Initially, Horikita Manabu regarded Kiriyama as a card to deal with Nagumo.

Kiriyama was a student in Class A when he entered the first grade, but was defeated by Nagumo Masa, so their class fell to Class B. After that, Nagumo took control of the entire grade, and their class ranking has never been higher.

It can be said that if he can succeed as the student council president this time, then their class will still have a chance to break free from Nagumo's control.

But it is a pity that Kiriyama has no fighting power in front of Nagumo, who has completely mastered the second grade.

And it's the same now.

Nan Yunya always prepares for a rainy day.

"Kiriyama, think about it for yourself."

"If we reach an agreement to cooperate, the second graders will be your solid backing."

The former vice-president of the student union and the former accountant of the student union, Nagumoya, gently patted the current vice-president Kiriyama on the shoulder.

Nagumo has been expelled from the student union for a long time, and it is also clear that Horikita Academy will not give him a chance.

So during the exam in the forest, he thought that since Horikita didn't give him a chance, he would grab it himself.

It just failed.

But that's okay.

As expected, Horikita Manabu finally gave Kiriyama a chance.

As long as Kiriyama is elected, Horikita Gakuin will graduate by then.

Then he asked Kiriyama to nominate him to join the student union and become the vice president.

Then he gave Kiriyama 20 million points, asked Kiriyama Student Council President to resign, and re-elected a new student council president. When the time comes, he is the only candidate, how can he not win the bid?


Nanyun has Tongshan's black information in his hands, and he controls Tongshan from this point.

but. What can really shake and guarantee Kiriyama's loyalty is money.

20 million points can be used to go to the class you want. Then when you graduate from the third grade, you can use this 20 million to be directly promoted to Class A.

Then you can have a better future.

No one can deny this.

And even if you don't promote to Class A, but directly convert the points into cash, it is also a very considerable wealth.

And Nayun now... of course does not have this point.

But after all, he is still the de facto representative of the second grade. He can squeeze points from four classes every month, and he also has a milk tea shop.

The cost of the milk tea shop has almost been paid off, and next month it will be pure profit sharing.

So you can still accumulate this points.

But overall, this strategy is too expensive.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have 20 million for yourself?

So Nagumo actually has another bet.

And this bet is——

Horikita Manabu held the microphone and continued.

"I am a person who values ​​individual talents."

"So apart from Kiriyama, I think we can make an exception and give a chance to the first-year freshman, Yusu Sakayanagi from Class A, first-year student."

"The current class evaluation score of Class A in the first grade is 2818.5 points."

"I also got this score at the end of my second year."

"But this is a rare score for this school."

"It may be lucky to pass the school's test in one exam, but I have steadily obtained such scores over the course of a year."

"What I saw was strength."

"Nanyun Masa, the vice-president of the student union who has a record of success in the past, led Class B to be promoted to Class A. I recognize his strength. At the end of his first year, I invited him to join the student union and gave him the position of vice-president."

"And now."

“This year’s freshman class is just as good.”

"I decided to invite Yusu Sakayanagi to join the student council president and become the vice president of the student council."

Chairman Horikita made some remarks.

What these scenes put together is that in addition to Kiriyama, he also specially introduced a new vice president of the student union.

Invited Sakayanagi Yusu to join the student union and directly gave him the position of vice president.

But using Nagumo as rhetoric is going too far.

Nanyun felt the eyes from all directions.


Horikita Manabu is seeking to be the vice president of the student union, but Nagumo can't even get to the summit.

Nan Yunya was standing at the head of Class A of the second grade, and she was actually in a bad mood.

Because he did succeed in leading first-year Class B to Class A at the end of the first grade, and was then dragged to the student council by Horikita Manabu and given the position of vice president.

And now...

Not even a member of the student council.

The surrounding eyes are so dazzling.

"I recommend Sakayanagi from Class A of the first grade to participate in the election of student council president." Horikita Manabu announced.

The students in Class A, especially the Sakayanagi faction, became a little excited.

Especially those who were once part of the Katsuragi faction and then defected to join the Itanyanagi faction, felt that they had chosen the right person.

Although Katsuragi-san joined the student council, he was not recommended.

President Horikita's recommendation means that Sakayanagi can become the student council president.

Then as the student council president's class, their status as Class A will become solid and unmovable.

after all.

How can the student council president set an unruly test for his class?


The Student Council President does not have the right to participate in the assessment of students, but he has the privilege to change the points awarded for the assessed class scores.

For example, if Class A is caught up and wants to catch up, then the school originally planned a new exam class score reward of 500 points, but she can compress it into 100 points for the benefit of the class.

Do you think it's unfair?

But currently, the only one who can be impartial is Manabu Horikita.

The other student council presidents were also recognized, indicating that the school acquiesced to this move.

after all.

If you feel it's unfair.

Then you should also become the student council president.

And here is Nagumo who wants to be the student council president.

"..." Nanyun.

The fact that Horikita Academy brought Sakayanagi into the student council at this point in time shows that there is a high chance that Horikita Academy wants Sakayanagi to become the president.

Although Kiriyama's side doesn't necessarily lose.

Nagumo helped Class A during the top exam, and also arranged for Ichinose to attack Oreki, which destroyed the relationship between Sakayanagi and Oreki.

So if Sakayanagi wins the student union election, he should have a place in the student union.

On Kiriyama's side, they also tried to comfort and intimidate him. If Kiriyama wins, he cannot be ignored.

So both sides have made arrangements.

And obviously Sakayanagi wants to save some points.

And Horikita Manabu's recommendation was also part of Nagumo's prediction.


Depend on.

Nanyun still felt angry.

Because if Houtaro Oreki didn't exist, would he need to do such a shameful thing?

Also hedging his bets.

This is a very low-level wallflower with no real character at all.


very angry.

Because he actually bet on three parties.

In other words, apart from Kiriyama and Sakayanagi, Oreki Houtarou, who is a monster in withdrawing money, is actually more recognized by the school.

And Horikita-senpai would also recommend Oreki.

Betting on Kiriyama requires a sacrifice of 20 million points, while betting on Sakayanagi is cheaper, and betting on Houtarou Oreki will cost you Ichinose-senpai.

So whoever wins among the three will lose nothing to him.


"Actually, as usual, there is a third person chosen."

Horikita Manabu was still holding the microphone, but when he said this, he paused and then looked in the direction of the first grade.

First grade orientation.

Some time ago, a rumor spread.

Horikita's younger sister, Horikita Suzune, also attends this school and is assigned to Class D, first grade.

Could it be said that Brother Horikita wants to recommend his sister for selfish reasons?

The students in Class D were a little excited when they noticed this look.

Because if Horikita Suzune is elected president, will they also want chickens and dogs to ascend to heaven?

No more worries about staying in school?


Ringtone seemed at a loss.

It would be better to say that she has no such extravagant hope at all.

"Congratulations, Horikita-san." Kushida stood behind Suzune, and she gently poked Horikita's waist.

Although with a smile, even a joke.



Kushida probably felt this way.

She had always been dissatisfied with Horikita, not only because he knew her dark history, but more importantly, she had always been jealous of Horikita's classmates, who were like black cats, independent in the rain, without even holding an umbrella.

Always stay true to yourself.

It's not like her, who needs all kinds of attention to the atmosphere.

"It's Houtarou Oreki, who also belongs to Class A of the first grade."

Horikita Manabu finally continued after he paused, and at the same time he put his finger on the microphone and moved it.

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