yusu an anonymous point card.

The amount inside is 500,000.


Regarding the current super high class evaluation score of 2818.5, Class A can get 280,000 yuan in living expenses every month, so this is only 500,000 yuan, and no one will waver.

"And today, we have a special schedule. There will be only one class in the afternoon, and there will be a regular meeting of the student union at three o'clock in the afternoon, with all students in the school participating." Teacher Mashima informed.

in this way.

The class meeting for the day is over.

Oreki-san, on the other hand, remained in a thinking state.

According to Mr. Majima's notice, the regular meeting of the student council will be held at three o'clock in the afternoon. The regular meeting here is probably the resignation ceremony of the student council president of Horikita University.

Well, when I met President Horikita before, he asked him if he was ready.

That is to say.

Need to continue.

It is necessary to decide on the next student council president.

This is a school where strength is paramount, and the student council president has considerable authority, which can even interfere with every special examination held by the school.

As a student in Class A, if you want to maintain your position in Class A, you must have your classmates in the student union.

The safe solution is for one of his classmates to occupy the position of student council president.


Oreki-san had been thinking about it all day, so he invited the girl next to him.

"I hope you can have lunch with me."


In other words, is this an invitation to date?

Lunch break time.


Masumi Kamuro was sitting on a chair, which was a rather unusual thing.

Since Oreki Houtarou and Sakayanagi Yusu ate together, she didn't need to bring food.

Not only that.

With a sound of "Boom--", Oreki-san even finished serving her rice.

This is an unprecedented performance.

As expected, both Oreki and Sakayanagi have undergone some changes since the day when the command tower exam ended.

For example, Oreki Houtarou seems to be more humane.

"What's your new way of bullying me?"

However, Kamuro-san felt that he still had to be more vigilant.

She was thinking about whether she had neglected Oreki in the past two days.

"Kamuro-san is thinking about something strange." However, Oreki-san replied to her, "I have always been taken care of by you, so I want to give back occasionally."

"And today's meal is mine," Oreki said.

oh. This sounds nice to say.


Kamuro thought that he would just listen to it for now.

Because although Oreki-san replied to her, he quickly focused his attention on Sakayanagi.

She has straight silver hair and is petite, but her skin is white and clear, and she looks fragile.

This is Sakayanagi Arisu.

Although Kamuro has always felt that Sakayanagi is a mean-spirited person, it is undeniable that Sakayanagi's appearance is still quite cute.

Boys can hardly refuse such a sickly girl.

However, since Sakayanagi had been eating with Oreki Houtarou not long after she entered school, no one dared to have any thoughts about her.

What about Sakayanagi's own thoughts?

"Actually, you don't need to take such care of me." Sakayanagi said.

Because Oreki-san carefully prepared the soup for her.

"I still have Kamuro-san at my disposal," Sakayanagi said.


Kamuro’s inner affection for Sakayanagi-1.

"Kamuro-san is also a human being, and she needs to relax occasionally," Oreki-san said.


Kamuro-san has a favorable impression of Oreki +1.

"So," Sakayanagi said, "So, it's a bit flattering that Oreki-san is so proactive today."

"But I don't want you to change like this just by doing something like that." Sakayanagi said. “Because that puts the cart before the horse.”


So what are you talking about.

What did you do that day?

Although he felt that he might be embarrassed to hear this, Kamuro didn't want to leave his position.

"It's not that reason," Oreki said, "but there is one thing that I hope you can take over, Sakayanagi-san. Rather, it has been decided first and later. This position belongs to you."

"Behead first and show later?"

"About the resignation of the student council president this afternoon." Oreki said. "Actually, my philosophy has never changed. I hope Sakayanagi-san can shoulder the burden of Class A."

"And I think Sakayanagi-kun himself knows very well that if Class A wants to maintain its position as a top class, it needs at least an impartial student council president."

"Obviously, President Horikita can do it, but others, such as Nagumo-senpai, can't do it at all."

"Once the position of student council president falls into the hands of Kiriyama or Nagumo-senpai, they will definitely act based on their own selfish motives."

"As for Ichinose-san, although she has flaws in the past, her character is still trustworthy and she can be fair. However, the students in the class behind her will definitely sway her."

"So, I thought about it for a day, and the final decision was that the position of student president must be in our hands."

"As for our class, the only qualified candidates are you and me." Oreki said. "And my suggestion is that you do it."

"..." Sakayanagi Arisu.


Regarding the discussion of the student council president, Sakayanagi and Oreki had also discussed it in the past.

Then it was also clear that Oreki-san’s reason for resisting the candidacy was... there was a lot of work to be done to become the student council president.

Almost all of them require using your brain.

And he refused to do this.

However, the reality is also very clear. If you want to maintain the position of Class A as the upper class, then you really need the position of student council president.

Although it is also possible to obtain an absolutely impartial student council president.

As long as the other party is not biased, Class A is qualified and capable to defend its position.

But once you have truly reached that position, who can maintain your true intentions like President Horikita Gakuin?

Very difficult.

That's why Horikita Gakuin is called the best student council president in history.

And now, President Horikita is about to step down, so this topic that has been discussed by them not long after entering school will be picked up again.


Oreki-san is still the same.

Say no to trouble.


The solution is... to throw it to her?

This is not an excellent answer, Oreki-san.

"This statement has been discussed in the past. But Oreki-san, why does it have to be me?" Sakayanagi Yusu likes Oreki-san very much.

But that doesn't mean she's willing to take on such a troublesome job.

In particular, Oreki-san considers this job to be troublesome and hard work.

And she herself has seen that the student council president doesn't even have weekends.

And she now understands...Oreki-san is pushing a tool man to the position of student council president.

Obviously the toolbox Horikita Suzune is enough... Oh no, Horikita-san has grown up now, but she still hasn't grown up enough to be the student council president.

And since she was only a student in Class D, once she stood in front, she would be judged as having cheated.

So why choose her, Yusu Sakayanagi...

She obviously likes Oreki-san so much, so is Oreki-san willing to watch her work hard?

So, why didn’t Oreki-san do it himself?

Sakayanagi-san began to question his own weight in the other person's heart.

"It can only be you, Sakayanagi-san." Houtarou Oreki said. "Because I don't have the [excellent record] of leading the class."

Excellent, what's the record?

Doesn't he have a good record?

There is nothing outstanding about him. From reselling information after enrolling in school, falsely opening a store to collect points from Class C and Class B, and selling part-time work rights, even his father has expectations for him.

Afterwards, Oreki-san also scored half of the points of all the students in his grade in the preferential candidate test, and directly obtained all the points of Class A of the third grade in the joint forest camp test with the senior students.

Aren't these all achievements?

The most powerful thing is the points on his student ID card.

The school never thought that there would be a student who could collect 20 million points alone.

Then he never considered that some students' points could exceed 100 million.

So until now, his points have reached more than 100 million, but the school still uses 10,000 as the unit.

And aren’t these all superb performances?

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