Wish 5: I like Shadow 1 the most!

"Ah, I like you the most, too, Alice."

Yingyi smiled at Arisu tenderly, then his expression changed:"So, what does this mean?"

Arisu pretended to be mysterious and said:"It means literally."

The riddle man said the riddle, and Yingyi didn't know what to do. Forget it, I can't think of this wish. It's still some time before sunset, so I might as well take Arisu around first.

In this way, the two of them walked around the school. Because of Arisu's physical problem, the two of them had to stop and rest for a long time after walking a short distance.

Although Yingyi also suggested to hurry back in the middle, Arisu refused. She was reluctant to spend the day like this. Seeing his girlfriend being stubborn, Yingyi felt very distressed, so he walked forward, turned around and lowered his body:

"Come up, Princess."

"I don't mind."

"No, in fact, that's my Valentine's Day wish. To carry my lovely girlfriend around the campus or something."

Yingyi's step was naturally taken by Arisu, and she also wanted to be carried by him. Just like when they were children.

She leaned forward slightly and leaned on Yingyi's back, and the latter carried her on his back with a little effort. The two ignored the cane lying on the chair, because they all knew that the man behind them would take care of it.

There were many people on the playground, whether they were lovers or not, they were enjoying this day. After seeing Yingyi carrying Arisu, many girls asked the boys around them to carry them on their backs.

"Look at them. Can you learn from their president and give your girlfriend a warm back?"

The boys around him had a few black lines on their foreheads: President? How can I compare with that humanoid Tyrannosaurus? Besides, the one he carried was Vice President Sakayanagi! She is cute and petite. Don't you know what your conditions are? How can I carry you?

But such words cannot be said. It is already amazing to find a girlfriend in the highly cultivated field. This is also the case in this world. The strong will enjoy more resources.

Even if this society requires only one spouse, those boys and girls with better conditions will like those strong ones, so there will be even fewer left for the weak.

He walked to his girlfriend with the steps of rushing to the execution ground, turned around and lowered his body, indicating that the other party could get on.

As a result, only a girl was seen suppressing a boy fiercely. If Yingyi hadn't seen their actions just now and the air around them, he would really suspect that it was some kind of school bullying. It didn't take long for Arisu to be carried, and he shouted that he wanted to get off and walk by himself. It's not that he was embarrassed or something, but Arisu felt that if he did this too much, this man would treat him like a child again!


At this time, a cat's cry came from the bushes next to it. When I got closer, I saw that it was Leblanc's black cat - Moore.

"Hey? Moore. Why are you here?"


This cat seemed to understand what people were saying, because it would always look at the other person and call out after they asked it a question.

But people probably couldn't understand cats' language, so they didn't take it too seriously. At this moment, Moore had been picked up by Arisu, who gently stroked his bright fur.

Moore made a 'purring' sound, and it seemed that he also enjoyed Arisu's touch.

After that, the two of them sent it back to Lubron and had another drink with the boss. When they came out, it was already dusk, and it was close to the sunset that Arisu wanted.

"So, we are going to the rooftop?"


Arisu had no objection. She just wanted to quietly enjoy the harmony of the future.

Yingyi took a lot of mats from the activity classroom and spread them on the floor of the roof. He also set up a heater. As the sun got lower and lower, the temperature slowly dropped. He didn't care, but Arisu might not be able to bear it.

The two of them snuggled up together. Arisu didn't feel any cold, but was full of warmth. But he didn't know whether it was brought by the heater or the people around him.


The two of them sat like this for more than an hour. Yingyi put away the heater and blanket. He and Arisu didn't say anything, but just enjoyed this short and long time.

For him, it is always daytime when he is with Arisu. For Arisu, Yingyi is the hottest sun.

The sunset does not bring the sadness of the passing of the day, but the memories and ties that the two value more.

"In this way, four of the five wishes have been fulfilled, and I really don't know the last one. Princess, what is it?"

Arisu smiled sweetly:"No hurry, let's go back and talk about it first."

It's really confusing.......

Yingyi had already prepared a lot of ingredients for this day. The candlelight dinner was invented just for days like today.

Light the candles and turn off the lights. Although there is no waiter, cooking and serving by yourself makes people feel warm and happy. This may be the feeling of home.

The candlelight dinner came to an end with the burning of the candles. The heroine was obviously very satisfied with the chef and rewarded him with a whole plate.

"Well, it's getting late, so we should....."

"Happy Valentine's Day."

Yingyi was interrupted by what Arisu took out and her cute smile. She took out an extremely exquisite gift box from her small bag. Although it was not big, it was obvious that this must be her lifelong chocolate!

Yes, I haven't got Arisu's chocolate today! How can it end?

Just as he was about to reach out to take it, he found that the chocolate was taken back by Arisu. The latter showed a sly smile:"Do you want it?"

Yingyi swallowed his saliva:"Of course, then, that's mine....Alice, be obedient and give me that thing....."

Seeing Yingyi like a hungry wolf, Arisu smiled even more and unwrapped the box of chocolates in front of him.

The chocolates were engraved with their names, and Arisu handed them to Yingyi:

"This is made by me! Try it."

Arisu made a gesture to feed him, but Yingyi was willing to do it. He came up and took a bite, but it was empty. Just when he looked up at Arisu, he found that the chocolate had been bitten by the other party at some point. The little princess was smiling smugly at this moment. Yingyi suddenly felt that he was being ridiculed. Just when he was about to say something, he was greeted by a fragrant breeze and a soft body lay in his arms.

Then, the other party kissed him on the lips and pushed the chocolate into his mouth with his tongue.

The little princess blushed and moved away a little. She looked into Yingyi's eyes and asked,"Is it sweet?"

Yingyi was already offline. He had never expected that Arisu would be so good. He could only respond woodenly,"Ah. This is definitely the sweetest chocolate I have ever tasted........"

"That....Do you still want to eat?"

How could Ying Yi, who had recovered, continue to allow the little princess to attack him?

"Eat it, but before that, you should taste it yourself!"

After saying that, he imitated Arisu's previous behavior and��

"Imported chocolate is really sweet....."

Just like that, chocolate had long been abandoned by the verbal battle between the two.

After a long time, Yusu leaned over to Yingyi's ear weakly and said,"I like Yingyi the most."

"I like Arisu the most. So, chocolate....Do you still want to eat?"


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