Then he became the spy Oreki placed in Ryuen's class.

In other words, they are actually Oreki-san's dogs, so Oreki can still make them restrain themselves.

Sato was more unlucky. She was paired with Haru, and then with Ichinose-san and Hashimoto-san. But there were three boys and one girl who were merged into Ryuen's class.

Two o'clock in the afternoon.

All students arrived at their destination, Hokkaido.

The first destination is the hotel.

And although it is a group operation, the men's and women's rooms are separate.

Oreki and the four boys were in a room, while Kushida and the four girls were in a group.

There is only one activity in the afternoon trip: skiing.

Although it is an event that the school requires all groups to participate in, it does not require strong skiing ability, and then whether you can ski is assessed.

As for skiing...

"It looks like there's nothing we can do." Ryuuen passed by Oreki.

The temperature at the ski resort was very low, so everyone put on cold-resistant windbreakers. Long Yuan came outside with his skis and stood on them with a skillful attitude.

Ryuuen said this because he saw Oreki-san standing at the starting point for a full ten minutes even though he borrowed the skis.

Oreki's sister likes to travel to various places and even has quite a lot of skills, but for Oreki-san, who lives at home, he actually has no skiing experience.

This is actually his first time.

So there is nothing wrong with stopping and observing the actions of people around you who know how to ski.

"Then you know how?" Oreki looked at Ryuuen.

"No." Dan Longyuan said. "My entertainment is not so elegant."

Is it.

In the past, Long Yuan was a gangster and a delinquent, and he beat people up in his spare time, so he had no energy for fun.


"Eh? None of you know how." Ishizaki Daichi appeared. "I can teach you."

"That's not necessary." But Ryuuen directly rejected Ishizaki Daichi. Ishizaki Daichi was his younger brother. He showed ignorance in front of his younger brother. This kind of thing was still a bit stressful for Ryuuen.

Then he stepped on the skis directly. It looked like he was in control, but... he was actually walking hard on the ground.

The action is somewhat funny.

But it is undeniable that he is actually a face-saving person.


"Don't you know how to ski, Oreki-kun?" There were people around Oreki who seemed to want to teach him.

Although I just heard the sound, I quickly smelled the delicious scent of jasmine.

Oreki looked over and saw a cute girl with long golden-pink hair.

This is Honami Ichinose, Archangel Ichinose.

At the same time, she is also a person who likes to help others.

He probably noticed Oreki-san's helpless state, so...he came to help.

"I have no experience in this area." Oreki said honestly.

"That's right." The person who was good at teaching nodded, "Does that mean I accepted Oreki-san's first experience?"

"I feel like Ichinose-san just said something quite bold."

But the classmates who came with Ichinose were whispering.

"Eh?" Perhaps because he heard the voices of his companions, Ichinose finally realized something was wrong.

"Sorry, Oreki-san, I may not be able to teach you anymore." Probably feeling ashamed, Ichinose-san quickly ran away with a red face.

"This is such a shame."

And Long Yuan is still here.

He was tricked many times by Oreki Houtaro.

Although now I have to choose the best option for money... that is not to be an enemy of Oreki Houtarou.


He also remembered that he was beaten so hard that he stayed in bed for two weeks.

So it would be a good thing to see Oreki Houtarou deflated.

"..." Oreki glanced at Ryuuen, and then looked at the girl who also walked out of the protective gear store.

The other person has beautiful golden hair.

And also has the title of little angel. Wearing a purple trench coat, she looks quite cute.

"Can I ask you a favor?" Oreki-san said.

"Eh? Do you want to learn to ski? Of course." In front of everyone, Kushida-san is a person who is willing to help others.


Because there was no archangel, but a little angel came. Under the guidance of the other party, Oreki-san began to try skiing. His physical fitness was very good.

Oreki-san is in a good mood because he has learned a new skill.

So after skiing and returning to the hotel, he took a bath.

This was Horikita's brother's fault. Oreki had taken a bath with him before and fell in love with the feeling of his skin being wrapped in warmth.

It would just be nice if the water temperature could reach 50 degrees.

Oreki got up from the hot spring, and then

Ryuyuen and the others were preparing to do traditional sports after taking a bath, playing table tennis or something like that.

But Oreki had no interest in this.

So he just walked out.

However, when he turned the corner of the entrance, Oreki-san noticed a figure in front of him, and then heard a voice.


"Actually, I've liked you for a long time."

"Can you date me?" came a boy's voice.





This kind of project does appear during school trips.

Oreki-san glanced over there and found a somewhat honest-looking boy trying hard to confess his love to a petite girl with slightly curly orange hair.

"If, if you can, please hold my hand." The boy who said this slightly bent towards the girl, and then stretched out his left hand, palm facing up.

As long as the other person agrees, then just hold his hand.

Oreki had seen this kind of behavior before.

In other words, there is not much confidence, but it shows the appearance of hard work.

This scene reminded Oreki of the scene when he was confessed to for the first time.

It is indeed difficult to refuse such a passionate confession.

Unless it's the case where the heart belongs.


Oreki looked at it again, and then prepared to leave.

Because he already knows the result.

But now that there is still time, let’s go find Kosaka Liu.

One hotel cannot accommodate all the students.

So people like Megumi's group are not actually in this hotel. It was in another hotel, and Oreki had an impression that the hotel where Megumi and the others lived would still be open in the future. It was the hotel where he took Hiyori's children to the hot springs together and was caught by Megumi and Kushida. .

However, Sakayanagi Arisu-san is also in this hotel.

This was also the reason why she was not dissatisfied even after being left alone for most of the day.

Because he would go to her at night.

This hotel is rented by the school. Make accommodation arrangements in accordance with the rules.

But as the boss of the Sakayanagi faction and also the student council president, it is quite easy to use permissions or points to occupy an additional room.

Just thinking about it.


Oreki noticed that a message was received on his phone.

[Where you are, the hotel's access control is at 23:00, but there is no restriction on students going out. ]


In other words, I hope he can go out with her.

Oreki-san’s eyes fell on the note of the person to whom the message was sent.

[Kushida Platycodon]

Can this be understood as an invitation from Kushida-san?



It’s the first day of a school trip, but your stress gauge can’t hold it anymore?

Kushida-san is a troublesome person.

There is often pressure, and it needs to be relieved, but the channel for venting cannot be arbitrary, such as kicking on railings or something, which can be easily discovered.

But she couldn't bear it without kicking her to vent.


Now she probably hopes that Oreki-san can find a safe place for her to vent.

And thinking about it.

Oreki did not reply to Kushida immediately, but opened Sakayanagi Arisu's communication method.

Sent a message to the other party.

[I won’t go there tonight. It will snow tomorrow and the snow scene is very beautiful. ]


Chapter 322 Preparing to be a father!

Although this school trip did not require competition such as class evaluation scores, it did not give students too much freedom.

Most can only move with their own group.

Although different groups are in the same hotel, men and women are separated. Breakfast, dinner, bathing and other activities in other facilities can be freely arranged individually.

Therefore, if you want to meet or contact us individually, you need to contact us in advance.

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