After exchanging opinions, the four returned to their respective classes. They first announced the content of the exam.

The students in Class A were quietly studying. When they saw the teacher coming back with a gloomy face, they felt that something was going to happen. They put down their books and pens.

Mashima Tomoya felt even more guilty at this time. Obviously, his student's father had an accident, and as a teacher, he didn't even have the ability to protect her and them. Now he even had to pin his hopes on them... But……


Mashima Tomoya sighed and started to fight. This was a scene that everyone in Class A had never seen before. They all listened attentively.

"Classmates, I have two important announcements to make. First, our Chairman Sakayanagi... has temporarily left the school due to work needs, and the new Chairman Tsukishiro is currently taking over this position."

"Huh? When did this happen?"

"However, if it's just a temporary change of the chairman, it shouldn't have any impact on us, right?"

"I said, that's the chairman! The chairman can decide the content of our special exam!"

"That....That's really serious....."

After thinking about this, the students who originally didn't care much about this matter also became worried. This is related to the foundation of Class A.

Yingyi and Arisu already knew this news. They were more concerned about the second thing that Mashima Tomoya said. This chairman was obviously sent by Road Bully, and his purpose was to expel Ayanokouji.

The student council didn't receive any news about the special exam. It was obviously added by the acting chairman.

"Mashima-sensei, what is the second thing? Is it related to this chairman?"

Katsuragi asked his own question.

Mashima Tomoya nodded:"The second thing is that we have to add a special special exam this time."

Special exams are special in the first place, so the students don't care much about one more or one less. But looking at the teacher's expression, it is clear that the content of this exam will not make people feel relaxed.

"This special exam is called the dropout vote. And this exam is only for the first graders. The reason is that there are no students who drop out of the exam except Totsuka who dropped out due to injury, so an additional exam is needed."

What kind of reason is this? Everyone had the same idea. Ying Yi was also stunned. Didn't the other party even give a reason? I understand that I have to drop out of the first grade, but this exam....The name of the"dropout vote" should be a simple and disgusting thing.

"Huh? Why?"

"That is to say, even if the exams in the past were very abstract, they were for the purpose of education and learning. This time, are you just dropping out for the sake of dropping out?"

"This chairman is just making a fool of himself! I want to appeal!!"

"Appeal! We will never tolerate this kind of disorderly behavior!"

Everyone focused their attention on Yingyi. At this juncture, they can only rely on the student union, right? Fortunately, the student union president is a classmate of his class, so there is no need to worry about not being able to report to the police.

Yingyi clapped his hands:"Quiet. Let's listen to what Mr. Mashima has to say first."

With the speech of the student union president, everyone calmed down. However, the exam just mentioned...The name seems to be called"Voting for Dropout". Isn't this obviously trying to harm us?

Mashima Tomoya continued to explain the rules. Although he felt that this exam was a farce, it was his duty as a subordinate to complete the task.

"This exam is very simple. After three days, all first-year students will receive three votes for praise and three votes for criticism. On the third day, you will need to vote within the class. You will elect the three people you think are most worthy of praise and the three people who should be criticized the most. The results will be kept anonymous."

"The Bloody Sadness who gets the most praise votes can get a point of"protection points", which cannot be transferred, has a unique function, and can offset one expulsion penalty"

"The student who receives the most criticism votes will be expelled."

"You cannot vote for yourself, nor can you vote twice for the same person. You cannot abstain. If you refuse to vote after the time limit, you will also be expelled."

"In addition, the voting for this exam is not just within the class. Every student will have an extra vote for praise, but this vote can only be cast for students from other classes, and they cannot abstain, and they are also anonymous."

The rules are roughly like this. In simple terms, this exam is about who is more popular in the class and who is more useful to the class. Those who have no sense of existence, are even hated by the class, or are transparent characters who have basically no special contributions in the class are the most likely to be expelled.

‘It's really targeting Ayanokouji......’

Mashima Tomoya finished speaking, and the others looked at Yingyi. Whether it was their appeal just now or the expulsion penalty for this exam, the student council president should have the right to accept and change it.

But Yingyi did not make any decision, but looked at Arisu. Because she was the person in charge of the class.

"Well...To be honest, I think it's okay not to change the punishment for this exam. After all, there are some people in this class whom I really want to expel."When

Arisu said this, the students in Class A suddenly felt cold in their hearts. Some of them looked at Katsuragi. If they were to say who she wanted to expel the most, it would be him who had competed with her for power.

Katsuragi was very relaxed. He knew very well that he would not pose any threat to Arisu, nor would he cause any trouble to Class A, so unless this woman had nothing better to do, she would not have any intention of targeting him.

"So, Sakayanagi-san thinks...Should any of our classmates be expelled from school?"

The question was asked by a weak girl. She didn't want to ask such a question. As a very honest and timid girl, she was an invisible figure in the class. All decisions and actions always followed the direction of the main group.

When everyone was supporting the Oriental faction, she also joined the Oriental faction. When everyone went to the cafeteria to eat, she would never eat out. When everyone was having a study session, she would not stay home alone.

But even so, she was afraid that because she had no sense of existence and no contribution, she would be put on the list of people who wanted to be expelled by Arisu.

So she had to bite the bullet and ask this question.

Arisu smiled sweetly at her:"Don't worry, Kawakami-san, you are not the one I want to expel."

As if she had been guaranteed, the girl showed an apologetic expression and sat firmly in her seat.

"Well....Since it is a class decision, I will not take the initiative to change this special exam. To be honest, the special exam student union has not received any news. I also plan to talk to the chairman....."

Mashima Tomoya nodded. It would be good if the heads of the two classes, Arisu and Ying, had a plan.....However, as long as this chairman is in power, Gaodu Education will never have peace.....

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