In other words, he can be defeated.

"Then the rules of this exam will be explained here——"

The teacher on the podium has also finished announcing the rules.

The first graders learned the rules of the school's special exams, and then some of the essence of the school.

During lunch break, as a second-year student, Oreki-san was invited.

To be precise, this is the custom after the special examination.

Soon after enrolling, he met Horikita Suzune and Kushida-san.

The three of them defrauded together... no, they collaborated to complete his initial capital accumulation.

Each special examination was a time for students to struggle for living expenses, and at the same time, he, Horikita and Kushida had an opportunity to gain points and squeeze them out.

So basically every time after the special exam rules are announced, they will meet and make plans.

See how to extract points.


For Oreki-san, one grade later, he already has no shortage of points.

He was not even interested in going to the chairman in advance to exchange his points for cash.

After all, he now has more money outside of school.

Horikita, on the other hand, has already received the point card that Horikita's brother specially left for him to add.

She already has the possibility to go to Class A at any time.

So Kushida-san is the only one who can make mistakes now?

"I hate it..."

"I'm not interested in points at this time."

After meeting at the old place, it was Kushida-san who arrived first. After discovering that Oreki-san had arrived as promised, Kushida-san hurried over.

She has been devoting herself to Oreki-san for self-protection these days.

So I don’t want to lower my evaluation in the other person’s mind.

So take the initiative to solve it.

"It's probably Horikita Suzune who wants to ask for your help this time." Kushida revealed first. "As you know, if you just pass the special exam this time, it will be fine for Class D."

"However, this is no problem only when everyone can control the scores to lower the average score so that students with poor grades can safely pass the test with low scores."

"And now, it's over." Kushida said.

Recalling the special examinations we experienced in the past, in the first semester, the school hopes to cultivate students' flexible thinking abilities.

Learn to be flexible.

In the second semester, the school held several written examinations.

This also requires students to have basic accessories.

That means you have to study hard.

Most of the class grasped the message from the school.

However, there is no problem in Class A, but Class B is working hard, and Class C is studying hard, and even invited foreign aid like Gaoyuanji for support.

As for Class D, although Gaoyuanji is in Class D and Gaoyuanji has also opened remedial classes, there are actually not many students participating.

Later, some students reacted, but Gaoyuanji refused.

And this is just one point. The follow-up is that failure in the exam is calculated by counting half of the average score of a class as the dividing line.


If students with good academic ability are asked to take the test with a fixed score of 51, then poor students can pass safely without working hard.

And the current Class D is probably... very bad.

After all, in the OAA evaluation, a lot of academic abilities are E or E+. There are also a large number of evaluations such as academic ability D.

Therefore, this time, students with good academic ability cannot be entrusted to control their scores. Rather, this time, they cannot control their scores. As long as they control their scores, they will be required to drop out of school by the examination rules.

And the exam requirements require them to take the exam in conjunction with the freshmen.

If you meet a new student whose partner is also a scumbag, you will be in danger of dropping out of school.

Compared with voting to drop out of the exam in class, now there is a large number of people rushing to the streets.

"So, everyone asked Horikita-san and Hirata-san," Kushida said.

"And the classmates in the class also suggested that if Oreki-san is willing to help, then everyone will reciprocate."

"This time everyone in the class agrees to write you an IOU of 2 million points."

"Forget it." Oreki-san refused on the spot.

He didn't think Class D could pay back the money.

The more you come into contact with Class D, the more you will realize that it is hell.

If you are assigned there, you have no other option but to fly by yourself, because you can't carry it with you at all.


In this special exam, Oreki-san is among the students from Class D that he knows.

Kushida's grades are not bad, Horikita-san can get an academic A rating, while Karuizawa and Sakura Sato's grades were quite bad at the beginning, but with the guidance of Takaharaji, they can get a C+, and Sato Kura-san can get a B-.

The academic level here can actually roughly estimate the scores that can be obtained.

For example, take 5 subjects and get a total score of 500 points.


With academic A, you can get 400 points + total score

With academic ability B, you can get 350 points + total score

With academic ability C, you can get a total score of 250~300 points

With academic ability D, you can get a total score of 200~250 points

With academic ability E, you can get a total score of 150~200 points

Therefore, Karuizawa, Sato and the others had better match the D academic ability among the first-year students to pass the level safely.

This time the exam was quite easy for them.


Oreki-san said to Kushida. "So, Horikita took over this mess and came to me, right?"

What Oreki received was an invitation from Horikita Suzune to meet during lunch break.

"That's pretty much it."

Kushida said. "The classmates in the class asked Hirata for help, and then Hirata went to Horikita, hoping that she could help."

"But she didn't reply to her classmates immediately."

"But I saw she was texting you."

"Let you meet her during lunch break."

In other words, you think Horikita accepted this mission and came to him.

After all, Horikita is now one of the recognized representatives of Class D after voting within the class to withdraw from the exam and the command tower exam.

So, when the new exam came out, I immediately obtained the permission to take this exam of Class D.

So as a representative, it is normal to act for the sake of the class.


But if that's the case, then Kushida-san, you are mistaken.

Oreki-san thought this in his mind and looked to the other side. A girl with straight black hair and fox eyes was already trotting over.

Her expression seemed a little nervous.

And this state.

If it was according to Kushida's words, it would indeed be quite painful for her to take over a mess and then come to trouble him.


"You're here." Horikita Suzune said. "Your class should have been notified of this special examination at the same time."

"Then." She paused. "How will I take the exam this time?"

How she wanted to take the exam, to be precise, how he wanted her to deal with it.


Kushida looked at Horikita Suzune with a strange expression.


Horikita Suzune, you are weird.

Aren't you the representative of Class D now?

Didn’t all the students in the class entrust you?


So you’re asking this now?

At that time, you specifically sent a message to Oreki Houtarou just to ask for his opinion?

And this opinion is not for the sake of the class, but to ask him how to deal with it here.

Don’t you have your own judgment?

Horikita Suzune, your academic ability has been rated A.

That is to say, even if you take the exam with a first-year freshman, you can still get a score of 400 or even around 450. As long as the freshman does not give up, you can pass the test safely.

The exam rules also state that it is not allowed to control scores, and students who are found to have done so will be expelled from school. Then there is nothing the first graders can do about abstaining.

So you can take any test.

So now that it’s like this, you still need to ask for Oreki’s opinion?

Of course Kushida didn't know.

Horikita-nii lamented the same thing.

Although her sister was not affected by him, she was twisted by Oreki Houtarou's influence.

Horikita's sister used to chase after him, but now, the target she chased has changed, and it's not her brother who is difficult to talk to, but Oreki-san, who is quite familiar to her.

Then naturally... just ask the other party to come over, and then hope to get the direction of the other party's expectations.

Now Horikita-san is looking at him attentively.

Oreki-san thought for a moment.

He did not answer directly, but said,

"There will be no problem in my class for this exam."

“And the reward part.”

"If you are an individual, you can only get up to 100,000 private points in return."

"Not a lot."

"And if the rewards are based on the class, the class evaluation score that can be obtained this time is also very low, with a maximum of 50 points. Our class does not have much interest."

Oreki-san said. "So my class probably doesn't take much action."

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