"Hmm... white ceiling, white walls, white quilt, this is... a hospital."

Dongfang slowly opened his eyes, looked around, and saw the girl sleeping on the bed.

Maybe Dongfang's movement of getting up was too obvious, Arisu rubbed his eyes and saw Dongfang staring at him.

But half of Dongfang's face was covered with bandages and gauze, which made people feel a little distressed.

"Good morning, Alice"

"Good morning, Master."



"How long have I slept?"

"It was probably about ten hours. I forgot too."

"Really? What happened to those three guys?"

"Father will take care of it. Uncle Dongfang is with father too."

Dongfang was relieved to hear that his father was also here. Although there was no danger this time, the result was not bad. He was only slightly injured. As for the left eye, it was still unknown.

Seeing Dongfang's emotions, Arisu could only hold his hand and silently murmured.

"Sorry, if I didn't have to go out for a walk or something"

"Arisu, I can't blame you for this. Rather, if you had gone for a walk while I was away, things might have been worse."

"But……"Arisu also choked up.

He stretched out his other hand and rubbed Arisu's head. The textured silver hair still felt good.

"It doesn't matter. This time, I realized my own shortcomings. It's a lesson, even though the tuition is a bit expensive."

Hearing that Dongfang was still comforting him, Yusu felt guilty and sweet.

"Are you awake?"

Higashikata and Arisu looked at the two adults at the door and quickly let go of each other's hands. The two adults were not surprised by this, and Chairman Sakayanagi also cleared his throat.

"Yingyi, on behalf of Arisu's father, thank you for protecting Arisu when I was away."

Then he bowed deeply to Dongfang, who also hurriedly dissuaded him.:

"No, Uncle Sakayanagi, protecting Arisu is also my responsibility. You don't have to do this. As for the injuries, it's mostly because I'm not good enough."

"You are right. You have just entered Communication University of China and you are so arrogant. This time you just met a few scumbags and got a minor injury. You may even lose your life next time."

Dongfang Shouxin was still as serious as ever. He did not comfort his son, but instead educated him righteously.

Dongfang could only lower his head and listen to his father's teachings humbly.

When Chairman Sakayanagi saw Dongfang Shouxin say this, he, as a shrewd man, also understood and it was time for him to speak out. However, his daughter, who used to be sensible and well-behaved in front of adults, spoke first.

"Uncle Dongfang, this incident is all my fault. Yingyi was just trying to protect me, so please don't blame him. If you are really angry, please come at me."

""Houbei, Arisu is right. Under the circumstances, Yingyi has done his best. I think you are lucky to have such a son. A good father will have a good son."

Hearing that Chairman Sakayanagi was also giving him a way out, Dongbei Shouxin stopped accusing him, looked at his son, then looked at Arisu, and just thought silently.

"That, father, those three guys……"

"They are a gang from a small town called Morioh-cho. They are not well-known, but everyone is a veteran fighter."

"I'm not asking them, I'm talking about their backs……"

Dongfang Shouxin glanced at his son and spoke slowly.:

"The people behind them are not something you can handle right now. But... I will never let them go so easily this time!"

"It's getting late. Dongfang, let's go first. You stay here with Yingyi. Someone will bring you food later."

Chairman Sakayanagi looked at his watch, called Dongfang Shouxin and left.

There were only two people left in the ward.

"Are you thirsty?"Arisu said, picking up the cup on the bedside table and looking at Dongfang

"Ah, a little, thank you, Alice."

After handing the cup to Higashi-san, Arisu kept looking at Higashi-san cutely.

"That, that……"Dongfang was also a little embarrassed by the stares.

"Really pure, young master."

"What… who is innocent?"

Playing tricks on childhood sweethearts is one of the favorite hobbies of this brave and aggressive girl.

As Dongfang needs to be hospitalized for a week, Arisu also specially asked for leave from school. After all, as a top-notch student in intelligence and academic ability, it is no problem for her to not go to class.

Soon, the day of removing the gauze arrived.

Arisu watched silently from the side, not daring to breathe loudly, fearing that the boy in front of her would never see again.

"Well... Fortunately, there is no impact on the eyesight."

The doctor who checked the eyesight of Dongfang said so.

Dongfang was also very happy,"It seems that I am really lucky!"

Arisu was also very happy to hear that Dongfang's eyes were fine, but when he saw the three scars on his face, he felt guilty again.

Dongfang also borrowed a mirror and saw himself in front of him. He was prepared. He glanced at Arisu who was in a bad mood, so he talked to himself humorously.:

""Ah, ah, you look more like a samurai now. I was originally a handsome guy, but now everyone loves me."

Perhaps because he found the narcissistic words funny, or perhaps because he understood that the other party was deliberately making him happy, Arisu also laughed out loud.

As Arisu laughed happily, Higashikata-san's mood also became better, so he laughed happily too.


The next day, Dongfang was in the single room.

"Arisu, I have to go back. We may not see each other for a long time this time. I plan to practice meditation and will not come out until I reach the"Otome"."

"Well, it's the same here. Although Uncle Dongfang and father frightened those people last time, I'm afraid things are not peaceful recently. My father also asked me to stay at home as much as possible."

"That, I,"

"I'll give it to you."

Arisu took out a mask to wear on his left face. The mask was all black with some golden lines on it, and no other fancy patterns.

"As the heir of the Dongfang family, sometimes it is necessary. Since you don't intend to erase those scars yourself."

Dongfang took the mask,"Ah, I want to take this as a warning, always remember that there are people better than you. Thank you, Arisu"

"This mask is nothing compared to what you made for me"

"Ah, I will always wear it."

He was thinking about whether to take this opportunity to test whether he should confess to Arisu, and it seems that he thought of a name. But he gave up and just stared at the mask in his hand, in a daze.

"Ah~ It’s getting late, and my father is here to pick me up."

Arisu said, looking at Higashikata, as if he wanted to hear something from him. Higashikata just said blankly,"Oh, bye.""

"What a fool." Arisu muttered softly and left without looking back.


Unfortunately, no one could answer Dongfang at this moment.

He reached out to touch his face, put the mask on his face, looked at himself in the mirror, and silently said,"I will hurt my body and suffer my heart to avenge this."

Then he followed the housekeeper who came to pick him up and left the hospital.

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